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Y/N pov:

All of us slinked through the undercity careful not to attract the interest of any enforcers that could be nearby. When we made it to the prison some of Ekkos guys knocked out the security cameras while Vi and I attacked the guards, as we made our way in we were met with a frightening sight. Councilors Jayce and Madarda's lifeless bodies were on the ground lying in a pool of crimson blood. Caitlyn gasped at the awful sight. The whole prison looked like this, dead bodies and blood everywhere, "Powder?" Vi asked to the distant shadow. "Its Jinx. You left me. Again." She pointed her gun at Vi then retracting it and pointing it to her head. "Why did you leave me! Why did you leave me!" Jinx screamed as someone came up behind her and embraced her in a hug. "I never left." It was Silco. "What are you doing here." I asked. "I will make a deal. You and all your friends can go back to Piltover. Me and Jinx will start our own life here in the lanes." I looked around to Vi before pulling out me gun. "I will not repeat history." I walked closer to Silco and Jinx with my gun pointed the Silco. I turned to face Jinx. "Im sorry." I whispered as I pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight through his chest, most likely piercing his heart. He fell to the ground with the pool of blood growing bigger around him. "Cait, Cuffs." I have Jinx a hug before cuffing her. As we walked out of the prison Jinx cried into my shoulder, "Lets rebuild Piltover." Vi stated while her gaze was fixated to the rubble of the city. We walked back to the last drop while Ekko and Cait headed back home. "Lets get some sleep." I uncuffed one of Jinx's wrists and connected that to the bed. Vi and I went back to the couch but we were awakened by a gunshot sound. We rushed to where Jinx was, she had put one bullet through her head but left a note. It stated 'Powder left when you abandoned me, I wish you could've loved me the way you used to. I changed and you did too. I love you Vi but I have no reason to live without Silco.' Vi's tears soaked my shirt and chest I felt terrible, she could feel my tears fall onto her head. I called my sister and she came over within a matter of minutes. "What do you want me to do?" She asked holding Vi's hand. "Bury her, please." Caitlyn took her body out to the graves in Piltover, Vi sat and cried for hours. "Has your sister ever abandoned you?" Vi looked up to meet my eyes. "Yes, when she went to college and stayed in the dorms. For a whole year she didn't visit, didn't call, when I went and moved into the dorms that's when I got my first call from her.  She left me for a year to be alone with our abusive mom, I used to resent her for it, only because I never would've done anything like that to her." Vi sat up and put her head on my shoulder while intertwining our hands. "I only left her that day because I needed to calm down, or else I would've hit her again." I wiped away her tears, "Even if you were doing what was best, to the younger one it feels like you're making only wrong decisions." She peered at me through the corner of her eyes, "So how did you and Cait fix things?" Vi inquired. "We didn't. I let her explain why she did it. I told her everything mom did while she was gone. She was disgusted by her own behavior and moms. That's why we both became enforcers, to one day arrest her. But I guess that was pointless because she's dead." Vi pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and pecked me on the cheek. "Maybe not so much. You could become Chief of our new Piltover." She exclaimed. "Sure, I could do that, or we could be councilors." Vi rolled her eyes, "Um not the snobby kind." We both were giggling by the time Cait came back. She had brought someone short along with her, he took off his hood. "Heimerdinger?" I questioned. "Oh my Y/N I'm so happy to see you!" He smiled and we shook hands. "I made a few calls to some of our frequent sponsors and users of Hextech, they offered to rebuild Piltover free of charge just as long as they have unlimited access to the gate! Isn't that wonderful!" The short man exclaimed. I faced Vi with the biggest smile on both of our faces. "This is perfect! Thank you so much." I gave him a hug, "We need a plan on how we will now govern new Piltover." He pulled out a notebook, "Here, what about elections. They Are common in other countries to keep balance with the people." I nodded, "That would work, so when are the workers going to arrive?" He looked around to the sea, "Well, now." and pointed to a ship in the harbor. We all walked to greet the people when we were met with a familiar face. "My daughter mel. We know so that's why we offered to help, my people can have this place cleaned up and fixed in no time." Mrs. Madarda shook hands with us before allowing her people to unload. Weeks went by and the city looked better and better each day. The people of the undercity were happy to be able to have a choice, we planned our election day, the people running were Cait and Professor Heimerdinger. When election day came around the city was in pristine shape, people from all over came to our new city. I was lucky enough that I got to explain some things about Hextech, while Vi got to teach kids about laws and about being a law enforcer. Ekko got to tell people about his hoverboards and was able to teach them how to ride. Lots of people were excited because we also rebuilt the undercity making it just was welcoming as the mainland. Cait and Heimerdinger were just walking around and talking to all the citizens about who they think would be President. As it got closer to the evening all the votes were counted and Heimerdinger would be the President of Piltover. Cait was elected Vice which made her happy, she had almost no clue about ruling a country. The city of progress was back in shape, the people of the undercity that struggled with shimmer addiction were being take care of by the help of Viktor and Hextech. Shimmer was rid off the streets or so we thought. 

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