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The stillness of the atmosphere weighed heavy on us as only the passing breeze was able to break it. The night was calm, as if predicting everything without any of us even knowing it.

I couldn't help but feel how my entire being was running inside a twisted déjà vu as I clung to the tiger's soft fur, dashing through the darkness.

I held Satoru's arms around my waist with enough force, positioning my hand into a paralyzing grip as I desperately tried not to lose him.

"Are we there yet?" I asked as an unfamiliar neighbourhood started to materialised with shapes and forms, illuminated only by some old street lights.

"Almost," my grandma replied as we took a quick turn and then stopped at the entrance of a tall building.

"Come on," she gestured me as she began walking towards it.

I got down from the tiger's back as well, locking eyes with Gojo for a brief moment.

I feel like he's not even here with us.

I frowned with sadness as I took his hand into mine, "I think we're here," I said to him, but I knew I shouldn't expect a response.

I wish I could do something. Right now, I'm willing to do anything if It'll give me the certainty that it'll bring him back to us, to me.

"Let's get inside quickly," my grandma told us, bringing me back to this desdained reality.

She explained on our way here what this place actually is. My grandma knew from the start that living with the Gojo family might not be a lasting solution. That's why she made sure to have a backup plan so we won't end up back on the streets.

I remembered as I watched her banging on someone's apartment door. The strong knocks made the little plaque that read "apartment number 13" swing back and forth, creating an ear-splitting noise.

On the other side of the door, the sounds of a being made its way towards our ears as it approached slowly, unlocking and turning the handle as it opened the door.

My grandma didn't waste her time, dragging us inside without even exchanging any words with the person that was now standing before me.

A slim-looking individual with hunched shoulders was the sole inhabitant of that place. Pale skin, thick dark eyebrows, and short wispy hair were the characteristics that stood out as my eyes glanced over him.

She mentioned this person before, but it never occurred to me that she was actually doing this instead of what we all knew to be the truth.

I only thought that my grandmother's visits to the doctor were to treat her sickness. Turns out she was slowly making her move in order to win this ghastly game called life.

"It's time, Mr. Haruki. Pack your stuff and go back to your family. They will be happy to see you after all these years, don't you think so?" my grandma used her technique on the doctor as she placed a hand over his shoulder.

I helped Gojo sit down on the sofa while I observed the man as he quickly turned around and started to collect whatever items he thought were necessary since he was now forced out of his own apartment.

"Is it really okay to do this, grandma?" I asked as a guilty feeling started to creep into my heart.

"You know it's not, but to protect you and Satoru, it's what I have to do," she confessed.

My grandma then explains it all to me. How, once she learned that Mr. Haruki left his family to pursue his career as a doctor but soon realised that it didn't fulfil him as he initially thought it would, this idea slowly started to become a reality for her. She made him put the apartment in her name and manipulated the doctor enough to believe that he should spend the remaining years of his life with his family in the countryside.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now