bake or break

920 23 39

( didn't think I had any cookie puns left did you? Could say I'm rolling them out for a Renaissance!)

A mix of everyone again,

The sun has set on the kingdom, the last light of dusk has faded away bringing with it a bit of a chill in the air. The street lights are just turning on, and two cookies are finishing up their drinks in the local bakery.

Espresso gazes at Madeleine from across the table, he's never caught himself staring at the Knight before... but ever since yesterday he can't help but take in every little detail about him. It might of been Espresso perfectionists ways, or his need to analyse everything. But right down to Madeleine's buttons he had taken stock of his entire image, Truly espresso was cursed with noticing thing's that none else did. This could come as a blessing though, especially when one is on a date.

" now you are looking at me strangely" Madeleine slightly teased, talking a sip through his strew.

" I... emmmm" Espresso tried to find an excuse but the logical part of his brain was there as always! Begrudgingly telling him that Madeleine did indeed have a point... espresso face flushed red.

" I guess you caught me..." he finally admitted, swirling the last bit of coffee he had in his cup left before drinking the last of it.

Seeing espresso finish his drink gave Madeleine another extremely cheesy, idea. Espresso being occupied with his drink, Madeleine reached over for one of the spare starw's that the waiter had left for them. He quickly popped it in his own drink. Before piping up to get espresso's attention

" ahhh hemm" He coughed,

Espresso looked up, as he put down his empty cup. Only to see a scene from yet another 80's romcom!

There Madeleine was.. his elbows leaning on the table, leaning forwards slightly. Two starws in his milkshake, looking at espresso with that certain knowing glace of his.

Now if this was an anime, this would be the part where blood would spout from espresso's nose! Just from the pure idea of sharing a milkshake with Madeleine...

But it's not, so espresso just quickly looked elsewhere while stamming." Ehhhh.. m,m, Madeleine?"

He had him right we're he wanted him. " would you like some?" Madeleine offered gesturing to the milkshake, this was a pretty slick move on his part.

Don't get embarrassed... espresso thought trying to keep his cool. But how could he? with those blue eyes on him! He breathed, trying to bring his temperature back down again. Be confident... he thought turning back to Madeleine

" don't mind if I do" He said suave as he could, trying his best to give one those seductive smiles he sees on TV.

He starts to take a drink from one of the starw's. This isn't so bad... espresso thought, though he kept his eyes closed just in case.... the milkshake was actually quite tasty. He was so caught up in it that he accidentally opened his eye's!!

OH GOD!!!! he snored some of the milk up his nose! With pure shock! He should of definitely kept his eyes open! Because Madeleine was happily now drinking from the other starw like it was nothing!!!!!

NOPE!!!! TO MUCH!! espresso pulled back from the drink coughing from the shock. " are you alright espresso?" Madeleine asked considered reaching out for his hand.

Espresso kept coughing but manged some words " I'm... alright!" Finally the drink was gone and he could speak again. Talking Madeleine hand for comfort, before leaning in to whisper to him.

" just a bit of an overload that's all" He was embarrassed by the way he acted...

Espresso looked down, ashamed. " Hey..." Madeleine cooed softly, squeezing espresso's hand slighty. Giving a quick side glance out into the cafe. He noticed that it was mainly empty now, most cookies had headed home for the evening.

Making sure none saw, Madeleine picked up the menu they had and put it in front of him and espresso making sure that none could see them. " it's okay" He reassured, " come here..." he whisperd softer now.. leaning towards Espresso...

Espresso looked up, and was once more greated by Madeleine's beautiful blue eyes. He felt blush creeping up on his face again, his cheeks a light shade of pink. Espresso leaned in slightly, not all the way. About a nose touch away from Madeleine,

" can I kiss you now?" Madeleine sweetly whisperd, holding espresso's gaze. All espresso could manage was a small shy nod,

Madeleine leaned in, about to close the gap between them when...

" Help!!!!!!!!" A jam curling scerm was heard!

Madeleine whiped around in his seat! Looking outside he could see cookies beginning to scatter. Something was wrong.... very wrong.

He tured back to espresso a worrying look on his face, espresso knew what they had to do!. With a nod, he grabbed Madeleine's hand and dashed out into the street!

The Plan had been a success!! Using the cake monster's by their side licorice and her had manged to get past the kingdoms first defences and we're now making their way to the center of the town! Pomegranate sat proudly onto the biggest cake wolf the kingdom had ever seen! As licorice lead the front of the attack with the smaller cake monster's. Pomegranate used her spells to protect themselves with. She could use her magic to heal both her and licorice while weaking the other cookie's around her.

Why the knights at the gates tried their best to combate them, they we're no match for the sheer number of enemies. Soon they had crashed down the gate! And we're walking down the street's sending cookies below quaking with fear! Most ran! For their lives! But some we're caught in the crossfire.

Back at the bakery. Trouble was rasing

The scerm itself can come from cream puff cookie, her and her we're just heading hone from the library when the cake monster's attacked!!

" m,m,m MONSTER'S!!!" cream puff cried holding out her wand, " s..sss stay back!" She demanded as a few cake hounds approached her.

" what do we do cream puff cookie?!!" Her friend, stood behind her panic stricken

( did you know cream puff cookies friend doesn't have a name? Seriously! I've decided to give him one for future context. I've called him apple cinnamon cookie or AC for short 😉)

The cake hounds we're getting closer and cream puff was starting to get worried her self. She could maybe take on one cake hound but her magic wasn't strong enough to handle them. Back against a corner she cried out

" Help!!!!!!"

Suddenly what seemed to a black whole opened up? Swolling the enemies up! Both cream puff and AC  where scared stiff! By the time Madeleine and espresso came dashing over.

" are you kids all right?" They asked almost in unison. Still in shock, cream puff just noded but they weren't out of the wood's yet. While espresso spell had gotten rid of the of the few cake hounds that had worked there way to the barkery so far. More we're still on the way! And Madeleine was without his sword and armour!

" Quick!!" This way!!!" Madeleine quickly took the kid's by the hand, leading the way back to his home as quick as a flash. With espresso in tow, they just manged to make it back to Madeleine's for cover, but they weren't going to be safe for long!

Authors notes;

Okay I'm going to leave ut here for now
Because I don't want to make the chapters
Too long, I know what it's like trying to read
7 paragraphs or more! 😆😆

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