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I unlocked the door and stepped inside. The house was dark, the only light coming from the one above the stove. We would normally keep that on all night since more times than not we end. Up in front of the refrigerator in the middle of the night. I closed and locked the door behind me before heading upstairs. Since Sidney's room was on the right just at the top of the stairs and I saw her light on, I stopped in front of her door. I could hear hushed whispers and giggles. I knocked on her door and all I heard was Sidney gushing whoever was in her room, my bet was on Billy. The door opened just enough for her to look at me. "Hey, y/n/ n," she said. "Hey, Sid. Just wanted to let you know I was home. So, who's in your room?" I asked, smiling. "What? No-- no one's in my room," she said. "Hi, Billy!" I called out. Next thing he was standing behind Sidney. "Hey, y/n," he said. I laughed at Sidney's worried face. "I'm not going to tell mom and dad, calm down. I'm going to my room but you two be safe," I told her. Her face turned a shade of pink. I turned to walk across the landing to my room calling back to them. "Use protection!" I heard Billy laugh and Sidney groan. 

As soon as I got in my room I shut the door and walked into the closet. I picked my shoes, socks, and pants off. The shows went with the others and my socks and pants went to the hamper. I grabbed a pair of shorts and oversized tee-shirt before heading back out of my room. I wanted to take a shower and get this chlorine from the pool off of me. After the shower I headed to my room for the night. Towel in hand as I tried drying my hair with it. "About time you showed up," I jumped and turned around, my heart pounding in my chest. I clutched the towel to my chest. I looked over at my bed to see Stu laying down, half propped up with his hands behind his head. 

"Jesus fucking Christ, Stu!" I growled and threw the towel at him. "What the hell are you doing in my room? How did you even get in here?" I asked. He pointed towards the open window. "You left your window open. And I wanted to talk," he said and sat up. I walked over to the bed and grabbed the towel, hanging it on the back of my desk chair. "What could be so important that you crawled through my  bedroom window, on the second floor?" I asked. I stood at the foot of my bed, arms crossed over my chest. I was painfully aware that I had no bra on. "Why aren't you coming to the party?" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Because, Stu,  it's my day off and I would just rather stay home and watch movies and relax," I told him. He moved to the end of the bed, positioning himself so I was standing between his legs.

"Is it about Casey? Is that why you won't come?" He asked. "No, Stu. It's not about Casey," I told him.

Lie. That was a huge lie. It had all to do with her.

"Are you sure? You seem to keep distancing yourself from me since earlier today," he said. I looked down at the floor and let her another sigh out. "I'm sure, Stu. Now please get out of my room so I can go to bed," I said, looking up at him. I had to tilt my head back to even look into his blue eyes. *This was just a stupid teenage crush. The little sister who has a crush on her sister's boyfriend's best friend. That's all it was. That's all I was, Sidney's little sister, even if I was only a year younger than her.* "Please come to my party," he begged. "No! Now get out!" I said, pushing him towards the window.

"Can I at least have a hug?" He pouted. I rolled my eyes and let an annoyed sigh out. "Fine! But then you leave," I pointed at him. A smile spread across his face and then my feet left off the ground as he picked me up. He set me back down and crawled out of my window. He turned to look at me and said. "I'll talk to you later?" I nodded my head and he disappeared. I closed and locked my window, pulling the curtain closed. 

The next day I didn't get out of bed until eleven. I stood up and stretched before heading down the stairs. I could hear talking and laughing. I walked into the kitchen to have six pairs of eyes on me. Sidney, Billy, Tatum and whoever the guy was with her, Stu, and Casey all stood in the kitchen talking. "Hey, sleepy head," Sidney said. I just looked at everyone and nodded my head, heading to the refrigerator. "So, what're you doing today?" Sidney asked. I grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge and set it on the counter before going to get a glass. "I don't know. Relax, maybe see if Randy wants to come over and hang out," I shrugged. 

"Well, we were going to order pizza and hang out around the pool today if you want to join," Sidney said. I looked around the kitchen at everyone. My eyes landed on the guy standing beside Tatum. He had dark blonde hair, green eyes, appeared to be well built, and tall. "Who the fuck is that?" I asked, pointing to him. "I'm Carter-- Carter Miller," he said with a smile. "He's on the football team," Tatum said. I just nodded and sipped on my orange juice. "Right. Well, have fun with that. I'm going to go call Randy," I said. I grabbed the phone off the hook and walked up to my room.

 I dialed Randy's number praying he would be the one to answer as it rang. "Hello," I sighed in relief at Randy's voice. "Hey, what're you doing today?" I asked. "Um. I have to take Martha to her friend's house soon but then I'm doing nothing. Why? What's up"? He asked. "Well, Everyone is here, including Carter Miller, I don't really want to hang out with them so I thought you'd want to come over and hang out, maybe watch a few new movies I got," I said. "Is Casey there too?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yes," I said, a little too annoyed. "Is that why you don't want to hang out with them?" He asked. "Do you want to come over or not?" I asked. "Yeah. I'll be there in an hour," he said. "Awesome. See you when you get here," I said and hung up the phone.

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