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The killer looked back at me and I scrambled back. "Y/N!" I heard Sidney yell. I scrambled to my feet and ran for the door. I ran through Stu's room, out one the door, across the landing and into his parents room. I saw Billy laying on the bed but just kept running. I ran around and to the stairs. I stopped as a sharp pain coursed through me. I looked down to see a black, gloved hand gripping the handle of a knife. I wrapped my hand around their wrist as he pulled the knife out of my stomach. I released his wrist and put my hands on my stomach as I fell to my knees.

Blood seeped through my fingers, soaking my dress. The killer stood over me as if he was hesitating before taking off down the stairs. I coughed, blood coming up and staining my teeth, dripping down my bottom lip. "Sid," I whispered. I pushed myself up, grabbing hold of the banister to help steady me. The time I slowly made my way down the stairs I heard Sidney yelling from the front porch. The door was wide open. I stumbled my way to the door, "Sid," I said. My hand pressing hard on my stomach. She turned her head, gun pointing at Randy and Stu as they yelled over each other. Dewey was laying on the porch not moving.

"Y/N! Oh, my god!" She gasped. "Baby! Sid, come on you gotta believe me. Let me in so I can take care of her!" Stu said. "No! He's gone mad!" Randy yelled. They both went to move forward but Sidney yelled, "Fuck you both!" She quickly turned, pushing me back, shutting and locking the door. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god." Her voice was shaky as she steadied me. "Sid, Billy--" her nodded her head. "I know. I know," she cried. "I'm sorry," I whispered, tears brimming my eyes. "What? No. No. You're going to be okay," she said. We heard a noise and turned towards the stairs. Billy stumbled down the steps, falling at the bottom. "Billy!" Sidney cried. She let go of me and ran over to him.

She helped him up and they walked over to the door. "No, Billy don't," Sidney said as she went to open the door. I coughed and stumbled back. Sidney didn't take notice but I did. Billy's shirt wasn't covered in real blood, it was fake, probably corn syrup and red dye. "It's okay, Baby. Give me the gun," he said. "Si-- Sid, d-do-don't," I choked out. She of course didn't listen and handed the gun to him. He opened the door and Randy came rushing in. "Stu has gone mad!" He yelled. Billy quickly shut the door. "Oh, my god, y/n!" Randy ran over to me where I held onto the banister.

Billy slowly turned, his head down, "We all go a little mad sometimes," he said, lifting his head, a sinister smile on his face. He pointed the gun a Randy who said, "oh, Fuck," before Billy shot him in the shoulder. "Randy!" Sidney and I both yelled. Sidney ran over as Randy fell to the floor. She knelt beside him. I looked at Billy who was stretching his head with the gun. "Anthony Perkins, Psycho," he said. I went over and pulled Sidney up. Billy licked his finger, humming at the taste. "Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pigs blood in Carrie," he said.

"Come on!" I said, pulling on Sidney. I turned and ran into someone. I looked up to see Stu. I went to back away but his arm wrapped around my waist holding me to him. "Stu! Help us please, Sidney cried. He didn't even look at her. He just stared at me with the same look he had in the video store. He broke a white box up to his mouth and siad, "Surprise, baby." Sidney tried pulling on me but i couldn't more Stu had a strong hold on me. I wouldn't have been able to move even if he didn't I was in shock.

No. He-- he wouldn't. He would never hurt me.

Sidney ran past us only to be cut off by Billy. I was starting to feel light headed as Stu dragged me into the kitchen. Stu threw Billy the voice modulator and let go of me. I grabbed the counter for support, everything felt like it was in slow motion, the ringing in my ears getting louder. "What's the matter, Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost," Billy said as he cornered her against the counter. "Why are you doing this?" She asked. She looked over at me but I barely noticed. I just looked at Stu as he spoke. "It's all part of the game, Sidney," he said. Billy brought the modulator up to his mouth again, "It's called Guess How I'm Gonna Die!" He yelled, pointing the gun at her.

"Fuck you!" Sidney yelled. "No, no, no, no, no. We already played that game, remember? Even Stu and y/n played that game last night and before the party," Billy told her. Normally I would have said something but I couldn't stop looking at Stu. My head was spinning full of so many questions.

Did he lie about loving me? Dis he just say that to get me to give myself to him? Was that his plan all along? Was I really jist a pawn in this sick game of theirs?

Billy handed the gun to Stu, who then handed him the knife. "You lost," Billy said, walking over to Sidney who shrank away from him. "It's a fine game, Sidney," Stu said. He looked at me with the smile he had on his face dropping for a mere second before he caught himself. "See we ask you a question, and if you get it wrong, "boo-kay," you die!" He yelled, pointing the gun at me. Sidney quickly pulled me against her. I was too shocked to do anything. The pain in my heart overpowering that of the stabbed wound. "You get it right, you die," Billy said, looking at us both.

He looked over at me and smiled, "what's wrong, y/n? Can't believe Stu did this? Did you actually think he really loved you?" He taunted me. My eyes stung with tears as I shrunk behind Sidney. She proactively stood in front of me, her arms stretched out. "You're crazy, both of you," she said. "Actually, we prefer the term psychotic," Stu said. I looked over at him, meeting his eyes. Tears started to fall and his face dropped. I looked away from him, bracing myself against the counter so I would collapse.

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