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Stu had stopped in the hall, everyone else, who had stayed, were In the living room. "What?" I asked. He had me backed against the wall while he stared down at me. "Remember when we were upstairs before everyone got here?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head, "yeah." His hands were on either side of my head as he leaned over to whisper in my ear. "You told me that you're mine, but you were all over Randy...again." he leaned back and looked at me. I raided my eyebrows and scoffed.

"Wow. Okay. For the hundredth time, he is my best friend! I wasn't all over him for one thing and for the second thing what was that with fucking Heather? Huh? You two looked pretty cozy," I whispered harshly. "I wasn't all over her," he said. "She was getting pretty fucking close, Stu. Close enough to kiss you! Fucking hell! Tatum and Sid even said something to you!" I was telling now and he was hushing me. "Hey! Hey! Calm down! I would never have let anything happen. I love you. I can't stand seeing you around other guys," he said. "Yeah. Well, Stu, Randy has been my best friend since we were kids. You know that. Besides he's in love with Sidney," I said. "Yeah, it's kind of creepy," he laughed.

"I'm sorry. I get jealous. I should be the only guy to be allowed to touch you," he leaned down, attacking our lips, pulling flush against him. He was getting a little handsy so I pushed him back. "Keep it in your pants," I laughed. "Let's go watch the movie. 20 bucks Randy goes on his rant about the rules." We went into the living room, Stu flopped down on the chair and pulled me into his lap.

The woman on the screen opened the door only to be met with the killer. Everyone was oh-ing. "The blood is all wrong! Why do they do that? It's too red," one of the guys said. "Wait. He comes another," Randy said.

"Ooh! Ooh!"

Stu had repositioned us so his legs were up on the chair and I was between them curled into him. "Predictable. I knew he was gonna bite it," someone said. "How can you watch this shit over and over?" Someone asked only to be shushed by Randy. "I wanna see breasts. I wanna see Jamie Lee's breasts. When do we see Jamie Lee's breasts?" Stu asked. I elbowed him and he wrapped his arms around my waist laughing. "Not until Trading Places in '83. Jamie Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She never showed her tits till she went legit," Randy said. Stu took a swig of his beer and the girl sitting in front of us on the floor said, "could afford a decent pair."

"Oh no," I whispered. Randy's head whipped towards her. "What'd you say?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head. "That's why she always outsmarted the killer in the big chase scene at the end. Only virgins can do that. Don't you know the rules?" He asked. I looked up at Stu, "You owe me 20 bucks," I said. He kissed me and chuckled before saying. "I'll give you whatever you want." Stu winked and looked at Randy. "What rules?" He asked. "Oh No. Please don't," I said. "You don--" Randy slammed his beer down and paused the movie. "Jesus Christ. You don't know the rules? You didn't teach him the rules!" He yelled as he stood up beer in hand. "Randy sit down," I laughed. "Have an aneurysm why don't ya," Stu said.

Randy stood beside the tv looking at everyone. "There are certain rules one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance, number one, you can never have sex," he said. We all booed him and through popcorn. "Big no-no! Big no-no!" He said swatting at the popcorn. "You should be safe then," I commented. He pointed his finger at me, "shut up!" He said before going on. "Sex equals death. Okay? Number two, you can never drink or do drugs," he said. We all cheered taking a drink of our beers. No, the sin factor. It's a sin. It's an extension of number one. And number three, never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, say..." Stu moved me so he could get up and climbed over the chair. "I'll be right back. Cause you won't be back," Randy said.

"I'm getting another beer. You want one?" Stu asked. "Yeah sure," Randy said. I saw where this was going and laughed. "I'll be right back!" Stu said and backed out of the room. Everyone was oh-ing. "You push the laws and you end up dead. Okay, I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife," Randy said.

Some of the guys got up and started walking out. Stu saw them at the door. I got up with Amanda as the girl on the screen started talking her clothes off. "Stu!" I yelled. The phone rang and Randy answered it. He turned around, "listen up. They found Principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goalpost on the football field," he said. The rest of the idiots got up and ran out to their cars to go see it for themselves.

*Where the hell is he?*

"Stu!" I yelled again. I was by the stairs when I heard a scream from upstairs. "Sid!" I yelled and ran up the stairs. I caught her just as she was running towards Stu's room. "Sid! What happened?" I asked. She just grabbed me and ran into his room and out the door. We stopped on the stairs seeing the killer coming out of Stu's parents room. "Fuck!" I yelled. I pushed Sid up back towards Stu's room. I slammed the door just as the killer was coming, knocking him down. I heard him grunt and paused for a second.

*Is that...*

"Come on!" Sidney yelled, grabbing hold of my wrist. I shook out of my thoughts and ran around Stu's bed. I slammed the door shut and looked around for something to keep it closed. Sidney pushed the surfboard in front of it just as the killer tried to push it open. "Go! There are windows!" I yelled as we ran up the few steps. We were in the attic and ran to one of the widows. It wouldn't open so Sidney started banging on it and yelling.

"Shit!" I ran to the other window and pushed it open. "Sid, hurry!" I yelled. She ran over to where I was. Sidney climbed out, holding onto the legend of the window and yelled for help. I was pulled back, screaming as I was thrown to the side and the killer caught Sidney. She screamed and pulled away from him. I heard her scream again. "Sidney!"

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