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Your POV:

We woke up still in our clothes from last night, Vi was still asleep so i went to loosen her tie and she just pulled me down onto the couch with her, "Stay." She whispered so I did so before running a shower for us, she was more hungover than me so I made her some lunch since it was literally 1 in the afternoon, she wanted waffles so I served her some after we showered. We ate i bed and had a lazy day until at like 6 pm my sister called me, "Our flight got moved up to tonight, can you two pick us up in like 30 minutes?" Cait said, "Yeah, were on our way." I got changed into something more presentable and put some sunglasses on Vi before hopping in the car. We sent the newlyweds on their way before stopping at a taco bell and then going home. "You look terrible. We have to pick up the girls from Ekkos place, so let's get you looking a bit less scary." I said while taking off her glasses and messing with her hair, I put a little bit of concealer under her eyes before adjusting her shirt. "Much better." When we got to the house the girls were so excited. "SLEEPOVER WITH Y/N AND VI! FOR ONE WEEK!" Cat exclaimed while embracing me and Vi, I picked up Mouse and spun her around. "How are you sweetheart?" She looked really tired, and just whispered "Good." I set her in my car and Cat got in on the other side. "When we get home i'll make you guys some popcorn and we can watch movies until bedtime. Alright?" the girls nodded while watching the other cars go by. Vi got blankets and pillows and helped make a fort with the girls while I made some popcorn and grabbed candy from our stash. We watched like four movies, eventually the girls fell asleep and we all slept down stairs. I woke up in the middle of the night to a strange tapping sound coming from one of the windows upstairs, I grabbed my gun as a precaution and walked up the stairs careful not to make a sound. When I got to the window the tapping stopped and I felt uneasy, the room smelled weird so I rushed out. I ran back down the stairs and woke up Vi, something didn't feel right and the last time I had felt like this it didn't end well so I decided to trust my instincts. "Baby will you get the girls and all their stuff in the car." She nodded picking up both girls and taking them to the car.I looked around the house this time with one 9 millimeter in each hand, there was no one in the house now except Vi and she was grabbing the bags from the downstairs bedroom. Quickly I rushed out of the house and got in the passenger side, at that moment a black van pulled out of the alleyway. "Get on the highway, then get off. Do that several times, I need to know if they're following us." Vi nodded and did as I asked, I was proven right. We were being followed. "I'll pull some tokyo drift type stuff and get us to the last drop alright?" I nodded and made my way to the back seat and pulled the two sleeping girls close to me, kissing them on the head before Vi did her thing. When we had lost them she pulled into the back side of the last drop and then opened some door and hid the car there. I picked up the girls and Vi got their stuff, "This was the room we had our first sleepover in." I said smiling. "Yeah." Vi kept on looking over at powders bed, the sheets were still wrinkled and the handcuffs were still there from when she had been in our custody. I set the girls down on one couch before hugging Vi, "I love you." I whispered, kissing her on the cheek. "I love you too. I'm going to go chat with Sevika." She kissed me back before leaving up the stairs. I sat on the couch and cuddled with Cat and Mouse, I woke up at 7 to find Vi still wasn't there. I got up and looked around the house part of this place, then I walked up to the bar to find everyone in there dead but one person. The chair turned around slowly to reveal a masked man smoking a cigarette, "Oh my dear I am so sorry." He lifted up his mask to reveal himself, it was my previous abductor. "What have you done with Vi." I said while gritting my teeth, "WHERE IS VI." I yelled at him while drawing my guns and shooting right past is head, I walked to him slowly as he laughed at me. "Well darling, if I can't have you. No one can."

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