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Y/N pov:

I woke up to a Vi screaming my name, eventually I mustered up the voice to Call back to her. Our hands were tied around a post with sacks over our heads. "Vi? Vi! Violet!" I screamed as her hands tore away from mine, "Y/N! Y/N?! I'll find you! I promise!" As soon as the door closed I was left alone to cry.  Someone came up to me and took off my sack, It was a little boy. He undid my hands and brought me a cup of water and what looked like a toy puzzle. "Would you play with me while we wait for boss to bring back your friend?" The little boy tilted his head slightly, "He's not hurting her. He's an old friend." I nodded and helped him solve the puzzle which took around 30 minutes. Finally the door opened revealing a tall handsome man with white dreadlocks and a stripe of white paint across his T zone. "May I please see Vi now, I need to make sure she's okay. She's all I have with me." There she was standing right behind the door, "Cupcake you're so sweet," She helped me off the ground and walked me to the man. "I'm Ekko, Vi says I can trust you. So tell me what this stone is and why it's making enforcers block up the bridge." Ekko demanded, I sat down and explained everything to him and Vi. "I want to deliver this to the council, can you make that happen?" I nodded pulling out my phone and dialing my sisters number. "Caitlyn how soon can you be at the bridge to escort a friend to have a meeting with the council?" Vi and Ekko were staring at me the whole time I was on the phone, "We have to be at the bridge in 30 minutes. Let's go." Ekko had one of his friends move a boulder so we could have a direct passage to the bridge. "Vi and I will stay here to find Jinx, My sister has a friend on the council who will listen to her and she will listen to you." Ekko nodded at me and kept walking. When we made it to the bridge there was a bunch of officers standing there patiently, I had Ekko get behind me with the crystal. "Where is Caitlyn!" I shouted loud enough for the other enforcers to hear. There she was pushing and shoving through the crowd. "I'm here!" She sprinted to me and captured me in an embrace, "Oh I missed you big sis, this is Ekko. You are to make sure that he is untouchable. My sister nodded taking his hand and walking him through the sea of people. Vi and I headed back into the undercity to look for Jinx before I got a call from my sister. "Y/N get over to our house now bring your lady friend!" We sprinted back to the bridge I showed my shiny badge and we were let through. I ran fast and Vi was right behind me, we got to the house and I slammed open the door. "Caitlyn!" I shouted waiting for a response. Then I called her phone. No. Answer. "Wait Y/N what if," Vi gave me a sincere look. "No! No! She couldn't have please no!" I collapsed to the ground crying. Suddenly I got a call, "Hi, you got jinxed!" a voice said then the line was silent. Gas filled the room making both me and Vi pass out. Once again everything was black but this time there was someone humming, what sounded like a lullaby. When I woke up it was still all black no light, no sound. Nothing. Until a scream. Vi's Scream.

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