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Y/N pov: 

We sat down and had a few more glasses of champagne I ordered me tiramisu as my lunch and Vi did the same. "So are you excited for the wedding?" She asked me, "You know what I am kind of scared, I have to give a speech in front of I don't even know how many people, and I only have the rest of this month to finish it, well not even. Didn't Cait say that she planned her wedding like two days after Christmas so that their honeymoon can be over new years?" Vi nodded and took another sip of her drink. "Yep, its bad timing for a lot of people but they want what they want so were going to do our best right?" She reached out for my hand and squeezed it softly, "Right." I responded. We spend the next few weeks preparing for the wedding and Christmas, we pretty much isolated ourselves in our house trying to get everything ready. Finally it was Christmas Eve, Vi and I went and gave our gifts to everyone that day. "Okay Mouse, Cat... don't open your gifts until tomorrow. Alright?" They both nodded in sync. "Yes ma'am." I gave the two girls hugs and stood back up, "Okay good, Merry Christmas you two." After we gave everyone's gifts we went back home and wrapped up Cait and Ekkos wedding gift from us, "Do you think they'll like it?" I asked, "Cupcake of course they will like it. You picked it out!" Vi said while kissing me on the cheek. "Lets go to bed my love." I said putting down the tape and helping Vi get up, we walked down the hall but before we got to the bedroom Vi pinned me to the wall and kissing me aggressively. I kissed back deepening the kiss as she unbuttoned my shirt, when she got it off she threw me over onto the bed... After we had sex she cuddled me until the morning, when we woke up to my alarm I freaked out because I thought it was the wedding day, "Y/N! get back in bed it's Christmas!" I took a deep breath and laid back down, "I can't wait for their wedding to be over so hopefully you will loosen up again." Vi said while cuddling into my shoulder, we slept for another hour before I made us some pancakes while Vi organized our presents, she put mine infront of my chair and hers with her. "Open mine last." I nodded while shoving more pancake in my mouth. "Aw this one is from the girls!" I said while holding up a blanket they had made, it had a note so I read it aloud for Vi, "Dear momma Y/N thank you so much for taking care of us! We made you this blanket to keep you warm just like you did for us. We love you so much, Merry Christmas! Love Cat and Mouse." Vi smiled letting out an "Aww" as I put the blanket over my shoulders. We opened all out presents, I got a necklace from my sister and Ekko with a heart locket that had a picture of Mouse and Cat in one side and then me and Vi in the other half. I got mostly household items but it was still really nice. Finally Vi's gift, but I couldn't find it. "Hey where's your gift? It was on the tab-" Vi took my hands as she got on her knee, I looked around to see if there was a camera and to my surprise none. "Y/N all the time i've spent with you has only made me love you more. So will you marry me Ms. Kiriman?" I was halfway stunned but not completely, she's a total romantic so I kind of expected it. "Yes." She picked me up by my waist and spun me around before kissing me, "Wait. Get over here." She yanked my hand and then slid on my ring, it was an emerald cut diamond in the center with little emeralds on the sides of the band. I grabbed her hand and slid on the gold band with small diamonds. "You're just a little predictable." I giggled while embracing her in a hug before receiving a call from my sister."Merry Christmas lovebirds!" Her and Ekko shouted, we invited them over for lunch and spent the whole day drinking eggnog and playing stupid card games. By the time they went home I was pretty drunk and Vi was cleaning up, "When do you want to tell them?" I whispered to Vi while wrapping my hands around her waist, "Wait till after they get married, alright?" She turned around to face me and kissed me on my forehead. "Come on let's get you bathed, tomorrow is a big day." Vi carried me up the stairs and helped me take a bath, then she sat me down on the bed still in my towel and I passed out. I heard her whisper to me, "I love you so much." before kissing my cheek, then I was out for real. When I woke up Vi wasnt in bed so I yelled for her, "VI WHERE ARE YOU!" She came running up the stairs with some breakfast for me, "I'm right here. Take this after you eat alright? Don't forget you have to be ready by 3 and its 11 right now so eat up and start getting ready my love." She kissed my lips before heading back down the stairs. 'God I love this woman' I thought as I ate my food while watching euphoria and yelling back and forth to Vi talking about the show. "YOU KNOW THAT IF I LIKED GUYS I WOULD DATE FEZCO" I yelled to her, "IS IT BECAUSE HE COULD GO TO JAIL AT ANY SECOND" Vi yelled back, "YES" I responded, "YOU REALLY HAVE A TYPE." she said to me. I looked over the railing to the living room before throwing some clothes on her, "SO NOT TRUE!" I exclaimed as I brought the rest of my laundry down the stairs. Vi helped me get ready by zipping up my dress and I tied her tie only because she had absolutely no clue. When we were ready a limo driver picked us up and drove us to the venue. We sat through the ceremony then when it was our time to give speeches I went first, mine made Cait cry and then Vi gave hers which made everyone laugh. At the end Cait came back up, "I wish that our mom could be here to witness such a beautiful thing, same with dad. With that let's go party!" Cait exclaimed as her and Ekko ran to get changed. I put on my shorter cocktail dress and after that the rest of the night was a blur, the driver took us back home and Vi and i passed out on the couch.

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