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Hanna's POV

I am dinner with Sunoo in his house, the dinner was very quite and awkward.

So I decided to break the silence and asked, "So what does your family do for a living?" He answered, "My family own a quite busy business." I nodded and made an 'oh' mouth, I said, "Your house looks really pretty." "Thanks, but I'm prettier." He said showing his cute smile, I couldn't resist but smile for the first time in front of him. He widened his eyes and said, "Am I dreaming? Are you smiling? Are you the real Hanna?" I laughed and answered, "Nee, this is the Hanna you ate with, the Hanna that loves mint choco, and the Hanna who calls you 'sunshine'." I could tell that he is blushing and flustered, so I went up to him and whispered, "Sunshine, am I that pretty with a smile? You're face is red as a tomato." He bury his face under his hand harder after hearing my statement.

We finished dinner and I went to say goodbye to Sunoo's mom, "Thank you for the dinner eomeonim, I will get going now." "It's so late now, just stay here for the night. I will inform your parents about it." Sunoo's mom replied. "No it's okay eomeonim, and also I live alone so you don't need to call my parents." I said. "Oh then, just stay here for the night, we have a guest room next to Sunoo's room. I won't take no as an answer." "Alright then eomeonim." I gave Sunoo's mom a bow before leaving the room to tell Sunoo about it.

I went to Sunoo's room and knocked on the door, He replied, "Who's that?" I answered, "It's Hanna sunshine." He opened the door and let me in then he asked, "I thought you're going home." I replied, "I was about to go but your mom asked me to stay here for the night and won't take no for an answer, so where's the guest room?" He answered, "It's next door, you could ask the maid." I frustratedly replied, "Yahh you know I don't like talking to new people much, just show me the room by yourself." He sassily rolled his eyes and said, "Fine. Follow me." We walked towards the guest room and we enter the room, and Sunoo said, "Here's the guest room, I'm next door if you need anything." I nodded and muttered under my breath, "Oh shit, I don't have clothes to change."

Sunoo's POV

I heard Hanna was saying something, it wasn't loud but loud enough for me to hear it. I went back to my room and got a hoodie and a sweatpants for her, I went back to her room and knocked. She asked, "Who is it?" I answered, "It's your sunshine, open the door."

She opened the door and I enter the room and put the clothes on her bed. I said, "Here's my hoodie and sweatpants change into these before going too sleep, the clothes may be big on you but just wear it." She replied, "Oh okay, thank you." She smiles at me sweetly and of course I smiled back at her, only god knows how happy am I to see her smile in front of me. I went back to my room and I played my video games in the gaming set up.

Hanna's POV

Sunoo went into the room and put some clothes on the bed, I was wondering on how does he know I need clothes to change into. He is explaining about the clothes and I just said, "Oh okay, thank you." I gave him a smile and he gave me back smile. He went back to his room so I took a shower and changed into the hoodie and sweatpants Sunoo gave me earlier. The clothes were too big for me, I'm just basically wearing a oversized hoodie and sweatpants. I brushed my hair in front of the dressing table and tie my hair into a messy bun, I sat on the bed and began to scroll through social media.

I was scrolling for about 10 mins, but then there was a storm outside and I have astraphobia. I ran to Sunoo's room and knocked on the door but there was no response, I knocked for a couple more times but there is still no response. I went into his room without his permission only to see him playing video games with headphones on his ears, I rolled my eyes and sighed. I sat on the couch and I heard thunder sounds, I was startled and curled myself up and close my ears, I didn't know what was happening around me since I was scared of the sounds. I thought Sunoo is still playing his game, but he was hugging me the whole time, I didn't realize it at first, but the hug gave me warmth and I noticed that Sunoo was hugging me and patting my back.
(Astraphobia is the fear of thunder and lightning sounds)

The sound of the thunder and lightning stopped, "It's okay it's all gone now, don't be scared you have me." He said as he hug me tighter. I hugged him back and said, "Thank you so much sunshine for comforting me." He replied, "It's my pleasure my star." I curiously asked, "Star? Why am I a star?"He chuckled and answered, "Because you sparkle the night, just like how you sparkle me." I chuckled and said, "Thank you for being my sun and moon to my star."

Hello my dear readers, how was this chapter? Do you like it? Or you do not, if you have any recommendations you guys could comment it and so will read it. Do you guys like the nickname I came up with? Btw, thank you so much guys for 99 readers! I would think I would get that many readers, I am very thankful for you guys. I love you guys who were with me since the beginning and everyone who just started reading this, no words could describe how thankful I am to my readers.

Daily Reminder
•Don't give up on your dreams
•Think mistakes as a lesson, not a failure.
•Fill your life with things you want to do and not someone else's.
•As always, this author loves you so much🤍

Bye guys, see you guys on the next chapter-!!

-your dear author-

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