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Y/N pov:

Vi and I walked back inside and cuddled on the couch before falling asleep. When we awakened Ekko and Cait were sitting in front of us snickering, "Do you think they had sex?" Cait whispered, "No, Vi wouldn't have let her but her clothes on." They laughed which made Vi spring up, "Ekko." She growled, "Do you know what time it is?" He nodded and looked at Cait, "Yes it's time to go get rich! We have sugar mommys now!" Ekko spoke cheerfully and gave Cait a kiss on the cheek, "But seriously we need to go see if anyone needs help up there. That would be the right thing to do." Cait got up and helped me get off the couch, "Let me go get Powder," Vi whispered while walking into the bedroom, Cait and Ekko looked at me with a what the fuck expression, I just shook my head no and whispered, "Its her little sister, you wouldn't abandon me a second time." She turned away in shame with a hurt expression. "Good morning!" Jinx ran up to Ekko and gave him a hug, she did the same thing to all of us. "Lets go," Cait said harshly. We made the trek to the bridge, there were no enforcers. Walking through the streets of the city of innovation was like walking through a ghost town. "I need to go in here." Vi followed me into my house, most of it was destroyed, I wandered around and found my secret money stash and took the money in the safe mom had in her office. I packed up some clothes so I wasn't in a ripped uniform. "I didn't realize how big your house was last time I was here. Lets shower on our way back to the lanes?" Vi spoke softly while wrapping her arms around my waist from behind. "Okay," She turned me around and kissed me softly before leaving the desolate house. We met up with Ekko, Cait and powder at the council's office, "You sure you're ready?" Vi asked while squeezing my hand, "Yes." We walked into the round office to see only the remains of the councilors, at my mom's desk her charred body laid with a peaceful expression, her favorite jewelry still in tact. In that moment a tapping sound rose from behind us, "Your mom. Im sorry." It was one of the hextech scientists, I think his name was Viktor. "Maybe it was for the best. What is left of the city, do you know?" Viktor came closer to us before speaking, "Everything is charred, the only thing untouched is the jail since its on the island, and the only people alive are some of the families on the west end of Piltover." "Thank you Viktor." We shook hands with him and left the room, I paused for. a moment after the doors closed, Vi started walking away so I reached out for her hand to pull her back, "Y/-" She paused noticing I was on the brink of falling apart. "Pow you go with them, Im going to take Y/N back to the lanes and maybe get a shower," Powder gave Vi and I a hug then followed behind my sister. A surge of tears flooded me causing me to collapse, Vi picked me up and walked me back to my house. She started the shower and got me a change of clothes, and did the same for herself. "Why is Jinx not Jinx?" I whispered as Vi started to undress me. "She doesn't remember who Jinx is," Vi got off my boots before I spoke, "Memory suppression, common after traumatic events." She nodded and took off my shirt and gave me a kiss on the cheek. When I was undressed she did the same to herself, she walked me into the shower and lathered me on soap with a loofah making sure to clean off any dirt, bood, or ashes I had on me. She turned me around to face her while she cleaned my front, she gently took a washcloth and washed off my face, I took it out of her hands and did the same to her face, "You don't have to, I can do it." Vi reached to take back the wash cloth. "No." I pushed her back against the wall and washed her face softly making sure not to hurt any cuts or bruises. She washed my hair and I did the same to her. When we got out of the shower I wrapped her up in a towel and had her sit on my bed, I ran to find the first aid kit. I sat on her lap and bandaged up her face, and knuckles. She put a bandaid across the bridge on my nose, "You had a small cut." Then proceeded to kiss the area. Vi dressed me and put me in another homemade crop top and some shorts, "You're beautiful Y/N. Let's go home." She smiled softly and we walked out of the barren house, "You are home." 

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