May Long!

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There was a storm coming to Adventure Bay and it was going to be a big one, everyone was asked to stay indoors. "Does it mean we don't have to go to school?" Chase asked. "Of course you have to go to school, it is indoors. HAHAHA" Ryder said as he laughed. They drove to the school and the rain started to pour down heavily as they ran into the building. "This storm sucks" Zuma said. "Yeah especially for you, living on the water does it make it worse?" Marshall asked. "Not really, it just is a lot more wet as the sea water also hits you hard" Zuma said. "Yuck water" Rocky said as he shook himself off. "This weather is not my favorite" Rocky said to Taylor. "I know but you will be okay, you are inside now so its not so bad" Taylor told him. The first bell rang indicating the start of class as everyone gathered their books. Chase was having a hard time paying attention as he was still trying to think about Skye's birthday present. He wanted it to be as perfect as his but he just couldn't think of anything. Everest noticed Chase in deep thought and she knew what he was thinking about, she wrote him a note and passed it to him. Chase slowly opened it as he didn't want to get caught by the teacher and it read:


Skye's birthday don't think to much outside the box. Her favorite singer is coming to town and she would love tickets. I can help you get them.


Chase mouthed thank you to Everest and tried to think of who her favorite singer was and he was sad that he didn't know. Lunch finally came and he found Everest at her locker alone and he took advantage "Everest, I realize I don't know who her favorite singer is and I feel like a terrible boyfriend" Chase said. "Don't she doesn't care about that kind of stuff, Skye is a simple girl, she likes glam and for someone to show they care. Taylor Swift is her favorite by the way" Everest said. Chase took out his iPhone and searched for Taylor Swift tickets. "400$ each sheesh she is not cheap to see. Ah man it's a good thing I saved some of that money I won." Chase thought to himself. He bough tickets for Taylor swift for himself, Skye, Everest and Marshall. He felt bad not including anyone else but he hoped they wouldn't care. 

The day ended and the storm looked like it was getting worse, Ryder came onto the PA. "Students I realize you all want to go home, however I am putting the school on lockdown until the storm passes. Everyone will be staying here until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience." All the students whined, but they really didn't have a choice. The guys went to the gym and started a basketball game as most of the students watched. Skye was watching her boyfriend and couldn't help but smile. "He really is amazing" she thought, "Chase truly is an amazing player" Sweetie said to her friend Brooke not noticing Skye. "Yeah too bad he is with that Skye, what does she have that you don't?" Brooke said. "I don't know, she is just so plain. He clearly likes the dull boring type." Sweetie said. Skye was angry at this point and she was about the attack Sweetie when she felt someone grab her from behind. "Don't let her get to you. Need I remind you that Chase loves you and Sweetie is just asking for the drama" Marshall said. "Let me go Marshall, I want to punch her" Skye said with anger. "I know and that is why I am not letting you go, Skye you need to calm down" Marshall said as he lost his grip on her and Skye ran over to Sweetie and pushed her. "Woah, what the hell" Sweetie said as she turned around. There was a huge crowd growing around them causing the basketball game to stop. "Skye why did you push me" Sweetie said. "You deserve it after everything you said, I heard it all" Skye said. "Nothing I said wasn't true, you can't even fight you are so pathetic." Sweetie said going for a punch to Skye's face. Chase stepped in and caught Sweetie's fist and said, "Don't you dare touch her, What is going on here?" Chase wondered. "Your girlfriend is pathetic Chase, you should be with me someone more up your alley" Sweetie said. Ryder and a few teachers gathered in the gym now watching the whole ordeal. 

"I wouldn't date you if you were the last girl on earth, Sweetie you are the one who is pathetic. You have what 1 friend, Skye has many friends and she has me who you will never get so scram before I make you" Chase said. Ryder watched his son and was not impressed with what he chose to say. Sweetie and her friend ran off and Chase looked at Skye and said "What was that about?" "She walked by me talking about you, how I didn't deserve you, she said I was plain and boring." Skye said with tears in her eyes. "Skye you are the most beautiful girl in the world, I don't give a crap about Sweetie. You are my girl and you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are far from plain and you most definitely are not boring" Chase said. Many people who were watching said "AAWWWW" Skye hugged Chase and gave him and kiss and said "Thanks Chase" Chase noticed his dad watching and hoped he didn't hear the whole thing he motioned for Chase to come over. "Hey dad, sorry I was just sticking up for Skye" Chase said. "I know I saw and heard, I also heard you threaten her, I don't care that you dislike Sweetie. I never want you to use threats as a means to scare her. I raised you better than that and well I am disappointed" Ryder said. "Sorry, I really didn't mean it as a threat I wouldn't actually do anything. I just didn't want there to be a fight over me. I really am sorry dad" Chase said. "It is said and done I guess, go back to your game" Ryder said. Chase rejoined the basketball game and most of the students had found other things to do. 

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