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A/N: okay, my lovelies, as always, if you do not like it feel uncomfortable with the outfit above, please imagine something else. Always feel free to change anything to fit you more. I only pick outfits out because I'm a visual person and it helps me when I write to imagine something. As i said before I tend to picture myself as I write. I do try to avoid physical looks though. You're all beautiful the way you are!  xx

Also, remember anything in bold italic is inner thoughts

As we lay there in silence trying to catch our breath something occurred to me. "Stu?" He hummed in response. "Um. You-- you didn't wear a condom did you?" I asked. "No. Why?" He asked. My eyes widened, "Oh, my god, Stu! I'm not on birth control! We need to stop at the drug store on our way to school in the morning," I said, stirring. "For what?" He asked, confused. *men are idiots.* "For the morning after pill!" I hissed through my teeth. I stood up and walked around the bed towards the bathroom. "What's that?" He asked.

Yup. Complete idiot.

"it's will hopefully kill all you demon spawn," I said and shut the bathroom door. 

God, y/n, you're such an idiot! You're sixteen for fuck sake! You and Sidney have been lectured by your mother so many times about this shit. It would be my fucking luck I'd get pregnant."

Stu pov

I stood up, pulling my boxer on and knocked on the bathroom door. "Babe? Come on! Would it be that bad if you did get pregnant?" I questioned. 

Yes, it definitely would be very bad. Well, it would be because we're still young. Maybe if we were older. But it wouldn't matter. Not after tomorrow night. 

"Are you fucking stupid?! I'm sixteen, Stuart! I don't want to be a mother at sixteen. Is your fucking brain leaking?" She shouted through the door. "Joking!  Come on, babe. I promise that will be the first stop tomorrow morning. We'll leave early. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I was too caught up in wanting to please you," I was really laying it on thick. I could hear her sniffling and let out a sigh. "Baby, please open the door," I pleaded. 

I heard the lock click and slowly opened the door. She was sitting on the floor, towel wrapped around her, knees pulled to her chest. It was heartbreaking. 

Maybe I can convince Billy to keep her alive. I know he loved Sid but not as much as I love y/n. I could convince her to go along with our plan. We could run away together.

"Baby, I'm sorry," I sighed. I sat down beside her, pulling her into me. "We'll go first thing, okay?" She nodded her head, curling further into me. "Come on, let's shower then go to bed." 

Y/n pov 

After the shower I slipped one of Stu's sweaters on and crawled into bed. He shut the light off, laying on his back and opening his arms. I scooted closer to him, fling my leg over his, wrapping an arm around his torso, and nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. Stu kissed the top of my head and held me closer to him as we both drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning I was up before Stu. I grabbed my clothes out of my bag and headed to the bathroom. Since Stu and I started dating, I have stayed at his house a lot more than my own. I had my own brush and toothbrush here, even my own shower stuff.

It just made more sense. And he didn't seem to mind my stuff being on one side of the sink. I pulled his shirt off, slipped on my panties then slipped my dress over my head. I quickly brush my hair and teeth. I applied some massacre and that was it. I slipped my black tights with tiny hearts on and walked out into the room Stu was sprawled out on the bed, stomach down, legs and arms spread in a starfish position. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Soft snores left his lips. 

"Stu, wake up!" I said, loudly. He didn't even move. It was six-thirty. I wanted to leave early to get that after pill. "Stu! Get up dammit!" I yelled. I walked over and slapped him alongside the head. He jolted up, holding the back of his head. "Ow! What? What time is it?" He grumbled.

"Six-- six thirty two," I said. "What? Go bad back to bed," he whined and fell back down onto the pillows. "Get your fucking ass up, Stu! You need to get ready for school. We have to stop at the damn store because you were too stupid to wear a condom!" I yelled. He groaned and thrashed on the bed like a child. I was just getting irritated. 

He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Hey, it takes two to tango, baby," he said. His voice thick with sleep. "Please get up, Stu. I don't want to be late and you take forever," I whined. "Alright. Alright. Don't get your panties in a knot," he said, standing up. He looked back at me with a smirk, stalking towards me. "Unless you don't have panties on," he said.

I smaked his chest lightly. "Shut up, you perv," I laughed. He kissed my forehead then walked into the bathroom. The doorbell rang and he poked his head out of the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth. "Can you get that, please," he mumbled. I nodded my head, grabbed my boots and bag then headed down the stairs. The person who rang the bell started banging on the door. "Alright!" I yelled. 

I set my stuff on the bottom step, walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. Billy was standing there, hands in his pockets. He raised his eyebrow at me. "Billy!" I said surprised. "Y/N. Where's Stu?" He asked. I stepped back and let him come inside. "He's up stairs getting ready," I told him. He nodded his head and turned to look at me. "Did you stay here last night?" He asked. 

Well obviously

I nodded my head. "Yeah. Yeah. Um. When did you get out?" I asked. I closed the door and walked over to the steps. I sat down, pulling on my boots trying to avoid his gaze on me. "This morning," he answered. I stood back up and cleared my throat. "Look, Billy, I'm sorry about last night--" he cut me off with a wave of his hand. "No. No, I get it. You were scared," he said. I nodded my head. "How's-- um-- how's Sid?" He asked. "She's fine I guess. The killer called her at Tatum's last night though," I told him. He nodded his head. "See. It wasn't me. I was locked up," he said,  showing his ink covered finger tips. I felt bad but at the same time I had an unsettling feeling. 

A sigh left me when I heard Stu's voice. "Billy, busy, when did you get out?" He ran down the steps, wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "This morning. Can I get a ride?" He asked. "Of course, buddy!" Stu said. He was quite cheerful now. He left my side and walked into the kitchen, Billy right behind him. "Gotta stop at the store first though," he said.

"Oh? Why's that?" Billy asked. I gave Stu a look that said "don't you dare" but he just smirked. "Because y/n needs to get the after pill. Forgot to use a condom last night," he laughed. Billy turned to look at me, his eyebrows raised, trying to keep a smirk from forming. I felt my face get hot so I turned around. "I hate you," I mumbled. "I'll be in the car!" I called, grabbing my bag and headed out the door.  Oh, come on, babe!" Was the last thing I heard before I slammed the door shut. 

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