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"You'll never get away with this," Sidney said. I leaned my head on her shoulder, her arm reached back, grabbing my wrist. "Oh, no? Tell that to Cotton Weary. You wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame," Billy said. I furrowed my eyebrows at that comment. "Watch a few movies, take a few notes. It was fun," Stu said. I looked up at Stu and shook my head. "No!" Sidney cried. She tried to run but Billy stopped her. "Where you goin?" Stu laughed. "Why?" She asked.

They killed our mom. They were the ones who killed her. One of them is who Sidney say with Cotton's jacket, leaving the house.

"Why did you kill our mother?" Sidney asked, looking up at Billy. I was still trying to process everything. I blocked out what they were saying for a second. "Did Norman Bates have a motive?" Billy said. I nodded my head. "Yes. He was a schizophrenic psychopath, a madman horribly obsessed with his mother, even after he killed her because he was jealous," I said. "That's the motive. Jealousy. He created her in his head after he dug her up after feeling guilty for killing her. That personality then would be jealous and possessive, for whenever Norman felt attracted to a woman, so "Mother" would end up killing her."

Billy glared at me. "Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lester liked to eat people? Don't this so!" He said, jumping at us. I was stupid a spoke up once again. "Yes. He was overwhelmed by flashbacks of his childhood traumas, his fantasies of revenge eclipse his sense of reality to such an extent he would kill and eat parts of some of his victims to rid himself of his horrors." Billy pointed the knife at me, "Shut up!" He yelled.

"We did you mom a favor. That woman was a slut-bag whore. Who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon's Stone or something," he said. "Yeah, we put her out of her misery, cause let's face it, Baby, your mother was no Sharon Stone, hmm?" Stu said. "Is that motive enough for you?" Billy asked. I was feeling weaker and weaker. "How about this? Your slut mother was fucking my father, and she's the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me," Billy said. I just started laughing. I don't if it was from the blood loss or what it was but I just started laughing.

I moved out from behind Sidney, holding my hand over my stomach, and pointed at Billy. "Oh, my god! You-- you've got to be fucking kidding me!" I laughed. They were all too stunned to say or do anything.

I've finally lost it. I'm going crazy.

"You-- you did all of this!" I yelled as I laughed, twirling my finger around. "Because your mommy left you?! Oh, my god! You're such a bitch ass mama's boy! And you!" I yelled pointing at Stu. "You're nothing but his little fucking lap dog! You two killed our mother and then waited a year before killing more people all because your mommy left you! You're throwing a tantrum because mommy didn't love you enough to take you with her!" I yelled. Billy's face was turning red from anger, Stu was just staring at me in shock and so was Sidney. "You are so fucked! News flash! This isn't a fucking movie!"

I took a deep breath before going to stand in front of Stu. "You are so fucked. If your little plan works whatever it may be, he..." I pointed at Billy. "He will fuck you over. He will put all the blame on you. You wanna know the part that hurts the most? I should hate you. I should fucking hate you! You fucking stabbed me! But I don't. I don't hate you. I'm still in love with you even though you never loved me and I was just a pawn in your fucked up game. That hurts more than you stabbing me or killing my mother. Knowing you never really loved me," I said. Tears were now streaming down my face as I looked up at him.

"The dark look that all killers have in their eyes faded for a second. It wasn't but a second before it came back. I stepped back and slid down to the floor and leaned my back against the cabinets. "The signs were all there. Billy getting sketchy after his mommy left him. The looks you two gave each other. The plans you always seemed to have. Stu describes how to gut someone. It was all there and I saw it but I ignored it," I said. The kitchen was silent. I was the only one talking, everyone else too stunned to speak. "Wanna know why I was clinging to Randy at the video store?" I asked looking up at Stu.

"I saw that look, that look all killers get. I saw it in Billy's eyes first. That made me uncomfortable but then saw it in your eyes wjen you two were fucking with Randy. I moved beside him and clung to him because I was scared of you," I whispered the last part. His face dropped and shoulders tensed. "But I shook it off. I shook it off because it I thought-- I thought there was no way you would hurt me. You wouldn't do anything like this. You would do anything in your power to keep me safe and protect me.

"But I was wrong. You fucking stabbed me and now I'm probably going to die. I'm guessing you kidnapped our dad too. Just guessing from what you said in the video store. You guys are so predictable. This is a shitty fucking movie. I guess you want a sequel," I said. "You ruined the surprise, baby!" Stu yelled. He put the gun down and disappeared before returning a few minutes later with our dad. "Daddy!" Sidney cried. Stu pushed him into his knees and I looked over at him. "I'm sorry, daddy," I whispered.

Stu picked up the modulator and spoke into it, "Guess we won't be needing this anymore." He shoved it into my dad's jacket pocket. "And, oh, look at this. Ring, ring. Won't need this," he said, shoving a cell phone in the pocket too. "Got the ending figured out yet, Sidney? Your sister sure does," Billy said. "Come on. You think about it now, huh?" Stu said. "Your daddy's the chief suspect. We cloned his cellular. The evidence is all right there, baby!" Stu said as he pushed our dad over. "Right. Paint him as the killer. It's the one year anniversary of our mothers death. He goes mad, goes on a killing spree, kills Sid and I before killing himself, I'm guessing. And then what? You two are the only ones that survive?" I asked.

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