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Hi Author here! I know you are all mad at me right now, that's okay! Here's an explanation, in each of these chapters we went through a form of personality development. Hence the titles, there are 13 steps to your personality development, so in this I designed it for that reason. We have developed so much through this story and I am so happy for you to have read it all, but I also made the ending as it was to provide mostly to myself but to other people with wild imaginations that not everyone gets a happy ending. Please make peace with this and continue on to read my next stories. I threw in a little hint at them talking about Euphoria... and Fezco... so my next story is 'drumroll please' a Fezco fanfic! This one might have a happy ending? *Wink wink* so stay tuned and follow me if you want any notifications from when I post or update! 

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