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A/N: sorry I forgot to add the warning of there being smut at the end.

I felt sick to my stomach. Stu had gone right back to his normal, giddy, carefree self. The dark look that was in his eyes minutes ago, was gone. The blue is bright again. Randy moved his arm to put it around my shoulders and just started to joke around like nothing happened. I knew he was trying to lighten the mood and calm my nerves, but it wasn't helping. I tried to play along but it wasn't good enough. The smile Stu had plastered on his face vanished in a snap of a finger. "Hey. Hey, baby, what's wrong?" He asked.

I was confused with myself. Even though I was starting to think Billy might actually be the killer and Stu, my own boyfriend, might be involved as well, helping him do these horrible killings, acting me and Sidney; I wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to hold me because being in his arms was home for me. I should be running away, telling him to stay away from me. But instead I let him kill me away from Randy and into his chest. "Come on. Let's go home and get ready for the party," she said. He kissed the top of my head, pulled away from me and laced his fingers through mine. I looked at Randy and slightly nodded. "See you at the party?" I asked. "Yeah. Yeah, see you at the party," he said.

We walked back out to the car, Stu opening the passenger door for me before rounding to the drivers side and getting in. The car was filled with silence as we drove through town towards the Macher house.

*you need to calm down y/n. You're letting what Randy said get to you. Stu and Billy have always messed with Randy. That does not mean your boyfriend and his best friend, who happenes to be your sisters boyfriend, are cold blood murders.*

I jumped when Stu laid his hand on my thigh. "You Okay? You're awfully jumpy," he said. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. I guess everything that's happened has finally caught up to me," I said. "Baby, I'm sorry for what I said about your dad--" I cut him off shaking my head. "No. No. It's understandable I guess. I mean he is gone. We can't get a hold of him. I'm sure the police are thinking the same thing," I said. I was quiet for a few minutes before saying, "This is just all overwhelming. Casey and Steve being murdered and then Sid and I being attacked. I kind of blocked it out. But now-- now it's crashing down and hard. There's someone out there that wasn't me and my sister dead and I don't know why." I took a deep breath to collect myself. Stu stayed quiet, rubbing his hand up and down my thigh as a way of comfort.

"I'm really starting to think Cotton Weary is not my mother's killer," I said. "What makes you think that?" He asked. "I don't know, Stu. It -- Sidney only saw someone wearing his jacket. She didn't actually see his face and o didn't see anyone," I said. He squeezed my thigh and said, "But they found that jacket in his car covered on your mom's blood, babe." I shook my head, "Yes but-- I mean that could have been planted. Everyone knew she was-- that she was having an affair with not just him but others as well. Sidney is in complete denial over it. I'm not. I thought I knew my own mother but it turns out she was a complete stranger. God only knows how many families she destroyed. My father didn't deserve that, the wife's of the husband's she slept with didn't deserve it," I said. I was getting mad.

Stu's hand moved up my thigh, squeezing it every so often. His hand disappeared under my dress and I jumped a little at the feel of his fingers brushing against me. "Take these off," he said, not taking his eyes off the road. "W-what?" I asked, stunned. "Take...these...off," he said, slowly. I kicked my boots off then slid my tights off. His hand went right back where it was. Fingers pushing aside my panties to run through my wet folds. I spread my legs willingly, head falling back as he rubbed circles on the small bundle of nerves.

*you were just thinking your boyfriend could be a killer and now you're letting him play with you. What the hell is wrong with me?!*

He dipped his index finger into me causing me to moan. He added his middle finger and continued to pump as his thumb rubbed circles on my clit. Just as he pulled up in front of the house the coil in my stomach had snapped. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Upstairs. Go. Now. Before people start to show up." I grabbed my boots and tights and ran through the garage and up the stairs to his room.

*You really have problems. But Stu couldn't. He wouldn't. Would he?*

All thoughts stopped when arms wrapped around my waist and lips attached themselves to my neck. I grabbed the bed post as Stu pulled the dress up over my ass, bent me over slightly, and landed a hard slap against the sensitive skin on my ass. "That was very bold of you to kiss Randy and to be holding onto him like that." I've seen Stu get jealous before but this-- this was a whole new level and it was turning me on when it should have pissed me off. Before I could even respond he was slipping into me. A gasp leaving my lips. He stilled for a few seconds before thrusting into me. There was still a slight burning sensation from not being used to his size, seeing as he only took my virginity last night.

"Stu!" His hand wrapped around my throat, bringing me up so my back was against his chest, his other hand sliding around my waist, sliding down to my clit to rub small harsh circles. His thrust got faster and harder. "I need you to tell me your mine," he said. I couldn't even form a full sentence. "I--I--ahh!" The coil was wound so tight, about to explode. My walls were tightening around him. "Tell me. Tell me your mine," he said. His lips attached themselves to my neck, sucking a mark into the skin. "Say it, baby, and then you can cum," he said. "I'm yours!" I cried out, realising myself all over his cock as he still thrust into me. "Fuck!" Stu yelled before pulling out and releasing himself onto my ass.

I moved just slightly and crashed onto the bed. Stu changed his pants and shirt then walked into his bathroom, coming back out with a damp cloth, and cleaned the mess we had made up. Once I had caught my breath I changed my panties and put my tights and boots back on. The doorbell rang and Stu mumbled a quick I love you before kissing me and running down the stairs.

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