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Loud punches, deep scratches, hairs and teeth falling on the floor. Screams and even more screams. That's all because of me.

I'm standing on top of him. My uniform was getting wrinklier by the minute, and my hands got even more bloodier than before.

I want to kill him.

Was the lingering thought that I couldn't get rid off.

He begged me to stop, crying his eyes out as he tried to escape my rage.

"Hey, that's enough!" said the only teacher that was present when it happened.

But I didn't stop. I couldn't stop.

He got ahold of my arm and was trying to drag me away from him.

I looked down at the boy beneath me, his face swollen and bloody, and I felt a pang of guilt.

What was I doing? This wasn't who I wanted to be, but was there any other way?

I doubt it.

"Listen here you little shit. This is the 3rd time you've got yourself into trouble. Next time it's over. You're gonna get expelled!"

The teacher's yelling felt like someone was dragging their nails on a chalkboard. My ears were ringing and my head was pounding.

"Yeah? Well if so then that would make me so much happier than being in a place where you allow this type of behaviour just because they are boys. It's disgusting. You sir are disgusting!" I said raising my voice at the man in front of me.

My words enraged him to the point his left hand was now in the air ready to strike me, but it didn't.

It stopped?

No, it was stopped.

I see Gojo standing behind him, holding the professor by the same hand that was inches away from hitting my face.

"Next time you try this, I'm definitely gonna break your arm."

The professor's face showed a look of fear and shock, his next words were screamed in a shaky voice.

"You two are devils. I feel sick just looking at you! You people must be forced to behave. That's what you deserve!"

"Leave the speech for the Principal. My ears started bleeding when you opened that nasty mouth of yours," continued Satoru.

The teacher was furious but decided to leave. He was probably getting the Principal as usual and after that, maybe my grandma will be called.

"Thanks, but no thanks. You should have let him. Another disgusting pig going back to his sty, would have made this world a little less depressing."

"Mom's not gonna be happy with us you know that right?"

"Yeah, I know."


It's been a year since I started going to school regularly, and I can say it was a mistake.

My grandma was wrong to put me in here. It didn't help, it has made me worse.

The problem is that the people in this place are unbearable, irritating, and simply disgust me, because they take advantage of others in order to make their miserable lives better.

Students use the weaker ones to achieve promising results, to be praised for the work that someone else has done for them.
Teachers use students so that their needs are met, from things like giving them money to buy cigarettes and alcohol that they can consume during class hours, to various acts that lead to their own gratification. Also, the many remarks they make under their breaths about the girls, adds to the disturbing reality of this place. Lastly, boys behave towards girls as if they are objects to be used until they're broken and then discarded. Or they feel ownership over anything that concerns them, even their bodies. That was the reason for the incident a few minutes ago.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now