Shame and Doubt

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Y/N pov:

I was terrified, Vi screamed at the top of her lungs then I was being dragged into a different room, everything was still black and I couldn't say a single thing. "She's pretty," A voice said as they untied my blindfold, "She's got beautiful eyes, and a beautiful face. I want you to get rid of her. I want you to kill her." Jinx said slowly as Vi screamed. "No! no." Jinx looked around then whispered to Vi "You'll get powder back." Jinx walked around the table slowly then put a knife to my throat, "You want sweet powder back, you tell me now." Jinx demanded while I sat there unfazed waiting for Vi sacrifice me. She could get her little sister back, for the cost of someone she met only two days ago. "Powder. I couldn't get back someone who's already gone." Jinx threw her knife into the table and grabbed two more people. My sister and Ekko were also tied up, I had a small cut on my neck due to the amount of pressure she had put on my skin with the knife. I used my chin while Jinx was distracted to move the knife to my lap so I could cut off my ropes. When I got one wrist free she was still talking to herself I finally got both undone and the gag out of my mouth. I stood up and threw the knifes that were on the table at Jinx. I managed to graze her right arm and I got a direct shot to her thigh before she charged at me with all her force knocking me down and then we proceeded to have a bit of a tussle until Jinx turned to see Vi disappointed. "Pow Pow." She whispered while crying, Jinx walked off with the gemstone leaving me and the others alone. I untied everyone then we saw a strike through they sky. It was the bomb. Vi held me up as we watched the rocket fly straight through the sky to the council's office. I took one look at Caitlyn before almost falling to the ground, Vi caught me but I was still in a fit of tears, gasping for air while the tears streamed down my face. Vi kept me close as while I broke down and Cait had her hand intertwined with Ekkos with her head on his shoulder crying. The world was silent for a moment. Like the calm before a storm, Vi gazed down to my eyes and wiped away my tears, I did the same to her and kept my hand on her soft face. The sound was loud and pounded through the air as the bomb hit the tower. Before we knew it almost all of piltover was in flames. Vi and Ekko left to go find Jinx and Cait and I were at a standstill, frozen by shock and doubt. How could this happen, we were all we had now. "Cait. what do we do now?" Caitlyn had a deep fear in her eyes as she walked over to me. "We start our own life, not what mom wanted." Cait softly embraced me in a hug as tears trickled down our faces, hers getting in my hair and mine absorbing in her shirt. Vi and Ekko came back after a few minutes and shook their heads. I walked around ad eventually found my pistol and Caits rifle, "Come on, lets go home. Wherever that is." Vi took my hand and Ekko held Caits as we walked to where the firelights lived. "We are going to the last drop, you two in?" Caitlyn looked down at the ground while Ekko responded, "No I think we just need some time to think." I ran and gave my sister a hug and whispered, "I love you, so much." Cait hugged back and waved goodbye to me and Vi. When we got to the last drop Sevika was standing by the front door, "Silcos dead. Whats your move boss." Vi gave me a confused look as she pushed past Sevika. "I want some beers that's my move." Sevika followed us in and sat at a table while Vi and I drank a few beers. We walked into the back where there was a punching machine, a shooting game and two arcade style games. There was a girl with blue hair in two long braids. "Powder?" Vi exclaimed walking over to her. "Help me, I don't know who I am. I killed Silco. Jinx killed him." Vi picked up Jinx and walked her to a room in the back where there was a couch and some beds. "Come on pow pow, get some rest." Vi put her in one of the small bunk beds and tucked her in with a bunny stuffed animal. "I'm going to show you something, follow me." Vi walked me up some stairs to the roof of the last drop, we sat in silence before putting her head in my lap looking at the stars to divert her gaze from the burning city. "I remember, sitting up on this roof with Claggor, Mylo, and Powder, talking about whatever, playing games, being happy. Just us. It was a beautiful life. We would look over at Piltover and we could see the silhouettes of two girls on the roof of one of the houses. Was it you, and your sister?" I had tears welling up in my eyes. "When mom would drink too much, Cait and I used to hide in the cupboards, one day she found us there so we moved to the roof, we would cry sometimes, we would dance or just sit. We could see your silhouettes too then, because there was 4 people most nights but sometimes just one. You?" Vi reached up to my face and pulled me closer so we were almost eye to eye. "I never missed a night." We stayed staring into eachothers eyes for a few minutes before I spoke, "My lover was only on the other side of that damn bridge." Vi leaned into to kiss me, We kissed softly and passionately not for long but long enough to get you addicted.

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