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Stu walked over and knelt down in front of me, he brushed a piece of hair out of my face, "You're so smart, Baby. I thought of that plan. Blame it on daddy," he said. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead before standing up. Billy walked over to him, "Ready?" He asked. "Yeah. Yeah! I'm ready, baby! Hit! Get It! Yeah, Baby, get up! Hit it!" He yelled. Then Billy Stabbed him. Both Sidney and I gasped. Stu bent over for a second before looking up at Billy, "Good one, man. Jesus. Oh, shit. My turn," he said. Billy turned, pointing a finger at him saying, "don't forget. Stay to the side and don't go too deep."

*They're both fucking crazy!*

I couldn't help but have the urge to go to Stu. But I stayed where I was. Billy grabbed Sidney and pulled her closer. "Okay, I'll remember," Stu said, glaring at Billy then stabbing him. Billy let go of Sidney, kneeling down for a minute. "Ah! Fuck!" He yelled. He stood back up, knocking shit over. "Fuck! God damn it, Stu!" He yelled. "Sorry, Billy. I guess o got a little too zealous, huh?" Stu said. Billy help his hand out and said, "Give me the knife."


"Give me the knife! Now!"

Stu handed him the knife and he looked back at Sidney and over at me. "You see, everybody dies but us. Everybody dies but us. We get to carry on and plan--," Stu said. He looked at me and pointed, "The Sequel! You were right, baby! Cause let's face it, baby, these days, ya gotta have a sequel!" Billy stabbed Stu two more times, making him groan. I flinched each time. "You sick fucks. You've seen one too many movies," Sidney said. "Now, Sid, don't you blame the movies. Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!" Billy yelled. He stabbed Stu again.

While they were too busy yelling and stabbing I had slowly moved towards the counter where Stu had set down the gun. "Stop it, Billy, would ya? All right? I can't take anymore," Stu cried. "I'm feeling a little woozy here!" He yelled. I clenched my jaw as I slowly reached up onto the counter and grabbed the gun. "All right. All right. You get the gun. And I'll untie pops, Okay?" I heard Billy say as I stood up, using the wall to help support me.

"Houston we have a problem here," Stu said. "What?" Billy asked. Then it got silent. "The gun, man. The gun. I put it right here, and it's gone," Stu said. More silence beofer I heard Billy scream, "Fuck! Where the fuck is she?!" "Wha--" Stu said. "Baby?!" He yelled. "Where are you?" I looked out the door to see Gale walking towards me. She put her finger to her lips and gently took the gun from me. She went to the hall while I went to the living room, making sure they couldn't see me. "Where the fuck is it? Where the fuck are you?!" Billy yelled. Right here, asshole," I heard Gale say.

"I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van... comes to, stumbles on you two dipshits, finds the gun, foils your plan and saves the day," Gale said. "I like that ending," Sidney said. I was waiting for the gunshot but it never came.

*she forgot the fucking safty, didn't she?!*

I stumbled forward and helped Sidney with our dad as we made for a closet. I took the modulator and phone out of dad's pocket as Sidney sat him down. "I called Stu's number and waited. I could hear the phone ringing before someone picked it up. "Hello?" Billy asked. "Are you alone in the house?" I asked through the modulator. "Bitch! You Bitch! Whwre are the fuck are you?" He yelled. "Not so fast. We're gonna play a little game," I said. I took the modulator away and said, "Guess who just called the the police on your sorry mother fucking ass!" I yelled.

"Find her you, dipshit! Find that bitch of a girlfriend of yours!" Billy yelled. "I can't, Billy. You cut me too deep. I think I'm dying here, man," I heard Stu. "Talk to her. Talk to her," Billy said. "Hello?" I heard Stu's voice. "Hi, baby. So, what's your motive?" I asked. I leaned against the wall beside the door, one hand on my stomach. "Billy's got one. The police are on their way. What are you gonna tell them?" I asked. Peer pressure. I'm far too sensitive, you know that.''

"I'm gonna rip you up, you bitch, both of you! Just like your fucking mother!" Billy yelled. "You gotta find us first, you pansy-assed mama's boy!" I said. I heard the phone hit something or someone and him yelling. "Ow. You fucking hit me with the phone, dick!" I heard Stu yell. We could hear Billy throwing shit and having a tantrum. "Did you really call the police, baby?" Stu asked. "I did," I said softly. "My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me," he cried. "I thought you loved me," I said. "I do. I do love you. But Billy said you have to die too," he said. "You really shouldn't listen to everything Billy says. I gotta go," I said and hung up.

We could hear footsteps outside the closet door. Sidney had put the ghostface costume that was left in the closet on. She grabbed an umbrella that was leaning up agaisnt the wall and got ready. The actress on the tv could be heard screaming, Billy had pushed the door open eith the gun. When he was distracted by the scream Sidney ran forward, jamming the umbrella into Billy's shoulder. I came out of the closet as she picked up the gun. "Shit!" I said as Stu came craving into the foyer. "I'll take care of him," I told her. He came running at us, Sidney ducked out of his way causing him to crash into me.

We rolled and I ended up landed on top of him, straddling his waist. "Sorry," I said and I kneed him on the side where Billy had stabbed him. He yelled out in pain and punched me causing me to roll off of him. I got up and ran towards the living room. Stu came up behind me, flipping us over the couch, landing on top of me like I was him not second before. "You know baby--" he started grabbing my arms as I struggled against him. "This would turn me on if it were for the fact I'm trying to kill you."

I brought his hand closer to my mouth acting as though I was going to kiss. His grip loosening a little, the dark look slowly fading then I bite him and grabbed a vase smashing it across his head. He fell off of me and I scrambled to get up. His hand grabbed my ankle pulling me back towards him. I twisted around and kicked him in the chest. Stu flew back hitting his head on the corner of the table, falling to the floor. Blood started looking around his head. I crawled my way into the foyer, past Randy and to Sidney who was sitting on the floor with the mask in her hands. "Sid," I said. I crawled over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

We both screamed as a hand fell on my shoulder. "Sorry," we looked to see Randy. "Randy!" I pulled him into a hug, "I thought you were dead," I said. "I probably should be. I never thought I'd be happy to be a virgin," he said. I chuckled but then groaned at the pain. Sidney and I gasped as he was punched. Billy tackled Sidney and was about to stab her until a gunshot went off. He fell backwards, scooting back and finally took his last breath. We looked towards the door to see Gale with the gun in her hand. Sidney helped Randy up and then they both helped me stand up. I leaned on Randy as we walked over to Gale and Sidney took the gun from her. "Guess I remember the safety that time, you bastard," Gale said.

I could feel the adrenaline leaving my body, my head was spinning, the edges of my vision started to fade. Randy wrapped his arm around me tighter, keeping me upright as we walked over to where Sidney nudged Billy's leg with her foot. "Careful. This is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life," Randy said. "Not always," I said. We waited for what felt like forever but Billy never moved. There was a crash, Gale screamed and we looked over to the closet. "Dad," Sidney said.

"Ran-- Randy-- I don-- I don't," I stammered. My knees gave out from under me but he was quick to hold me up enough to settle me down to the floor gently. "Shit, y/n!" Sidney turned too look at us as we heard Sirens. "Gale with my dad, Randy ca--?" Was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

A/N: One more chapter for this book and then we will be off to the sequel! There we will be getting a little toxic. (Just a little 🤏🏻)

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