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Y/N pov:

Cait walked us into their home still holding hands with Ekko. "Sit." She demanded, we all sat down in their living room on the long white couches. "Would you like to tell them?" Cait asked Ekko and he nodded in reply. "We are engaged, and we were hoping that Y/N would be the maid of honor and that Vi could be my best man." Ekko stated. Vi and I were both in shock, "I- um Yes we would love to! Congratulations!" I said knowing Vi was still stunned. "Wait, so how long have you two been like fiancé to each other?" Caitlyn responded to Vi's question without any hesitation, "Three months." "How come I didn't know this." I asked softly, "Because you know you've been busy with this and that and getting kidnapped and taking care of your kids." "Oh, right" I said back to Cait. "So when is the wedding?" Vi asked. "Next month." Ekko said. "Well shit I need a dress and we need a venue, and a limo, and a chapel, then we need catering, and-" Cait cut me off. "Y/N we have everything picked out, and you and Vi are going to get your outfits tomorrow we already called the store and have some options picked out." I took a deep breath, "So you two planned all of this in less than three months?" I inquired, "Yep! With some help from a few friends we got it all planned out." After that awkward and stressful conversation we had some drinks and then Vi and I called for a cab back home. "So they're actually doing it, wow." I said to Vi while looking out the window at the stars, "Yep, its crazy. I still feel like a little kid sometimes. Like when I put on my gauntlets I just feel like a little kid playing dress up, now our closest friend and your sister are getting married. Time is just going by so fast." I turned away from the window to face her. She put her head on my shoulder and her hand on my thigh. "Do you ever want to get married?" She looked up at me waiting for my response. "I never wanted to, I always was scared that I would end up having the relationship my parents had. If I ever did get married though, it would be to you and only you." I whispered to her softly then giving her a kiss on her forehead. We got back to our house and got into our pajamas "So do you want to watch a movie?" Vi asked me while I was washing my face. "Sure." She picked out a movie called 'Home alone'. "Have you seen this one?" I patted my face dry before looking at the screen. "Yes its my favorite, Cait and I used to watch it as kids. I almost forgot that Christmas is this month." Vi picked me up and put me down on the bed before pulling out something from the mini fridge she had o her side of the bed. "Face masks!" She put on my face mask for me and I did the same to her before we started the movie. Only about two minutes into the movie Vi pauses it. "Were missing something." She ran downstairs into the kitchen, I stayed in bed after a few minutes she comes back up with a big bowl of popcorn. "Thats better." We watched the movie with me subtly quoting the movie while enjoying our popcorn. When the movie was over we both went down stairs and put the second one on and made some hot cocoa and cookies. Vi kept on getting flour all over me while we made the cookies, so i got back at her while we were icing them. "Here now you look like a cat!" I drew whiskers on her with the icing. She did the same thing to me before putting some on my lips. "Oops, let me get that." She kissed me and licked off the icing. "Sorry about that let me clean you up. She used her fingers to get the rest of the icing off of my face. "You are delicious." She smirked causing me to blush eve more. "Okay take a cookie." I shoved one of the cookies in her mouth. While she ate I took a damp towel and wiped off all the frosting and flour she had on herself. We sat down with our cocoa and finished the movie. I fell asleep sometime in the movie and woke up to Vi carrying me to our bed. "Goodnight cupcake." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and cuddled into me before drifting off to sleep. We woke up late that morning around 10 am and got showered quickly before I got a call from Cait. "I'll have a cab be there in thirty to take you two to get fitted." We got dressed and I put on some makeup before putting some lipstick on Vi and giving her a kiss. "I had put too much on." I whispered in her ear. "Yeah right." She picked me up bridal style and walked me down the stairs. She opened the door and there was the cab. "Lets go darling." When we got to she shop we were offered champagne. I started trying on my dresses and Vi watched me and complimented me on each dress, the last one I tried on was a long dark blue dress, it was mermaid fitted and strapless Vi fell in love with it. It came with a matching dress that was shorter and very fitting. "I want these two." The lady working nodded and helped me get back into my clothes I had on before. Vi was now trying on suits, she tried on a few, and they all looked good on her but one of the last ones was her favorite, and mine too. It was a dark blue that matched my dress color, she had a white tie on with it and a white rose in the napkin pocket. I went up to her and adjusted the tie so it was centered. "You look perfect." I whispered giving her a kiss on the cheek. She took off the suit coat, vest and tie, to be left in the trousers and button down. I unbuttoned the top few buttons, "Much better." Vi spun me around on the little stand that we were on before dipping me, "I love you." She said before giving me a kiss. We left the parlor and went out to lunch at a cute cafe close to our house.

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