Growing up!

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Ryder and Katie were super excited they just found out they were expecting. They were married just a little over a month ago and they were so happy to add to their family. Katie and Ryder called their best friends over to share the news. Katie was preparing a really elaborate dinner as she liked to go all out. 

"Katie is this fancy dinner really necessary?" Ryder asked. "Absolutely it is a special occasion for us!" Katie said, Ryder laughed as he couldn't argue with her. The doorbell rang and Ryder opened it giving his best friend Josh a hug, and his wife Callie. They enjoyed their evening and Katie was beaming she wanted to tell her best friend so badly. She finally said during dessert, "I am expecting!" Katie said. Callie cried "Oh my goodness girl so am I" she said both girls screamed and the guys just laughed. They found out their pregnancy's were only a few days apart. "Ryder we are in for a busy 9 months as these ladies are going to run the show!" Josh said. "Yeah good thing we are neighbours  haha" Ryder said. 

The 9 months went fast for everyone and Katie went into labor at 38 weeks, at 7am on April 23rd 2000 Chase was born. Two days later Callie went into labor and at 7pm on April 25th Marshall was born. These 2 boys literally grew up together as Katie and Callie were together everyday, Katie was able to take as much time from her job as she could, she was a vet assistant and her boss said she can come back whenever. Callie was another story she was a paramedic in a very busy firehouse alongside her husband who also worked in the firehouse as a firefighter. Chase and Marshall were best friends competing in a playful way, Chase was bigger so he walked first but Marshall spoke first. Marshall was a clumsy baby he fell down a lot making walking for him a little more difficult. 

Katie was watching both Chase and Marshall as Ryder was at work as well, he was the principal at Adventure Bay high school. The boys were now 3 years old and they were a force to be reckoned with as they terrorized the house. "Boys boys please calm down, go play outside please." Katie said. "Sorry mommy, we will calm down" Chase said. "Its fine sweet boy but I still need you to go outside" Katie said. They boys nodded and ran into the backyard, as it was completely fenced in and neither of them could reach the latch on the gate. Everyday these boys became closer and closer almost as if they were brothers. Katie would go back to work while the boys were in school and be home when they were finished. Callie and Josh were super thankful for Katie and Ryder in the fact they knew Marshall was safe in their home. They decided that Ryder and Katie would be god parents to Marshall and wrote a will stating it as they knew their job was dangerous. 

At 5 years old they decided that they were officially brothers and made a secret pact to always be there for each other no matter. In elementary school they met Rocky, Zuma and Rubble and they all quickly became friends. They were all inseparable and did everything together. Rocky was the smart one of course as he loved school he also hated water, Chase had a love for sports and was the jock. Marshall was the clumsy one and had the biggest heart out of all of them. Zuma had a love for swimming and was to very sporty. Rubble was the quiet one of the group he sat back and just watched but he had a huge appetite and loved food. 

Chase and Marshall were turning 10 and Katie told Ryder she was expecting again. "Chase we have some news for you come down here please" Ryder said to his son. Chase ran downstairs curious as to what his parents needed to tell him. "Bud, we have something to tell you" Ryder said turning to Katie, "Chase you are going to be a big brother" Katie said. Chase didn't know what to say, "You mean like a baby?" Chase said. "Yes honey we are having a baby" Katie said. Chase was a little excited but was also a bit angry. "What's wrong bud?" Ryder asked. "Nothing I just didn't expect that as a birthday gift" Chase said. "Well it wasn't a gift really, but don't worry your birthday is still yours as the baby won't be here for 8 months" Katie said. Chase hugged his parents and ran upstairs back to his game he was playing. He was playing with Marshall next door and they were talking through chat. "Just found out I am going to be a big brother" Chase said. "Cool man, a baby wow. I guess I will kinda be a big brother too" Marshall said sounding way more excited then Chase. "You know what you be the big brother and I will be the best friend" Chase said. "Haha sorry bud, you are stuck with the baby" Marshall said. 

Eight months later at 9pm on January 12th 2010 Chase's sister  Cassie was born. Chase was asleep in the waiting room with Callie as his dad came out. "Chase" Ryder said as he shook him awake. "Huh dad?" Chase said groggily. "Come meet your little sister" Ryder said taking Chase walked into the room and looked down at his baby sister "Ugh you had to be a girl" Chase thought in his head. "Chase honey this is your sister Cassie" Katie said. Chase secretly was a fan of his sister he just didn't show it.

On February 10th 2012, Marshall woke up to the smell of smoke he did what his dad taught him and felt the door handle before opening it. The door itself was hot and he could hear the smoke detector blaring in the house. Marshall started to panic he didn't know what to do his bedroom was on the second floor, he had no idea where his parents were. He broke the window with a book and cleared away the glass, he could hear the sirens now, he knew someone had called 911, he saw the trellis on the side and climbed down slowly as he was clumsy. He made it down safely and ran to the front yard. Katie immediately grabbed Marshall in a hug and said "Oh thank goodness" Chase and Marshall watched as firefighters ran inside his house watching it burn. Marshall was fixated on the door waiting for his parents to walk out he was in shock. "How on the one day they have off, our house burns down!" Marshall screamed in his head. Firefighters were carrying out the bodies of Marshall's parents and Marshall dropped breaking down. He knew that instant they weren't alive. Katie knelt down and hugged him "Marshall sweetie I am so sorry" she said in tears herself. A police officer came over to them and said "Marshall son, I am so sorry, both your parents didn't survive". Chase hugged his brother knowing it was all he could do, as they watched the fire disappear under all the water. The house was completely destroyed. 

Ryder and Katie found out about the will a few days later but they both already knew they would take Marshall in. "Ryder we need to move" Katie said. "Why?" Ryder asked, "Are you serious Ryder? We can't let that boy wake up every morning to his burnt down house" Katie said. "Right I never thought of that" Ryder said feeling stupid. Marshall came into the room hearing the conversation and said "Please I don't want to move, I oddly feel comfort knowing that my parents are still next door. I know they aren't physically, but I look at my house and I can still feel them" Marshall said. Katie started to cry and Ryder said "Jeez Marshall, that takes a lot of courage and I am proud of you" Marshall gave a small smile, "Thanks, I know that you guys have always been in my life. I want to stay here please" he said. "Of course, I want you to know that your parents left the lot to you. So it is yours to do with whatever you please" Ryder said. Marshall had to think about it but he hugged both Ryder and Katie and went upstairs. 

Everyone was now 14 years old and they would be starting high school in the next chapter! Sorry for the sappy beginning!

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