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( we know return to you're regularly secluded programing. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈)

Madeleine and espresso ;

" there's something I need to tell you" madeleine's grasp was warm and tender. His strong hands felt like they could lift mountains,

Espresso held his breath... his whole body just seem to stop. He could feel his heart pounding, he could feel himself getting hotter! So much so that he started to sweat! A million thoughts had swept his brain

Still... he didn't look away from Madeleine... even though all the fibers in his body scermed to run!, panic, push away. Feeling his hand in his... there was something....

Madeleine breathed deeply..... he look as if he was about to pass out from the pressure in his gut! But he had to be honest with espresso... even if he didn't feel the same way. There was no going back now... all he had to do was form words!

" I.....ehhhhh...aaaa" turns out harder then he thought....

Espresso was purly puzzled, he wanted to help the knight. But all he could come up with was to hold madeleine's hand tigher. Which by the redding of madeleine's face wasn't helping all that much... espresso bit his lip trying to speak, to say anything! " is this about yesterday?" He asked softly...

He didn't want Madeleine to continue to feel bad... perhaps this was all a mistake... he doubted himself. Turning his gaze away from him....

"No!" Madeleine thought, seeing the mage turn away. He wanted nothing more to see espresso's face right now. Perhaps words we're not possible right now but...

Madeleine lifted his hand and gently tured espresso back towards him. He cuped his face softly, a certain look in his eye.

" What!!!! was he doing?!!!!" Espresso scermed in his mind, he didn't know what was happing. But his body was doing little to stop it...

He was tured to Madeleine once more... thoses eye's he thought. The one's that had hunted him for days.... even worse was Madeleine was giving that face again!

It's official... his insides we're melting! He was turning into puty by one simple touch of madeleine's warm hand. What was happening? Espressos mind whisperd, his logical mind was so quite now.... all that had been.. it was lost.

" Madeleine?" Espresso whisperd once more... talk about deja-vu... this is exactly what happened in his lab yesterday! Except this time espresso hadn't fallen off a ladder!

This was it!!! Madeleine wasn't going to run away... not again... not this time. His mind was blank. But He let his heart lead the way...

He leaned closer to espresso.. meer inchs from his face. Half of him Except espresso to pull away but the both of them seem to be frozen in each other's gaze. Madeleine leaned close to espressos ear, whispering as he pulled him closer...

" Espresso..." He whisperd,

Espresso could feel the very hair on his neck stand on end! None had been this close to him before.. this made espresso panic slightly. He heart felt like it was going to burst, out of fear? Out of anticipation? Was Madeleine going to do what he thought he was doing? He felt his face burn!!!

Madeleine finished whispering his though " Espresso... may I?"

Madeleine didn't have chance to finish! Espresso had grabbed him!?! He felt his hands grapsing his shirt, and he pulled in him!

( cue heavily music please😇😇😇)

The world span!!! Espresso had lost all sense of self....

One second Madeleine was talking and the next he had pulled him into a kiss!

Espresso!!!! Had kissed Madeleine!!

Though that panic hadn't reached him yet. Right now the two, had locked lips.

Espresso grip was so tight! Holding onto madeleine's shirt he didn't know what had come over him! But this sweet imbrace was something he didn't want to leave.

At first, Madeleine was taken by surprise! But soon, he felt his eye's close. As he pulled Espresso ever closer, melting into his warm kiss. Espresso was hot ! In more ways the one and he tasted bitter. And Madeleine loved it!

The wash of coffee. It was like a warm cup in the morning but this was different. This wasn't like drinking coffee, this was magical!

Madeleine tasted sweet ( I know you guys we're wondering 😉) like a sugared doughnut that could be brought from the bakery. Sugar doughnuts we're know to be one of Espresso's favourite treats, the kiss was looonng! Like years of pining being washed away in one bittersweet embrace.

Finally Madeleine gently pulled away, mainly needing air and time to recover from the shock.

He huffed. Leaning back on the couch... with a puff he managed to speak. A big grin on his face " Yeah.. that" He giggled like a school girl, buttflies rushing through him! His whole body thingled! His face was a bright pink glow, he felt absolutely geedy!

Espresso froze.... eye's wide! It seems that his actions we're finally catching up with him.

As Madeleine gleefully giggled, he freaked out!

He reached up to touch his lips,

What did I?!!! He thought his mind exploring. WHAT!, WHY? Emotions!!! He was boiling over like a saucepan on a hot stove. Finally he manged a very embarrassed mumble

" that was my first kiss...." He held his face in pure shock. It was here that Madeleine stopped giggling....

" what?" He said, leaning forwards again making sure he heard espresso correctly

Espressos mind was racing of All! People to kiss why Madeleine? But why had he so desperately wanted to in the first place?..,. This made him blush once more. Espresso hid his face away not wanting Madeleine to see.

The knights eye's softened, he leaned over more taking Espresso hands away from his face. But what he saw astonished him!

Espresso was blushing! Never had he seen the mage losse his calm composure and this... this was adorable! He couldn't help but smile down at espresso. His own cheeks starting to glow.

" Madeleine I'm sorry! I... I shouldn't of done that! " Espresso blurred out. Trying to skirm from the knight's grasp.

Madeleine simply smiled. " It's okay Espresso " He comforted him, holding him still to look him in the eye's once more.

Madeleine pulled Espresso in a hug. Wrapping his arms around the star struck mage,

Espresso didn't fight back, he couldn't help himself. Madeleine's arms always felt safe and warm. And for once he didn't want to fight them.., instead he just buried his face in Madeleines chest without another word...

Madeleine held espresso tightly, much like when he rescue him from the cake wolf's. He softy hugged him " I've been wanting to do that for a very, long time"....

This was more a realisation for himself, in that kiss he had become clear that he had wanted to be with espresso for a while now... though he would always push down his feelings and try to focus on his duties for the kingdom. Secretly he's wanted the mage,... he could just never seem to accept his own feelings.

It was only know as held espresso in his arms that his true feelings became so very, very clear.

Espresso looked up at Madeleine... confused.

" what?" He questioned, he couldn't of possibly understood what Madeleine had just said...

Madeleine gazed into his eye's once more...

" I've been wanting to kiss you for a while now" with that, a secret that Madeleine had held for years left his lips. Leaving espresso in pure bewildermen

Authors note;

I don't think I need to say no more 😏😏
After 18 chapters I think it's time.
Note that this chaper I didn't say who was speaking ,
Espresso and Madeleine don't have separate parts.
They come together 🥰

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