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Friday 8:50 p.m.
October 20, 1995 

"There are rules!" Randy was on his rules of how to survive a horror movie. I've heard this a million times already. It was ten minutes until closing and Randy was arguing with some dude from school. "Look, man, they're very simple, okay?" He said. Then he went to start listing them. I Looked at the clock and sighed. "Okay, Randy! Let's save it for another time. It's almost closing time," I said. I grabbed the video off the counter, ringing it up, and putting it in a bag. "Three dollars and it'll be due back tomorrow," I told the guy. He handed me the three dollars with a smile. I opened the register, put the money in its slot, and closed the drawer. When I turned back he was still there. "Did you need something else?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Are you free tonight? I could wait and we could go back to my place, my parents are out of town," he said, biting his lip. "I have a boyfriend," I said. "Who? This geek?" He asked, pointing his thumb in Randy's direction. I looked at Randy and then back at him. "No," I told him. "Well, then why not come home with me," he smirked. "Are you stupid? Do you have memory problems? I just told you I have a boyfriend. Maybe you know him. Stu Macher," I said. I was getting irritated with this guy. The whole time he's been in the store he's been looking me up and down. "Yeah, I know him," he said. "Then goodbye. Have a good night," I said. He huffed and walked out of the store. 

I sighed and walked around the counter to lock the door. "Man, I thought he'd never leave," I grumbled. "I hate that guy," he said. We did our usual routine before making sure everything was locked up tight before we left. "Need a ride?" Randy asked. "Yes, please," I said. I got in the passenger seat of his car. We listened to Nirvana the whole way to my house, belting the lyrics horribly. 

Randy pulled into the driveway. "Thanks for the ride, Randy," I said. "Yeah, No problem. Talk to you later," he said and I got out of the car. He backed out of the driveway and headed down the road. I pulled my keys out of my bag and headed for the front door. Unlocking the door, I walked in and shut it behind me. The house was dark. Dad was on a business trip so it was just us girls. "Mom!" I called. I walked into the kitchen and laid my bag down on the counter with my keys. "Mom, I'm home!" I called out. Sidney was with Tatum but she should be home soon. "Mom!" I yelled again. I went to the fridge and got out some water. I opened the bottle, taking a sip before putting it down on the counter. 

Walking to the stairs I called for my mom again and still didn't get an answer. She never went to be until both Sidney and I were home. She always stayed up. I walked up the stairs, walked across the landing and to the closed bedroom door of my parents room. I knocked on the door, "mom?" I heard the door open downstairs and Sidney calling for me. "Up here!" I yelled. I put my hand on the door knob and opened the door. I high pitched scream left my throat. "Y/N!" Sideny yelled as she sprinted up the stairs only to let out a scream. "Mom!" 

The bed was covered in blood, our mom lay on the floor covered in blood, blood pooled around her. Sidney went to go to her but I stopped her. We didn't know who ever killed her was still in the house. "We have to call the cops, Sid," I cried, pulling her towards the stairs. She pulled away from me, sinking to the floor, a sob leaving her as her body shook. I ran down stairs, tears streaming down my face. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. 

"911. What's your emergency?" 

"Please, help! My-- my mom--" I cried. 

"Ma'am, I'm going to need to calm down. What about your mom?" 

"She's-- she-- she's dead!" I screamed. I gave them my address and hung up, running up the stairs to Sideny. "Sidney, come on. Come on!" I pulled her up and forced her to go down stairs with me. "Mom!" Sidney sobbed. I pulled her outside as we saw flashing lights rushing towards the house. Dewey was the first person to reach us. 

"Are you girls okay? What happened?" He asked. His face etched in worry. "Someone-- someone killed her," I told him. "Stay here," he said and rushed into the house. Other officers followed after him. An ambulance pulled into the drive in front of the house along with at least five police cars. "Sidney! Y/N!" We looked up to see Tatum running towards us. It wasn't a surprise she was here. She was probably right behind Dewey. She wrapped her arms around both of us as Dewey came back out. "Whoever was in the house isn't there anymore. I'm going to need to take you girls to the station. Where's your dad?" Dewey asked. "Um... he had to go out of town for a meeting," I told him. He nodded his head and started to lead us to his car. 

I sat in the chair beside Dewey's desk. Sidney sat beside Tatum, who was holding her as she cried. "I'm going to have to ask some questions, okay?" Dewey asked. I looked back at him and nodded. "Where were you tonight?" He asked. "I was at work. Randy dropped me off at around 9:15," I told him. "What did you do when you got home?" He asked. 

I took a deep breath before saying, "I locked the door once inside and went to the kitchen. I set my keys and bag on the counter. I called for -- I called for her a couple times and didn't get an answer. I got some water out of the fridge, drank some, then I walked upstairs. I knocked on the door without getting an answer. When I was about to open the door I heard Sidney come home and call my name. I yelled that I was upstairs, then I opened the door--" I told him as tears ran down my face. He nodded his head and said, "we're going to catch whoever did this." He asked Sidney if she has saw anything, already knowing she was with Tatum. He called and got a hold of our dad, who left right away to come home. 

Sidney had told them she had seen Cotton Weary leaving the house. Or at least she saw someone leaving in his jacket. They ended following that, leading only to find that jacket in his car with our mothers blood on it. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison after a three month long trail. He was behind bars and our mother was laid to rest. Dad moved into the guest bedroom after a crime scene clean up crew came in and took care of the bedroom. That door stays closed now. 

School went on as usual, except for the rumors going around. People calling our mother a slut. It had turned out she had an affair with Cotton. Sidney didn't believe it and defended her. On the other hand, I was mad. I was mad and upset that the woman who I thought I knew turned out to be someone I didn't. Someone with a secret life. Sidney and I fought about it for a long time. Billy tries supporting her and begins there for her. She had closed herself off. She pulled away, not letting him touch her. She was like that for months after we found out our mom had not only been stabbed several times, but was also raped. Stu was supportive of me and patient. Randy and Tatum were the same. 

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