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Y/N pov:

I gave Vi a soft peck on the cheek before we walked back to lanes. Halfway across the bridge we were called for, "Wait! Please, I don't know what to do." A little girl probably about 10 yelled to us, she was holding hands with a younger girl. "M-My parents, they're dead." I ran over to the little girls and hugged them. The air was still thick with smoke and the girls with bothe coughing and crying. I picked them up and walked past Vi. "Come on, they need a home." She ran to catch up with me. "Im Y/N, we are going to show you to one of my friends, he has a space that I think you two will love." Vi took the younger girl and placed her on her shoulders. "Things will work out, don't worry." We made our way to where Ekko was staying. "They need a family," I whispered to Ekko and Cait. "They can stay here. There's kids their age here, we will take care of them." Cait smiled to me. I hugged her with the little girl still on my back. "What's your name darling?" Cait asked while picking the girl off my shoulders. "Im Cat, and that's my little sister, Mouse." Cat spoke softly trying not to cry. "Well my little kitten and mouse, we are going to get you settled in and get you some clothes. Are you hungry?" Mouse nodded to Cait. "Ill see you later kiddos," I said to Cat and Mouse. There was a tug on my shorts, "Will you come and see us again?" Cat asked looking to the ground. I bent down to her level and tilted up her chin, "Every. Day." I gave her a hug and went on my way. With Vi not far behind me, when she caught up she pulled me around a corner. "What?" I giggled, "You're adorable" she gave me a kiss before pulling me out of the alley and taking me back to where we were staying. When we got to the room Vi pushed me down on one of the bigger beds making sure I didn't hit my head on the wall behind us. I was immediately engulfed in laughter as she tickled me, "I just love that laugh." She laid on top of me just taking in the moment. It was very peaceful then Powder walked in and joined in, she laid on top of Vi with her braids falling to the side. "Guys," Powder whispered to us while getting off of Vi. We both sat up and swung our legs over the edge of the bed. "Why doesn't he love me." She crawled in between me and Vi wrapping her arms around me and Vi hugging her from the side. "Powder, these things just happen. Maybe he still sees you as Jinx." She cried harder into my chest leaving mascara marks on my shirt. "I love him! but he. He is head over heels in love with her." She didn't say anything more, just cried for about 20 minutes, "Boxing machine?" She asked and Vi got up and we all walked to the game room area. Powder fixed up the boxing machine and I turned on the shooting game. Vi went first, she got the new high score, the Pow she got hit by one of the side arms so she lost only 30 points which made her a total of 50 points below Vi. "Cupcake, looks like its your turn." Vi smirked while I threw my hair up in a messy bun. I was going hard, hitting everything with the absolute most anger I had in my body from what I had witnessed today. With each punch I released more anger, hitting harder with every breath. I could feel sweat or tears falling down my face as I released everything in me. Then done. I beat Vi's high score by 200 points. "Damn, your cupcake's not so sweet is she," Powder giggled at her own remark as I walked out of the ring, "So now that I beat you both, what about shooting? Its close range so don't get too butthurt when I beat you. Powder stepped up, just then a door swung open to reveal an enforcer, "The one with the blue hair." They walked up and grabbed Powder, "Excuse me. I am Y/N Kiriman, what are you doing with my prisoner." The enforcers looked confused. "We are taking her to the west island prison," I put my hand on Powders shoulder and pulled her back. "Who is the Chief. Excuse me! Who is the Councilor that authorized this! Exactly, you can't take her into any type of custody without the order of a Councilor or the Chief." One of the enforcers took off their helmets. "I am the one that authorized this arrest. She is a danger to society, and a danger to you darling." Councilor Mel stated while another one of the enforcers took off their helmet. "Your science proved that someone could weaponize it, the fragments and the general bomb matched to the one that Marcus brought to me. Jinx is the guilty party, Im so sorry Y/N." Jayce rested a hand on my shoulder while I cried and looked over to Vi. "She just got Powder back. Please Jayce. You can't do that." He let go of me causing me to fall to the ground, I pulled Powder back into my lap. "You're strong, you know that. In 5 hours I will get you out of there. You have to last only 4 hours in that cell. Got it?" She hugged me and went to Vi, "I need to be punished for the crimes I have commited, I love you." She gave Vi a long hug before one of the enforcers took her away in handcuffs. I held Vi while she cried, "I just got back my Powder, what do we do!" I let her cry it all out before explaining my plan. We walked to Ekko's place and asked for his help buy that time she should've been in a cell. "Okay. Its game time." Ekko smirked while rounding up the rest of our little army.

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