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Y/N pov:

"Hey, hey wake up, it's our inauguration to the corps, we will officially become enforcers today Y/N," Caitlyn exclaimed to me softly careful not to raise her voice. "Well good-morning lets get ready and go eat some breakfast!" I was extremely cheerful this morning, who wouldn't be we would get to be enforcers thats a big deal, but I know part of Caitlyn is upset she didn't pass the exams her first time like I did, but honestly she seems like she doesn't care much. She got extra points in the shooting and sniper portion, I got more in close combat and close range shooting and I was the only one in the class that could take apart a live bomb in under a minute . We graduate as Valedictorian and Salutatorian today, she got the higher rank because her average accuracy was 0.09 over mine. We got to the venue and were in the front of the line, we gave our speech together then, BOOM. There was an explosion to the right of us, then one to the left and after that they just kept going off, Cait and I ran as far away as we could. We made it to our house and waited, two enforcers came to our house and escorted us to the councilors room. "Caitlyn, Y/N. You two are officially enforcers today," Councilor Mel spoke. "Not only that but you two graduated with the highest scores we have ever seen. Its very impressive." She nodded to councilor Jayce who is friend with Caitlyn. He stood and handed me a bomb, "Take it apart, here." I complied setting it on the open space of the desk and took out one of the tools from my bag and a stopwatch. I counted in my head, one. two. three. start. I started the timer and carefully disassembled the weapon, "It was poorly crafted, but smart the way that they made the reactors mix only when the pin is pulled to a certain point is smart, you don't even have to pull the pin out all the way to activate it." My sister picked up the stopwatch, "New time too, 32 seconds, nice." Professor Heimerdinger slid a folder to my sister along with two passes into the hextech lab, "In the explosion a gemstone was taken do your research on hextech and find out if it can be weaponized and if the person who made that explosive could have the ability to weaponize a gemstone." We were escorted out the office and made our way to the lab, "Cait, there was a man who escaped prison and was just put back in, would you mind having a chat with him, see if he knows anything?" She gave a sincere smile, "Sure Y/N I will call you when I arrive at the prison." I read up on the gemstones and the ones that didn't have a concentration of silver over 4% were considered unstable. It took me close to an hour to build the contraption that would produce enough centrifugal force to weaponize it. I got a call from my sister right before I was going to power up the machine. "Y/N he was put into the ICU hes in critical condition due to an inmate, Im going to talk to her. Her name is Vi, look up who she is in her files, i'm going to see if I can get anything out of her, If not could you come down?" She was speaking really fast and frantically so I could tell something had frightened her. "Yes of course I can be there in 30, ill pickup her file on the way, see you soon." She hung up faster than I expected, I drove as fast as I could to the law office and got her files, after that i was only 20 minutes away from the prison. Her files were mostly empty, apparently she had been put in the penitentiary due to stealing and she was caught with a copious amount of shimmer. Caitlyn was sitting in the waiting area, "Nothing she's in cell 1005, maybe try to give her some sympathy I already played bad cop, she's only 20 so be a little nicer than me." Cait smiled and waved me off. Okay 1005, this is 1002, 1003, 1004,they're all empty? There 1005. "Hi? Im," I was cut off immediately she didn't bother to look at me. "If you are punishing me, please just do it." She slowly turned around to face me. "Excuse me but I don't do that, at least not the way you're thinking." She smirked at me, "So what are you here for then?" I stepped closer to her cell and took out the keys I retrieved earlier from the guard, "You're getting released, because you are going to help me find someone in the lanes that makes explosives out of bootleg C4. Alright?" Vi nodded slowly as I unlocked her cell. We walked out and met with my sister, "So Cait we will be in the lanes for a few days my notes on the bomb are in the lab, I will call you when we get more clues alright?" She shook her head okay and gave me a hug, "You two go Ill finish the paperwork." We drove to the bridge where I left my car, I started to get out of the car before I was pulled down by my belt loop. "No, you cant look like that," Vi said before taking off my overcoats and then proceeded to rip my shirt so it became more of a cropped top, "There, and mess up your hair now you're good." I did as she said, Vi looked at me for a few seconds before turning away with a slight smile. "I need real food," I nodded agreeingly. "Me too, you know a place?" She just smiled we walked in silence for a few minutes before leading me into a restaurant and sat me at the bar, "Here you go the finest food in town. HEY two orders of the usual." The worker handed us a bowl of what looked like seafood, "We're out of clean bowls, share." Vi gave him a thumbs up before holding a piece of whatever it was in front of my face, "Come on cupcake, he said share." I lowered my head to the food and took a bite while Vi was intensely staring at me. "So what do you think?" She shoved the rest of that piece in her mouth with a slight moan, "Its not bad." She fed me another shrimp/lobster thing before devouring the rest of the bowl. The bartender handed us the check and I slid a 10 coin for payment. We left and walked into a place that looked like a strip club but it had only private rooms. "So how am I going to get through here?" She whipped her head around and walked in a circle around me, "Make them think you work here, that you have what they want." She paused behind me for a second, "So what do I have?" I inquired. She walked closer to me causing me to back up to a wall, "You're hot cupcake," she spoke while keeping me pinned to the wall. "So, girls or guys?" she leaned in closer before grabbing a guy from behind her, "This is Matilda, but you can call her whatever you want." Vi walked away with a wink.

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