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A/N: HELLO!  Welcome to the first chapter of PhYcHoPaThS! So the swimsuit up top is just something I picked out to help me visualise better. I do that a lot, it helps me write. If you don't like any outfits ignore it or imagine something else :)  Also the model in the picture is Paulina Porizkova. In 1984 at 18 she became the first woman from Central Europe to be on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
Okay! Enjoy the story! xx

Summer of 1995 

Sidney, Tatum, and I all lounged in the pool on a hot August day. This is our normal routine, hanging out around the pool. I worked at the video store from 3 to closing with Randy, but after that the whole gang would get together and hangout. Stu would normally throw almost every night when his parents were gone. His parents were gone a lot on business trips. Our parents were currently on a business trip. Well, dad had a business trip and mom went with him. They were going to stay for a few more days, so Sidney and I had the house to ourselves. We had music blaring from the pool house stereo. We were just talking about guys, as usual, when Billy, Randy, and Stu came running towards the pool. Stu screamed cannonball as he jumped into the pool followed by Billy and Randy. Us girls curled up in our loungers. 

I stood up as water splashed towards me. "You're all a bunch of children!" I laughed. I was a year younger than Tatum and Sidney and 2 years younger than the boys. I will be sixteen by the beginning of next year. Sidney and Tatum were 16 and the boys were all 17. I was only 15 but they never secluded me from anything. Stu jumped out of the pool, "Come on, y/n. Don't you want to take a swim?" He asked. He had a mischievous smile painted  across his face. "Don't you dare," I said, pointing a finger at him. I have had a huge crush on Stu since last year. His smile got wider and he jumped towards me. I turned and took off running. "No!" I yelled as I laughed. Of course, he had longer legs than me, so he easily caught me. 

He lifted me off the ground, throwing me over his shoulder and ran back to the pool. "Stuart Macher, put me down!" Laughed. Next thing I know, water is surrounding me. I surfaced and glared at him playfully. I swam over to the edge of the pool. "Are you going to be a gentleman and help me out?" I asked. He laughed and held out his hand. I grabbed a hold of it and smirked, pulling him into the pool. I was laughing as he resurfaced with a stunned look on his face. "Okay. Okay. You got me. We're even," he laughed. He hopped out of the pool and I swam over to the ladder. I climbed up and when my feet hit the cement that surrounded the pool I soothed my hair back with my hands. 

What?! Okay, okay. I did it on purpose. Happy?! I had to get his attention somehow, right?

I heard him grunt and looked over to get him hunched over a little. Billy smiled, raising his eyebrows at me. I saw Sidney roll her eyes and Tatum gave me a thumbs up. "Stu, stop eye fucking my little sister," Sidney said. I looked at her with wide eyes and could feel my cheeks warm up. Randy came over and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Yeah, y/n is too good for you anyway," he said. Randy was my best friend. We both shared a love for horror. He also had a huge crush on Sidney. "Besides don't you have--" Randy didn't finish his sentence, being cut off by someone calling his name. "Stu!" We all looked towards the driveway that was in front of the garage at the side of the house. 

"Hey!" Stu yelled and ran towards her. When he reached her, he picked her up and swung her around then kissed her. That's when my heart stopped. "Casey Becker? When did he start seeing her?" Sidney asked. "I heard they got together at the end of the school year," Randy said. I looked over at him and quickly looked down. I was so embarrassed,  I had been flirting with him as pre-usual all summer only to find out he has a girlfriend. And it wasn't just any girl, no, it was Casey Becker. She was the head cheerleader, the most popular girl In school. 

Stu and Casey started walking back towards where we all stood around the pool. I wrapped my arms around myself as they stopped. "You guys know Casey," Stu said. Nobody said anything, we just looked at them. Rhen Sidney spoke up. "Hey, yeah. We had English together," She said. "Yeah. And you two work at the video store, right?" She asked, looking at me and Randy. I couldn't even look at either of them, let alone speak. "Yeah," Randy said. "And I know Tatum and Billy," she said. "So, how long have you two been dating?" Tatum asked. I walked over to the chair I had been sitting on and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around myself feeling self-conscious. 

"Um. What? Since school let out?" Casey said. "Wow. That's great," Sidney said. Always so nice. I rolled my eyes and let out a scoff. Everyone turned and looked at me. "What?" Casey asked. "Nothing. Nothing. It's just-- Stu never told us he had a girlfriend that's all," I shrugged. I looked up at him real quick and saw pity in his eyes so I looked away. "Oh. That's my fault, I wanted to wait to tell people just to make sure things would go out first," Casey said. "Right. Well, I better go get ready for work. Randy, think I can get a ride with you?" I asked. "Umm... yeah, yeah. Of course," he said, clearing his throat. Things were definitely awkward. I nodded my head and headed towards the house. 

I walked up the walkway and up the stairs to the top deck. I opened the door that led into the kitchen and headed straight for the stairs to go up to my room. I opened my bedroom door, walking in and closing it enough I could open my closet door. It made no sense to me why the closet door would be right behind the bedroom door, but it did help when I wanted to keep someone out, Sidney did the same thing. I threw the towel I had in the hamper and started changing. I had decided I would just get a shower after work, I knew I should probably take one now after being in the pool but I didn't want to leave as soon as possible to save myself any more embarrassment.  

I walked out of the closest as I was pulling my black work shirt down. "Pretty cool room," I jumped at voice and looked up to see Stu over but the bookshelves with my collectors. He picked up the Freddy Kruger glove from the first Nightmare on Elm Street. I ran over and grabbed it out of his hands, putting it back where it was. "Please don't touch anything. This stuff cost a fortune and my dad would be pretty pissed if something he spent a lot of money on to get me, got broken. Especially if that something is an original prop from a movie," I told him. "Wait. That's the actual glove from the movie?" He asked, looking at me in shock. "Yes. So... don't touch it. What're you doing in my room anyway, Stu?" I asked. "Wanted to make sure you were alright," he said, walking over to look at the posters. "I'm fine. I just have to work in 15 minutes. So... yeah. Time to go," I said and started pushing him towards the door. 

After he was out of my room I closed the door behind us and headed for the stairs. "Y/N, wait," he said, grabbing my wrist. I stopped and looked up at him. *Fuck he was tall.* I raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Casey. I didn't think it would last this long to be honest," he said with a chuckle. "Okay-- it's your business, Stu. Now I really have to go, I'm sure Randy is waiting for me," I told him and walked down the stairs. He sighed and followed after me. 

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