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That day we agreed to stay for the night.

Looking back at it now, I can still remember the feeling of warmness I had. For a moment I felt safe.

Back at the dinner table, Lily told us random stories, probably to keep us entertained, and talked about her husband. "The man that has it all", as she called him, was a devoted father that, apparently, rarely would visit his family, a perfectionist, especially when it come to his son, and a man that, unfortunately, immerses himself in business to avoid the stress that come with being apart of the Gojo clan. He is charming, rich, powerful and influential. It's obvious she fall for someone like him.

I was pulled out from my thoughts when I heard Lily's voice, she was murmuring something. I met her soft gaze and somehow, it made my body relax.

In contrast to him, she seemed a very loving person. Towards her son, she's very caring and affectionate. Always smiling and making sure everyone feels included and appreciated. She has this elegant yet fierce personality. You can't compare her to anyone else because once she's in a room Lily's going to steal all the attention.

Now, we are walking through the hallway and it seems like she has a clear vision of what she wants to show us.

The four of us stopped once we arrived at a wooden door, near the end of the hallway.

"You can both sleep in this room," the woman spoke as she opened the door to a beautiful bedroom.

The room was big. When we entered, the first thing I noticed was the gorgeous white wallpaper with gold details. The bedroom had dark wooden flooring and a few pieces of furniture that'd be enough to make it feel comfortable. The bed was the right size to complement the shape of the room, and was placed between two floor length windows that were partially covered by some velvet curtains, meticulously tied with a gilded ribbon. A single dresser stood across the bed with a glass vase filled with vibrant blue Myosotis flowers placed on top of it. Everything looked immaculate yet unused. I couldn't help but think about how they have this enormous house all for just three little humans to use.

"If you don't like it it's fine, I have another one. Maybe Hanako wants to sleep alone or..." continued Lily but was cut off by my grandma pretty quickly.

"No, you don't have to worry. You already did more than enough, so this would do for the both of us," she replied.

I nodded my head to sustain my grandmother's  comment. The woman seemed happy to see us enjoy everything so far. She told the maid to bring new bedding and instructed us to call for her if we need anything else. After that, she and Satoru went to their own rooms, leaving me and my grandma alone.

That was four hours ago, now it's almost 3 am and, even though this place is everything me and my grandma have been missing for some time, I can't fall asleep, so I decided to have some fresh air.

When I left the room I bumped into him. He didn't say anything, in fact he hasn't spoken a word since we finished eating.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought some air might help me clear my head," I said with an embarrassed expression.

Before responding, Satoru paused for a moment and looked at me. I felt like he was analysing every single detail of my face and every move that my body made.

To be fair, as I am staring at him, I can't help but think that he's very pretty. His white short hair is almost shining in the moonlight.

Without even realising, my heart skipped a beat.

"Let's hope you tell the truth and don't go off stealing any more items," he replied alluding to the bracelet incident from earlier.

"Why would I do that to someone that gave me this much, even if it is for one night only?" I asked.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now