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The first thing I heard was beeping. I opened my eyes only to shut them again. I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light this time. I looked around the room only to realize I was in the hospital. The beeping noise was the heart monitor beside the bed. Pain shot through my as I tried to sit up pulling a groan from me. I pulled the oxygen tube that was in my nose out and looked around. In the corner of the room sat my Sidney curled up in a chair, sitting beside her was our dad. Both of them are fast asleep. I forced myself to sit up, groaning, "Fuck."

"Y/N?" I looked over to see Sidney rubbing her eyes. "Go back to sleep," I whispered. She got up and walked over to me, "Are you Okay? Are you in Pain? Do you need the nurse?" She asked all at once while she heard the door. "I'm fine. I'm fine," I said. She looked at me skeptically but sat on the edge of the bed. "What happened?" I asked. "You passed out from blood loss," she said. "Randy?" I asked. "He's across the hall. He's fine," she said. "I want to see him," I said. I flipped the covers off and pulled the IV out, pulling the wires to the monitor off as well. "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Hey, lay back down!" Sidney said, rushing to try and push me back down on the bed.

"No. Now help me to Randy's room," I told her. She sighed and wrapped her arm carefully around my waist and helped me across the hall. "Miss. Prescott, you shouldn't be out of bed," a nurse hollered from down the hall. I pushed the door open and we walked in. Randy was propped up in his bed, his parents sitting beside it. "Y/N!" He said, surprised. I let go of Sidney and stumbled over to the bed. I crawled into the bed with him, forcing him to move over. "What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting?" He asked. "Shut up and move," I said.

He moved over and I settled beside him, pulling the blanket over my legs. I laid my head on his good shoulder and sighed. "We were in a real life horror movie. You're stupid rules about being a virgin are a lie. I survived and so did Sidney," I said. "Is that why you came over here? So you can tell me my rules are stupid, which by the way are not," he said. "They are. I mean it worked for you I guess," I said. "Gee, thanks, I'm doing fine," he said, sarcastically. "At least you can tell the chicks you were shot by a psychopath and survived," I said. "You're right," he said and then whispered in my ear. "You think Sid will go out with me now?" I laughed but then groaned from the pain. "No. No I do not," I said.

"Sidney? Y/N?" We looked towards the door hearing dad yelling for us. "In here, dad!" Sidney yelled. He came into the room and sighed. "What're you doing out of bed?" He asked me. "I'm in bed," I said. "Yeah, my bed," Randy sassed. "Shut up. At least I came to see if you were still alive," I said. "Oh, right, because my rules are stupid. You saw me at the house, y/n!" He said. Everyone started laughing and we looked at them. "You two are clearly okay," Sidney said. "Where's Dewey?" I asked. "He had to have surgery. But they said he'll be fine," Sidney said.

We all sat around talking. The nurse came in with another bed, setting it up beside Randy's before she had to put another IV in my arm. "You need another blood transfusion, you lost a lot of blood," she said. "Sorry," I said. She came back an hour later with a bag of blood and hooked it up then left. I stayed sitting beside Randy as we talked. "Worst horror movie ever," he said. "Oh, totally! So predictable!" I said. Sidney had curled up on the bed that was supposed to be for me and fell back to sleep, our parents went down to the cafeteria to get some coffee, so it was just me and Randy left to talk about what happened.

"Now what?" I asked. "I don't know. Our live are going change. News reporters, talk show host, they're all going to be like vultures," Randy said. "What about school?" I asked. "Well, I'm going to make sure I get into a college far from here. Windsor has a pretty good film school," he said. "Yeah, then I'll be stuck here by myself while you and Sid go off to college," I said.

There was a knock on the door, waking Sidney, then Sheriff Burke walked in. "Hello, everyone," he said. "Y/N, I'm glad to see you're doing better." The look on his face and in his eyes made me feel nervous. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm glad I have you all here in one room. Where are your parents? He asked. "They went down to the cafeteria. Sheriff Burke, what's wrong?" Sidney asked. "I have some bad news," he said. "What?" Sidney asked. "Billy Loomis and Stu Macher are missing." He said.

A/N: short but the ending kinda sets up for the Sequel.

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