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A/N: Just a warning there is smut at the end of this chapter. Nothing heavy. But there is unprotected sex... This chapter is also a little longer.

I pulled a ten out and handed it to him. "Keep the change," I said. I went to shut the door but he stopped it. "Hey, wait," he said. I sighed and looked at him, raising an eyebrow. His eyes ran up and down my body, making me feel uncomfortable. "You did your job, now leave," I told him. "Wait. Wait. Wait. I didn't know you lived here," he said. I felt hands grab my waist and pull me back. "David," Stu said. "Oh! Hey, man," David said. "You get paid?" Stu asked. "Yeah," he said. "Then leave," Stu told him and slammed the door on his face. 

He turned around and looked at me. There was something in his eyes that I've never seen before but I couldn't quite place it. I stalked towards me making me walk backwards. A smirk broke out across his face. "Bad girl. Wearing that to open the door," he said. I smirked, biting my lip, "what? You don't like it?" I giggled. "Oh, no, I like it. You look sexy in my clothes," he said. He faked jumping towards me, making me scream and run. "Get back here!" He yelled. He cut me off in the kitchen. I slid to a stop and went to turn around but he grabbed me by the waist picking me up. A squeal left me as I giggled. 

I was set down on the counter with Stu standing between my legs. His hands sliding up my thighs, squeezing them. He leaned in and started to leave kisses on my neck. "Stu, the movie. And the pizza is going to get cold," I half heartedly said. A hum left him as he continued his assault on my neck. His hands sliding further up my thighs. "Stu," I meant it to come out a stern but instead it came out as a breathy moan. "Hmm? How about we skip that movie and pizza," he whispered in my ear. His hands pushing the shirt up, pulling me closer to the edge of the counter, and connecting our lips. My arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him back as he pressed himself against me. 

Stu and I haven't had sex yet. Of course there were always heated make out sessions, and I let him touch me in other ways but I was still a virgin. I was kinda superstitious when It came to those stupid rules Randy always wanted about, you know with being just as much a horror freak as him. But tonight I think was the night I threw all that out the window. I was going to lose it tonight, screw there being a murder running around. I wanted to forget everything that's happened. I trusted Stu and I love him. He's the one I want to give myself to. "Stu--" I went to tell him I was ready but the phone rang making me jump. "Ignore it," he mumbled against my skin. 

The phone was sitting right beside me on the counter. I tried to ignore it but that feeling for dread crept in, making my anxiety go up. I sighed and picked the phone up, hitting the "talk" button. "Hello?" I answered. "Y/N?" A panicked voice said. "Sid? What's wrong?" I asked on high alert now. "He called. The killer called," she said. Her voice was shaky. "What? When?" I asked. "Like five minutes ago. Did you he call you?" She asked. "No. No. He didn't call," I said. "What did he want?" I asked. "He-- he said we pointed the finger at the wrong guy. It wasn't Billy tonight," she sniffled. I was silent. I didn't know what to say. 

"Y/n?" Sid said. "Huh?" I asked. "Maybe you should have Stu bring you to Tatum's," she said. "What? No. Sid, I'm fine. He didn't call here, okay? I'm safe with Stu, I promise. I'll see you at school tomorrow," I told her. "I--okay. Please be safe," she said and hung up. "What was that about?" Stu asked. "Uh. The killer called," I said. "I told you it wasn't Billy. When did he call?" He asked. "A few minutes ago. Sid is pretty shaken up," I said. "Well, don't worry I'll protect you. How about we eat and finish the movie," he said. I nodded and he helped me off the counter. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "don't think I'm done with you." 

He grabbed the pizza off the counter and headed into the living room. "Hey, I thought you were getting another beer?" I asked. Stu turned around and said, "I was but then I heard you answering the door and what that douchebag was saying," he shrugged. "Oh." I sat down beside him and he pressed play starting the movie where we had left off. We ate the pizza and I rested my legs on his lap again. His hand sliding up to my inner thigh. The scene where David and Nicole are on the roller coaster came onto the scene. David's hand between Nicole's legs, under her skirt. Stu slowly moved his hand between my legs, brushing his fingers over my clothes. I could feel the wetness pool inside my panties. 

Stu's long digits playing with the edge of them. The scene changed to David watching as Nicole leaned her head back, eyes closed, while his fingers pleasured her. Stu pushing my panties to the side, brushing his fingers through my wet folds finding my clit and rubbing tight circles. I breathy moan leaving me and I tilted my head back. The movie completely forgotten as he removed his fingers. Shutting the tv off and picky me. "Fuck that movie," he said, running up to his room. 

He laid me down on his bed, climbing on top of me, connecting our lips in a lust filled passion. I pulled away and looked him in the eye. "I'm ready," I whispered. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded my head and sat up, pulling his shirt over my head, revealing my bare chest. He groaned and kissed me, kneeled my right breast in his big hand. He pulled back to take his clothes off and my panties. His fingers sliding through my folds as he kneeled between my legs, spreading them. Two of his digits sliding inside my wet core, his tongue licking a strip up to my clit where he sucked and flicked his tongue. "Stu," I moaned, my fingers lacing through his soft hair. 

He pulled his fingers in and out of me, scissoring them to stretch me open more. I could feel the pressure building up. "Stu--" I moaned, feeling myself clench around his fingers. He pulled faster, sucking the small bundle off nerves between his teeth. My back arching as I came undone. Stu slowed his pace as I slowly came down from my high. "So beautiful," he whispered, crawling up to hover over me.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked again. "Yes. I want you," I whispered, connecting our lips. The taste of me on his tongue. He lined himself up with my entrance and said, "if it's too much say something." I nodded my head, taking a deep breath as he slowly pushed himself inside of me. It stung and there was pressure as he pushed further in. Once he was fully inside of me, he stayed still, peppering kisses along my jaw. "Just say when," he whispered. Once I somewhat got used to the size of him I told him it was okay to move. 

He laced one of hand together while using his other to hold himself. He slowly pulled out and pushed back in. The burning sensation slowly fading into pleasure. Moans were leaving me as his pace sped up. He connected our lips in a passion filled kiss. "You're taking me so well, baby," he whispered in my ear. "Stu!" A loud moan ripped through me as his pace got faster and harder. "You feel so good. So tight. You gonna cum again, baby?" He asked. I nodded my head, my eyes squeezed shut.  

"Words, baby. Use your words. He pulled his hand from mine, wrapping it around my throat, putting a slight pressure. "Yes! Yes, Stu!" I moaned. My back arching, eyes rolling back as my walls tightened around him. "Fuck! You feel so good!" He groaned. His pace became sloppy. "Fun for me, baby," he said. His hand left my throat and moved to my clit, rubbing fast, tight circles. My walls spasmed around his cock. "Stu!" I cried out as I came all over his cock. A few more pumps and he finished, coming to a still inside me. After a couple minutes he pulled out and rolled over beside me.

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