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"There's nothing you can say that'll change my mind," the sound of his voice resonated in my ears as I felt how my entire world started crumbling away.

"Listen to me...would you?" I pleaded, feeling the beginning of a searing pain slowly growing in my throat.

Silence fell over us as he stood in front of me, his gaze piercing through the quiet air, creating a palpable tension that lingered between our words.

"Stay," I whispered under my breath as the winter wind bit with a cold edge every sentence that slipped past my lips.

I never thought things will turn out like this. He is right in front of me but still out of my reach, as if an invisible wall is now separating us.

Where did I go wrong? Was it because of today?


It was back then...I lost him back then...


"Morning, grandma," I greeted her as the sunlight streamed through the window.

I carefully placed the bags full of groceries on the worn kitchen table, starting to take out every item I had just bought.

"Why are you up this early?" my grandmother asked with surprise.

"Well, I have to prepare a gift," I responded as I slipped on my apron, flashing her a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, I didn't spend too much," I ensured as I gestured her to relax.

She smiled back, a genuine expression of happiness gracing her face as she settled into her chair. Then she started to fiddle with a small container, carefully organizing her pills as she counted them.

My eyebrows furrowed involuntarily, and a look of concern etched across my face.

Ever since my grandma sent her doctor away, her health has been deteriorating. The medication she was prescribed is not helping her anymore. That's why we know we need someone, somebody that can come and examine her. But as we started to run low on pills we noticed the same thing happening to our money. The little amount she was able to put away was enough to get us here. We used almost everything for utilities and food that was essential in order to sustain ourselves. However, this trip to the supermarket wasn't necessary but I wanted to make today special. It has to be special, for him.

Last year, for this occasion, I asked Lily to lend me some money so I could buy him his favourite dessert, but now I can't afford the same luxury, and since that is an expensive gift, I thought it was better if I could make something for him. Besides, he always liked my baking, and I hope he enjoys it today.

I thought as I started to prepare the cake, carefully measuring the flour and sugar. As I was mixing the batter, I remembered the joy in his eyes when I used to surprise him with homemade treats. Now, with each whisk and fold, I hopped to capture that same sweet expression of his once again.

As I added the final touches to the cake, I decided to go and call Gojo so we could surprise him.

"Satoru, can you come out? There is something I want to show to you," I said as my knuckles reached the surface of the wooden door, leaving behind a startling noise.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now