Just between us Girl's 💅💅💅.......

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( here's a tip for all your writers. Don't start writing at 1am in the morning!😄😄 seriously don't do it! Just go to bed🛌 thank me later😆😉)

( don't even know what I put in the last chapter I was so bone tired.... either way! On with the story)

Espresso and latte;

After the extreme gay panic and realisation of yesterday, Madeleine and espresso decided to meet the next day for their very first date.


It was early afternoon in the kingdom, espresso was happily humming in his bedroom going through his abundance of clothes. It was rare to see the mage away from his lab, even for a brief moment but today was a special day after all.

"Hmmmmmm, hummm hhhh" he continued to happily hum to himself, most of his clothes we're browns and blacks. It wasn't a very wide colour palette but espresso made it work, though at the current second he was being as picky a teenage girl. Looking at each shirt he came across with great detail.

Should I wear this one? He thought looking at a lighter brown shirt, or maybe that one? and match it with the pants? No! That one would never go! He thought coming across a different combo, if he wasn't so neat and orderly he probably be throwing his clothes out onto the bed proclaiming how he had nothing to wear!

It could definitely be a scene from one of those cheesy teen romcom's film's, one where he would get all his wardrobe out and get more and more frustrated with every wrong combination, all while multitasking as he did his nails and talk on of thoses old fashioned cored phones,

Espresso signed and rolled his eyes, since when had his life become a bad 80's romcom? He floped back on to his bed. And stared up at the ceiling," I'll never find something to wear at this rate.." He mumbled annoyed,. It was a about a second later this sentence caught up with...

Great! He thought coving his face with embarrassed, I'm already doing it! All I need now is one thoses stupid girly talks that the main character has with a best friend or whatever.... espresso started to give a slight giggle at this idea. When his phone actually did ring!!!

It wasn't a cored phone... but still the timeing was awful strange...

He sat up on his bed and reach for his cell on the bedroom stand, like most introverts though he check the number before actually picking up

" hello?" He said, in his mind. it was more like hello? Basic 80's girl that you? But of course espresso couldn't say that

" Hey essy! It's me latte!" She said with a cheerful voice,

Espresso eye rolled " I know who it is latte..." He groand slightly, but was really just playing with her.

" oh Right!" She said with a giggle

" what do you want latte?" Espresso asked, not that espresso didn't like hearing from his sister but he had enough strees as it is without her on top of it.

" oh come on!!! Can't a sister, call her own brother every once in a while?!" She playfully teased.

Espresso sighed, he didn't have time for this... he got up fro his bed and decided to keep looking in his wardrobe as latte talked.

Latte knew her brother very well though, she could tell when something was up

" is there something wrong?" She asked concerned

This made espresso pause as he flipped through his shirts once more, now with a softer look in his eye " nothings wrong..." He explained " I'm just stressed...."

" is there anything I can help with?" Latte questioned, but this made espresso panic! If latte knew he was going on a date... let alone with Madeleine! He never near the end of it!

But As if she could read her own brothers mind latte resured him " come on, you can talk to me" her words seem so soft and genuine... latte was one a of the very few cookies espresso trusted. They grew up together and throughout their childhood they we're mostly alone. Outcasts from the world,

Espresso finally pulled out a shirt and gave in with a whisper " I'm going on a date..." his face was completely red, he only hoped he wouldn't regret this later...

Silence..... not a word was said... espresso thought that perhaps she had not heard? Or hung up?

" latte?" Espresso checked curiously

" EKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" A very excited high pitch squeal came from the other end

And.... instant regret!!! Espresso face palmed himself, why? on why? Did he have to say that?

" tell me everything!!!!" Latte demanded as the excitement filled her

" ehhhhhhhhhhh" Espresso groand,

" oh Right...." she said, calming her self. Remember who exactly she was talking to.

" sorry bro, I'm just so happy for you!" She exclaimed with delight

" don't get any idea’s latte..." Espresso cautioned her, he knew what she could be like when it came to things like this. Latte was smart, wise, kind and mostly level headed but when it came to her brother and relationships she seemed to go right back to when they we're kid's .

" just tell me one thing...." she whisperd " who's the lucky guy?"

Espresso was just laying out his perfect outfit when he heard this question and he almost dropped the phone! If there was anything he didn't want to tell her. Who! he was going on a date with was number 1!!!

" weehhhh, you know what latte I have to go!"panic stricken, his words a blur. "Got to get changed and all! " Espresso laughed nervously and without even saying goodbye he hung up the phone. Putting it back on the stand with a Sigh

Phffffff....that was a close one he thought and started to get ready for his date.

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