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A stinging sensation was coming from my right temple. The alcohol smell was invading my nostrils and before my eyes, bloody bandages were pilling up.

"Stop moving!" Lily ordered so she would be able to clean my wounds.

"But it hurts when you do that," I whined and looked away with a morosely expression.

It's been a few hours after what happened in the town. My grandma informed me about her decision to accept Lily's offer and to start living with Gojo's family.

I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but I'm not feeling too proud about my actions when I see how concerned both Lily and my grandma look now.

"I guess I should say 'sorry'," I started to tell them. "But they deserved it!" I continued while crossing my arms.

A loud sigh came out from the both of them and a long and boring lecture about right and wrong and life and stuff.

I've always hated lectures. They're pointless in my opinion. Let me live and learn, don't talk to me about how things should be. I want to experience them and draw my own conclusions. I want to win and lose, to cry and laugh, to run and stay as still as possible, to love and hate, to kill or be killed.

While the two women were going off about what happened, Lily suddenly stopped as she saw Gojo entering the room.

"I'm glad you're here too because this is something the both of you should learn," she continued after finishing with my wounds.

"The world we live in won't ever accommodate people like you. You too are very powerful which is scary for more than one reason. That's why you have to learn to live amongst them. Even if they hate you, even if they marginalise you, believe me, being alone in a world like this is the worst thing that can happen to you."

I wanted to say something but I felt like my throat was burning. There aren't any words I can use right now, but for Satoru it was different.

"I don't need people like that by my side. In the end we all die alone so what's a life full of people that don't even like you."

His response silenced the room.

"I don't want you to end up alone Satoru. I hope by showing them the good in you it will make a difference. That's what I'm trying to teach you, same with you Y/N," she continued. "Power scares people and makes you feel like nobody else understands you or can be there for you, so instead you two should be there for others."

After Lily's response the atmosphere thickened and became so unbearably heavy that I think everyone could feel it.

Even though she's probably right, I can't accept a world that rejects me for being myself. Nobody should do that.

Suddenly Gojo left the room and as I was watching him walk away, I was finally ready to speak again.

"Lily, would it be enough if I'm there for him?"

Hearing what I had to say, she let out a soft smile and answered with a simple thank you that showed her relief.


The days started to go by quickly and as time was passing, I slowly began to let my guard down again. I allowed myself to rest and not be on the edge all the times.

It's been a few weeks since we've been living with Lily and Gojo. I even met with the so called "man that has it all", Gojo's dad. He doesn't spend much time at home so it was only for a few days. He wasn't awful as I expected him to be, but he wasn't really a fatherly person. And I think Satoru knows this too well. The few interactions that I caught between the two of them were unpleasant, to say the least.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami] !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now