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Y/N pov:

"I see, you've been a big help, you can get a private room in Stillwater." I waved him off as someone dragged him out of the room with me following behind. "We have an enemy now, they wanted shimmer and to destroy us. This should be fun." I spoke to Cait while twirling my pistol before sliding it back into my garter. "How are my girls?" Cait opened a door for me to see them playing with some toys, "Thank you." I whispered before swooping them up, "Hi darlings are you two better?" They both nodded. "We got to have ice cream from auntie Cait!" Mouse exclaimed. We walked back to my lab where Ekko then picked up the girls and took them back home. "Viktor, hi!" I smiled and embraced him in a hug. "I can help you, me and the girls have found a way to almost 'regenerate' life without damaging life." He had the most bright smile plastered on his face, "Oh my, Y/N this is wonderful!" I showed him how it works and explained everything to it, "I can start administering your treatment in about a month if you would like so." He nodded giving me another hug and a kiss on the forehead before heading out the doors. I turned back to my work making a spreadsheet of his treatments and exposure that he would need to get when I heard the door open again, "Did you forget something Viktor?" I turned around when I didn't get a response then it was all black.

I woke up in a dark room of a chase (fainting couch) without any restraints I felt around for my pistol and it was gone along with my spare knives. "You're awake, finally. I told him not to hit your beautiful face." A man said as he opened blinds. "What would you like from me." I said calmly. "Well it seems you're the only person who has direct access to shimmer. So sweetheart you are going to tell me exactly how to make it." I looked frantically around the room for him then I felt his hands come from behind me on my shoulders, "Do we have a deal?" He used one of his hands to pull my face to look up at him ."Yes." I mumbled. "Go get a shower meet me downstairs." He left the room and I found a door that wasn't locked which was the bathroom, it was covered floor to ceiling with gold accents and beautiful marble floors. There was a towel and some clothes on the counter and a note on top that stated, "Please feel free to take as much time as you would like." I looked in the mirror and I still had my earrings in I tapped the left one three times fast then three times slower holding it down then three times fast again, creating an s.o.s. that should go directly to Vi. I had my watch on and I did the same thing with that so that hopefully Caitlyn would find me, both had locators so they should be able to find me. I started the bath while repeating my s.o.s. to both of them. When I got out I looked at the clothes that were laid out for me, it was a medium length black cocktail party dress with my thigh garter and pistol laid underneath it. Then my watch vibrated it took me a minute to know what whoever was saying but I finally figured it out. "Be there in three hours, C." I had to have been out for a long time for it to take them 3 hours to get here. I saw they had some mascara left out on the counter I used that before putting on the black heels that were left for me. I adjusted my garter so it was higher up and not visible. I came out of the bedroom, my heels tapping as I walked to a table. The sun was setting so it had to have been the same day, someone in a suit pushed in my chair for me. I sat across from my abductor. "You look beautiful as ever Mrs. Kiriman, please enjoy your food." I scoffed at his remark and tapped on my watch again. The room had an uncomfortable silence , I was upset and disgusted by his attitude but couldn't do anything in fear that he might try to kill me. We ate in silence, he kept on staring at me as I ate making me uneasy. "Mrs. Kiriman, how long do you think it will take people to know you're gone?" He questioned me, "Well given the time, in about 20 minutes my girlfriend should be arriving at my lab to pick me up and walk me home but if I had any other people come to my lab before her and they noticed I was gone then I am not sure." He took a sip of his red wine and turned away from me. "So in 20 minutes your girlfriend will report you missing to your sister, then they will search the city which will take about 2 hours." I nodded. "So we have all the time in the world right now. What would you like to do," He stood up walking to me and taking my fork out of my hand. "Darling," He fed me a piece of steak making me want to throw up even more. "How about we skip the foreplay and get to the good part shall we?" The man inquired. "Sir, what exactly are you talking about." I whispered making him lean in closer, "Strip."

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