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Y/N pov:

I sat there stunned in silence, not a clue as to what I should say. My hand gravitated to where my garter was as I pulled up my dress his eyes grew bigger making me disgusted, finally I got to my pistol and In one swift movement I got him in a headlock with my gun pressed to his temple. A few guards raised their guns before the man waved them off. As they left the room he spoke, "You know, you're smart I can see why Violet loves you so much. Let me go now." I did as he asked and he backed away from me. "Let's finish dinner." Reluctantly I complied keeping my gun in my right hand as I ate with my left. I looked at my watch when we finished with our main course. '30 minutes, C' It said on the face. Perfect, time for dessert and some champagne then they'll be here. "Tiramisu is for dessert, you can have an espresso martini if you wish." I nodded and I was brought my drink and the food, I ate with my gun still pointed to the only person in the room. Once we finished dessert I looked to my watch, there was roughly 5 minutes left until they got here. "Would you like to dance?" The man walked over to a record player and out the needle down to the disk. "Sure," He grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of my chair, I kept my gun pressed to his temple so he knew not to fuck up. We waltzed together for about 3 songs and I started to get anxious before I heard a huge explosion and was knocked off my feet. I blacked out due to the force of my fall, when I woke up I was in a bright room, the lights on the ceiling were blinding, I heard a voice but it was muffled. Ringing filled my ears as I wiped my nose I saw blood on my hand and everything was black again. When I woke up next time the ringing had softened and my vision isn't as blurry. The lights were now dimmed and I could see little lights coming from boxy looking things, I tried to get up bt my legs felt like they were thousands of pounds, I felt my arm and there was what felt like an IV, I moved my arm up so that my alarm would go off if this really was a real hospital. I heard a few beeps from my monitor and then I saw the door open and someone slowly made the lights brighter, the face was unfamiliar she had dark brown curly hair that was in a high bun and had little makeup on, the woman was wearing scrubs and had a soft voice. "Hi youre Y/N, the Vice brought you to us. You are in critical condition, part of your lower spine was shattered. Thankfully not very many of the nerves were damaged, we got you into the OR as soon as you got here so you just went through a spinal reconstructive surgery. You will have temporary paralysis in your legs until we get you started in rehab." She whispered and handed me my phone, "This was from Vice, maybe give her a call. If you don't want to I can." I looked down at my phone and replied to her, "Would you please?" My voice was raspy and it hurt to speak. She nodded then dialed Cait on the phone on the wall. "Hi Mrs. Kiriman, your sister is awake if you would like to speak to her you may come over, but no promises she will speak. Her voice isn't in the best shape just yet." There was a mumble from the line then a end tone from the phone. "She's on her way Mrs. Kiriman." With that the nurse left and I sat in my room alone, on my bedside table there was flowers and a book I reached for the book but couldn't quite reach it. About five minutes later my door was opened and there was Caitlyn, Vi, and Ekko standing in the doorway. "Im so glad you still wear the watch I got you on the first day of academy training." Cait rushed in and gave me a hug, I only hugged her with my left arm because the other one had an IV. Ekko gave me a softer hug, "I thought you were smart and here you go getting into trouble." We both laughed before Vi came in and cried on me, "May we have a moment?" I mustered up my voice so they could hear, Cait and Ekko left the room and Vi got on top of me and just cried, and cried. "I was so scared, that I would never get to see you again." She cuddled into my side and sobbed more. Eventually we both fell asleep then woke up to Cait slightly shoving Vi to wake up. She had the nurse help me sit up before inquiring if I was hungry. "Yes," I said softly. My voice was still raspy due to all the debris I inhaled in the explosion. Vi spent every day and every night with me making sure I was okay. A week had passed and it was time for my rehab, they said it would only take about two weeks of rehabilitation for my recovery. My legs were not in the best shape i could barely move them but I tried, after the first week I could walk without the help of a cane and the last week we had worked on my mobility. When I was released I went to go see my girls, "Cat! Mouse! Hi my loves, how are you!" They ran up to me but stopped short before giving me a soft hug, "We don't want to hurt you Y/N," Mouse said, "Oh shut up come here." I have the two girls a long hard hug. Vi and I had some fish and chips at the last drop before going to visit Cait and Ekko. "Y/N its great to see you out of that hospital bed!" Ekko said while hopping off is hover board, before embracing me in a hug. "Sister, you look so much better! There's something we have to tell you two." Cait said while grabbing for Ekkos hand.

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