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"Where are we going?" I asked. "To see Randy," he said as he drove the short distance to Bradley's. He parked and we walked across the street. Stu opened the door, letting me go first before following. We spotted Randy right away, pushing the cart full of returned videos. Stu ran up to him, stopped and said, "oh!" As he knocked the videos out of Randy's hands. "Stu!" I scolded. "Dork," Randy deadpanned. I walked over and picked up the videos Stu had knocked off his hands and set them on the cart. "Thank you, y/n," Randy said. I kissed his cheek before walking around the shelves to stand beside Stu. "Anything for my best friend," I smiled.

Stu pulled me against him before looking around. I could feel how his arm tightened around my waist. "Jesus, this place is packed tonight, man," he said. "We had a run in the mass murder section," Randy said. I leaned my arms on top on the shelf, facing Randy. Stu moved himself so he was leaning on one arm but was half behind me and pressed up against me.

*someone must be jealous. He is doing a great job hiding it. It would have been written all over my face.*

"Comin' to my fiesta?" Stu asked Randy. "Yeah, I'm off early. Curfew, you know," he said. "How do you always get off?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Brad likes me better. Plus I covered for Sarah twice last week on my days off. And not to mention I was almost filleted last night," I said. A girl came over and asked, "what's that werewolf movie with E.T.'s mom in it?" Before Randy could answer I said, "The Howling. Horror. Straight ahead." I pointed to where the horror section was. "Thanks," she said and walking off.

"Oh, now that's in poor taste," Randy said. "What?" Stu asked. We looked over to see Billy standing in the horror section talking to two girls. "If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy asked.

*He's really out here flirting with other girls behind my sister's back.*

"What? It was just a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything," Stu said, nodding his head towards Billy. "You're such a little lapdog," Randy told him. I laughed and turned to look up at Stu. "He's not wrong, Babe. You do literally anything Billy tells you," I said. His arm snaked around me as he looked down at me. "You hush. I wanna hear what your little horror crazy friend has to say," he said. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. Randy went on, "He's got "killer" printed all over his forehead."

*He's not wrong. Billy has been kinda sketchy lately.*

"Oh-kay. Really? Well, why'd the cold let him go, smart guy?" Stu asked as we moved down the shelf. "Because obviously l, they don't watch enough movies," Randy said. "Randy, this isn't a movie. This is real life," I told him. "Come on, y/n/n! This is slandered horror movie stuff and you know it. "Prom Night Revisited, man!" Randy said. "Yeah, why would he wanna kill his girlfriend and her sister?" Stu asked. I tensed slightly. "There's always some stupid, bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. Sorry y/n/n," Randy said.

"Gee, Randy, thanks!" I said sarcastically. "That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides, if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience," Randy told us. I rolled my eyes. "Well, what's his reason?" Stu asked. "Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him," Randy said quietly. "Randy!" I said, leaning over and pinching his shoulder. Stu laughed and asked, "What, is she savin' herself for you?" We moved further down the shelves. Randy looked down and whispered, "Maybe. Now that Billy tried to mutilate her and y/n, do you think Sid would go out with me?"

The question was more directed towards me. Stu and I both laughed then got real serious. "No, I don't at all. No," Stu said. "Sorry, Randy, I love you and all but that's a hard no," I told. "You know I think it's your dad," Stu said. My head whipped to the side with wide eyes. "What?! Why the fuck would it be my dad?" I asked. "Why can't they find your pops, babe?" He asked. Randy gave me an apologetic look before saying, "because he's probably already dead. His body will come poppin' up in the last reel somewhere! Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!" Stu looked around giving him a face that said shut up. "Come on, man!" He whispered.

I just stared at him in complete shock. Randy looked over at me and flinched seeing the look on my face. "Sorry, y/n/n." He mumbled before going on. "See, the police are always off track with this shit. If they watched Prom Night, they'd save time. There's a formula to it. A very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect!" He yelled. "Randy! Shut the fuck up!" I whispered harshly. Everyone in the damn store was looking at us now. "I'm telling you, y/n, your dad is a red herring. It's Billy," he said more quietly. He turned around only to run into Billy, who grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"How do we know you're not the killer? Huh? Huh?" Billy asked. Stu walked over leaning his arms on Randy's shoulders. "Hi, Billy," Randy said. "Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button. You ever think of that?" Billy asked. The look in his dark eyes made a chill run down my spine, my stomach flipping and knotting up. "You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this was a scary movie, I would be the prime suspect. So would y/n," Randy said. I stood near Stu watching as he flicked Randy's earlobe.

"And what would be your motive?" He asked. The sound of his voice low and deep. It wasn't the voice that I found comforting. It just made that knot in my stomach tighten. The way his blue eyes darkened as he looked over at Billy. It made me backup a few steps. Randy turned to look at him. "It's the millennium. Motives are incidental," he said. "Millennium. Hmm. Millennium. I like that. That's good. It's the millennium," Billy said. He patted Randy's check saying, "good kid." Then he walked away. "Millennium. Good word, my man." Stu said. I walked to stand over on the other side of Randy. He pointed towards Billy and said, "Now, you're telling me that's not a killer?"

Randy might be right on this. Billy could be the killer. I looked over at Stu, who was looking at Randy. An uneasy feeling washed over me. I linked my arm with Randy's and he looked at me. The way his face dropped at seeing the look in my eyes, I know he understood. The only time I ever stuck to him like I am now was when I was scared and that wasn't very often. I had a feeling Billy, if he is the killer, wasn't alone in this.

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