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Y/N pov:

Vi and I walked back to our new home closer to where we worked. When we got inside the house our lips met immediately, "You have no idea how much I wanted to do that today," We made out with my back pressed against the wall and my legs wrapped around her waist before she threw me over her shoulder and carried me up the stairs. We got into the room and I was slammed down to the bed as the ripped off my shirt, I took off her jacket not breaking the kiss. She unclipped my bra throwing it across the room. I took off her shirt in awe of her perfect body, her skin was soft and her muscles were firm. I traced her shoulders with my fingers before she pinned my hands down as she trailed kisses down my chest leaving hickeys and love bites until she got down to my shorts, "You okay?" Vi asked, "I'm in heaven." With my remark she proceeded to unbutton my shorts making eye contact the whole time...

We cuddled in our king size bed fit for two queens. I started a bath for us and let the water warm up before waking up Vi, and helping her in the tub, I sat between her legs letting the bubbles rise up to my chest. We sat there and relaxed she washed my hair and I did the same to her, I dried her off and bandaged her hands again making sure that her wounds were not getting infected. I put on her robe for her and she tied mine. We walked to the balcony, "Do you think Powder would've liked what Piltover has become?" She wrapped her hands around my waist, "Powder would be so proud of you. Everything you've done has been for improvement, I think she would love it." Her arms tightened as we watched the sun rise. Life seemed perfect, life was perfect with Vi. 

We went to work I had been working on making a second Hex Gate so that we could allow more transportation to flow through our town to be more profitable. I also brought up a plan for more sustainable energy in Piltover, using gemstones in the power grids would make it so we wouldn't have to use energy from coal and we would have better air quality. At lunch everyday Mouse and Cat would visit me and I would teach them about Hextech. Today the girls came with me to my conference with Cait and Heimerdinger. "Instead of using coal which is detrimental to the air quality, us and our livestock, we could use the gemstones in our power grids to create our energy. Like so." Mouse and Cat brought up my prototype and set it infront of Cait, Mouse pressed the button to get it started. "Wonderful!" They both exclaimed. "We can have them starting to be put in as soon as you find that its been perfected." The three of us walked out to find ourselves in a cloud of tear gas. I picked up the girls and ran them back inside, making my way up to the office. "Caitlyn, look outside!" She pearched herself at the window unsure of how to handle the awful sight. Vi comes in sweaty and enraged, "Invaders, they came back for shimmer! What do we do, the troops released some tear gas but I don't want this to get worse." Caitlyn looked to Heimerdinger "Arrest them all." With that Vi was on her way out the door in a flash to spread the word to her troops. After about an hour of waiting around Vi came back in to tell us that everyone was safely put into custody and ready for interrogation. We walked out the office together and Ekko walked the girls back home. "You should interrogate them, you're better at it." I nodded as we went to the station. "So any of you have anything to say? Nothing to confess?" All the men were lined up shoulder to shoulder shaking their heads no. "Well I think you have something to say." I took out my pistol from my thigh garter and pointed it to a man who was profusely sweating. "No?" I smirked while shooting the wall close to him. "Oh god dont tell me youre going to piss yourself!" I laughed and turned to the mirror glass behind me with a wink. "See, you're going to talk and go to jail. Or there's always you stay quiet and these people kill you because you're too vulnerable. Take your pick. Get the others out please." Someone escorted the other men out of the room and I got the guy in front of me some water. "So-" before I could get out a word he broke, "They made me do it, we came here for shimmer and we didn't even know if there was any, we were also going to try to destroy Piltover but that is way harder than it looks and our boss didn't want to waste any time." He was gasping for air when he finally got out all he had to say, "So boss?" I giggled "Spill and maybe you can get a cell alone." He took a deep breath before saying more, "He doesn't say his name, but we think he works or did work for the Madardas at one point since he has a family ring."

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