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I grabbed my bag off the counter in the kitchen and walked out the way I came in. "I'm leaving, Sid! I'll see you when I get home!" I called down to her where she sat by the pool talking with Casey and Tatum. "Okay! Love you!" She yelled back. I got into Randy's and shut the door. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded my head in response. I looked down at our friends to see Casey now sitting on Stu's lap. "Let's go," I told Randy. He backed out of the driveway and headed towards his house. "I just gotta swing by my place and change," he said. "Okay, that's fine," I said. When we got to his house he ran in and changed real quick then we headed into work. 

I was standing behind the counter while Randy pushed the return cart around, putting the VHS tapes back in their designated sections. "I mean I get it. It sucks seeing the person you like and want to be with, be with someone else," he said. No one but us and of course Brad, were here. There was a customer now and then but people would really start coming in for another hour. "What does a Leather-Face have that I don't?" Randy asked. "Is that a serious or rhetorical question?" I asked. He looked at me and thought about it. "Rhetorical," he said. "Oh, well In that case. Have you seen the dude? I mean he's cute and he's popular. They've been together for like almost two years," I said. "Do you know what rhetorical means?" Randy asked, annoyed. 

I laughed and smirked at him. "Of course I do, Randy, I just like fucking with you," I told him. He rolled his eyes and continued putting the returned tapes back. "So, like, are you okay? Ya know with the whole Stu and Casey thing," he asked. I grabbed a pack of Milk Duds from the rack of candy by the desk and popped one in my mouth. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. He looked at me over the shelf he was behind with a raised eyebrow. "What? Why would I care?" I asked. I tried to act like I didn't care but I knew Randy could see through me. "Oh come, y/n/n. You've had a crush on him for like two years. Ever since Sidney started dating Leather-Face. I could smell the jealousy and hurt rolling off of you when she showed up today," he said. 

"I am not jealous. Why would I be? I mean it's not like she's the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in the school! WHY does he see in her anyway? She'll probably dump him the first chance she gets," I started to rant. Randy raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Shut up!" I said, pointing my finger at him. He laughed and was about to say something else but the bell for the door dinged. I looked over to see who walked in to see a few kids from our school. As the night went on, more and more people showed up. 

"That is six dollars and these will be due back on Tuesday," I told the customer as I rang them out. They handed me six dollars and I opened the register and put the money in the draw before closing it. I grabbed a bed and slipped the tapes and a return date card inside. I handed them a bag, "Have a nice night," I said and then left. I crossed my arms and leaned them on the counter. I was reading the new issue of Fangoria. I had every issue all in their protective plastic sleeves. This was issue #145 It had Godzilla on the front. "Godzilla: The Latest Rampage!" It was almost closing time when the door chimed. I looked up to see Casey and Stu walk in. Randy came over and stood beside me behind the counter. "Twice in one day," he said. "Shut up," I mumbled. 

Stu said something to Casey and she walked back towards the horror section. Stu headed towards us, a smile on his lips. "Hey, guys," he said. "Stuart," I said. He gave me a look and leaned on the counter. "So, I'm having a party tomorrow night, you guys going to be there?" He asked. "Yeah, sure. What time?" Randy asked. "Party starts at 9. Y/N?" He asked, looking at me. "I think I'll stay home. This is like the sixth party you've thrown this summer," I said. Now that I thought about It, if he and Casey were dating, why did I never see her there? Or maybe she was and I never took notice. "Oh, come on, y/n/n, it's not a party without you," Stu said. "I think you'll manage," I told him. Casey came over with a movie and put it on the counter. I picked it up to see it was Friday the 13th. 

I scanned the barcode then handed it to Randy. "Three dollars, and it'll be due back tomorrow," I told  them. Stu took his wallet out of his back pocket and pulled out a five, handing it to me. I opened the register and pulled two dollars out and handed it back to him. "Have a nice night," I said. "Will you guys be coming to the party tomorrow?" Casey asked. "Yeah." "No." Randy and I said at the same time. "Randy will be there. I won't be," I told her. "Well, talk to you guys later," Stu said. They left and I followed shortly after to turn the sign to close and lock the door. I walked back over to the counter and looked at Randy. "Take me home?" I asked. "Sure," he said. We made sure everything was cleaned up and I took the cash drawer to the back and put it in the safe while Randy shut the lights off and made sure the front door was locked tight before we headed out the back door and got in his car. 

"You're really not going to go to that party?" Randy asked on the way to my house. "No," I answered, looking out the window.  Why not? You love parties," he said. "Why would I want to go to a party and watch a bunch of drunk teenagers makeout?" I asked. "This isn't about other teenagers making out. This is about you seeing Stu with Casey," he said. I let out a sad sigh. "Is it because he thinks I'm too young? I'm only two years younger than you guys!" I raised my voice at the end. "I don't know! It's Stu. He's an idiot," Randy said. "Am I not pretty enough?" I whispered. "What? Of course you're pretty enough. Who cares anyway? He doesn't deserve you," he said as he pulled into the driveway. "Thanks for the ride, Randy. I'll talk to you tomorrow," I said and got out of the car.

 I'll talk to you tomorrow," I said and got out of the car

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