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The house was starting to fill up with teenagers. They were in every room downstairs. I had a beer in my hand as I ran towards the door seeing Randy walk in. "Randy!" I yelled, throwing my arms around hid neck. He stumbled back a little, wrapping his arm around me to hug me back. "How many of those have you had?" He chuckled. "One!" I told him, pulling away. He cocked an eyebrow. "What? I can't be happy and stress free for a few hours?" I asked. He rolled his eyes walking further into the foyer. "So.... what movies did you bring?" I asked, grabbing the movies out of his hands. 

We walked towards the living room. I was looking through them all and stopped. "Randy?" I asked. He hummed and turned around. "Why do all these have Jamie Lee Curtis?" I asked. "What? She's the Scream Queen, y/n/n! Speaking of Jamie, can I come over to visit her?" He asked. "Are you going to make out with the poster again?" I asked, scrubbing my face up. "I was not making out with the poster!" He yelled. His face turned red. I couldn't keep a straight face and busted out laughing. "You're face, man," I laughed. "Fuck you," he said, grabbing the movies and going over to the tv. "Aww... come on, Randy!" I teased. 

 Randy and I were both in the living room, beer in one hand. He spun me around as we danced, singing badly. "Don't turn around but Stu and Heather are getting pretty cozy in the kitchen. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion and I turned around to see Heather McClain leaning against the kitchen counter, Stu standing in front of her while holding a funnel as some kid poured beer into it and into the throat of some other kid. She had her hand on his upper arm laughing. Their faces were real close. "Your face is really red and I'm pretty sure you're going to break that bottle," Randy said. 

"I'm fine. I'm fine," I said. 

I'm not fine. But you need to wait and see how it played out. See if Stu would ignore her or if he would actually do something knowing I'm not far. Be wouldn't. Would he?

"Foods here!" I looked over to see Tatum and Sidney walking towards the kitchen from the other side. "Wow, Stu, cheating on y/n... and with Heather McClain, that's low," Tatum said as she sat the bags on the counter. She looked towards the living too where Randy and I stood. "And in front of her. God you are such a pig!" She scoffed. Her and Sidney walked up to stand in front of me. "Are you okay? You look like you're about to break that bottle," Sidney asked. "I told her. She said she's fine," Randy said. "I am. I'm fine. I want to hit her but I'm fine," I nervously chuckled. Tatum rolled her eyes, "very convincingly." 

Sidney, Tatum, Randy, and I went back to the couch. Sidney sat down and grabbed the movies with Tatum sitting beside her and I sat on the other side of Tatum. Randy grabbed a couple movies and took a vote of who wanted to watch what. "How many Evil Dead?" He asked, holding up the VHS. Some people cheered. "How many Hellraiser?" More people cheer for that. Stu climbed over the couch and sat down beside me, putting an arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer. "Hellraiser right here," he said. I looked over at him and said, "Done playing with Heather McClain?" "Why? Someone jealous?" He smirked. 

He leaned down brushing his lips against mine. "Me? Jealous? No," I whispered. "Hmmm. Not you," he said before kissing me. "The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night. How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all of these movies?" Sidney asked. Randy came over, falling to his knees before her and leaning on the arm rest. "She's the... Scream Queen," he said, putting his hands together in a praying position. "With a set of lungs like that,  she better be. Yeah," Stu said. I was leaned up against him, one arm on the back of the couch playing with his hand that was behind me. "Tits. See?" Tatum said. "Who doesn't love tits? I love a pair of tits very much," Stu commented, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Oh, my God! Shut up!" I said, laughing. The doorbell rang and Stu was quick to get up. "Oh, I'll get it." 

He went to climb over the couch, well more like fell over the couch. He popped back up and looked at Tatum. Hey, Tate, grab another beer, would ya? There's more beer in the garage." He kissed my cheek and ran to the answer the door. "What am I, the beer wench?" She asked. "Apparently. So hop to it wench," I said. She laughed and pushed me. "She go nominated Terror Train." I heard Randy and looked over to see him and Sidney talking. Sidney was laughing. 

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Randy could pull Sidney. But only if he grew the balls to ask her.

"You are not going to believe who's here! It's that chick from Top Story!" Stu said. "Take Weathers?" Randy asked. Everyone started oh-ing. Tatum stood up as I looked at Sidney. And indeed Gale fucking Weathers was here. She walked in with Dewey right behind her. Everyone flocked around her. "Dewey," Tatum said, catching his attention. She beckoned him to come over to her. Sidney and I stood up off the couch. "What is she doing here?" She asked. "She's with me. I'm just checking things out," he said. "So you did. Bow take your media mouth with you," Tatum told her. 

I walked over to Stu, who wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Sidney went to walk away, passing Gale who looked at her with a smile. She looked over at me and her smile dropped for a second before it returned as people completed her. Sidney stood in front of me a few feet away. Dewey walked over and she asked if he's found our father. "I'm afraid not," he said. "Should we be worried?" She asked. "Not yet," he said. She nodded and walked away. Tatum had left to go to the garage to get more beer. 

People started to pack up and leave. It was getting close to curfew. Stu stood by the door. "Happy Curfew," he said. Heather walked towards the door but stopped. "Great party," she said, smiling at him. Sidney yelled for Tatum so they could leave. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Stu's waist, his wrapped automatically wrapping around my shoulders. "Bye now," I told Heather. She scuffed, rolling her eyes and left. "Tatum, come on!" Sidney yelled. "There's nobody here but us chickens!" A girl yelled. 

"Do you know where she is?" Sidney asked. "No I haven't seen her," Stu told her. His other arm pulled me closer to him by my waist. "Ahh!" We jumped and Billy appeared in the doorway. "What the fuck is he doing here?" I looked up at Stu. He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, Billy, hey!" Sidney said. "Billy, hmm... what're you doing here?" Stu asked. I rolled my eyes, "I was hoping I could talk to Sid alone," he said. "You know, if Tatum sees you here she'll draw blood," Sid told him. "Tatum? He doesn't need to worry about Tatum," I said. Billy looked over at me and raised his eyebrows. "Down girl," Stu chuckled. 

"I'll tell you what. Why don't you go up to my parents room? You know, you guys can talk, whatever," Stu told them. "Subtlety, Stu. You should look it up," Billy told him. Stu moved me so my back was pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist as he grinned at Billy. "No, it's okay. We do need to talk," Sidney told him. She grabbed Billy's hand and they walked up stairs. 

Randy came walking towards us as he watched Sidney and Billy walk up the stairs. "What's leatherface doing here?" He asked. "Cute. He came to make up," Stu told him. "There goes my chance with Sid. Dammit," Randy said. "As if. That's all I'm saying. As if," Stu said. We moved and he closed the door. "Oh really, Alicia?" Randy asked. Stu grabbed my hand, putting up a peace sign and started to walk away. "As if. I'm gonna go check on them," Randy mumbled.

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