Spring Break

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Winter was finally starting to fade as the air was getting warmer, Chase woke up with from a nightmare. He dreamt that they lost the championship game and the whole school was against him. He looked at his alarm and noticed it was almost time to get up so he had a shower and dressed for school. Chase was excited for the big game today as it was the last day of school before spring break and the final basketball game of the season. Once they arrived at school Chase and Marshall met up with their friends. " Hola mis amigos" Tracker said. "Tracker dude, we don't speak Spanish like you do" Zuma said. "I know but I enjoy it" Tracker said. "Is everyone ready for the big game today?" Rubble said. "Super stoked" Chase said, Rocky, Tracker, and Zuma all agreed. The day went by so slowly for Chase as he was just waiting for the game, finally the day ended and Skye kissed Chase and said "Good luck" as she went to dress in her uniform. Chase, Rubble, Zuma, Rocky and Tracker all decided to hang in the gym and warm up. Ryder was sticking around to as he wanted to watch his son play. Katie was going to bring Cassie as well and they were all excited. Marshall and Taylor were sitting in the bleachers and Taylor asked, "Marshall, do you think Rocky still likes me?" "What? Why are you asking me?" Marshall asked confused. "Well he is just different lately and I can't tell if he likes someone else." Taylor said. "This time of year has always been hard on Rocky, he never tells us why but I think it has to do with his dad. I am sure he still likes you" Marshall said. "Oh thanks Marshall" Taylor said. The opposing team arrived at the school and the coach called his team into the locker room.

"Alright boys this is it the final game. I believe in you all and I know we can take this trophy home. Wildcats on 3. 1...2..3" Coach said. "WILDCATS!" the team shouted as they exited the locker room. The bleachers were packed with players and everyone was fired up. The ref indicated for the game to start and the championship game was underway. The Wildcats versus the Badgers and the Wildcats got first possession. Chase had the ball and he passed over to Rocky who passed back to Chase and he scored the first points of the game. The game was really close back and forth, the badgers were very aggressive and they were getting a lot of foals. Chase scored 6 free throw points alone as he was always the one getting foaled. The first half ended and the score was 34-32 in favor of the wildcats. "Alright boys this team is going to be tough, they are playing hard. I know we can win this, we need to keep pushing" coach said. "Chase I want to know if you can play the whole second half, it seems they are having a hard time getting you and your 3 pointers can win us the game" coach said to his team captain. "I can do it coach!" Chase said as he was fired up. The second half was about to start as the team came  back into the gym. The game was very close as they were scoring back and forth, the final minute of the game and the score was tied 62-62. Badgers called a timeout, "Chase, get in a 3 pointer if you can we can win this" coach said. Chase nodded and the time out was over, the badgers were told to  stay on Chase as he was the strongest player. Rubble and Rocky were passing the ball back and forth as they tried to get the ball to the captain. Chase couldn't get open and the final 30 seconds the other team scored and they were ahead by 2 Chase finally received the ball and he zoomed towards the basket he did a lay up and scored but he was foaled as the buzzer went. The score was tied and all the pressure was on Chase as he received 2 free throws. Chase took a deep breath and for the first time ever he missed the first free throw. He said to himself, "You got this Chase, just like you always practice" and he let the ball go and WOOSH he scored. The game was over the Wildcats won 65-64 everyone jumped on Chase as they won the championship game. 

Everyone was celebrating at Mr. Porters cafe it was Friday night and it was finally spring break. Everyone decided that for the first week of spring break they were going to spend it at Wonderland as they all booked a campsite. Ryder and Katie were going to bring Cassie was well. They all went home to pack their stuff for camping and met back at Chase's house. Marshall with the help of Rubble had built his hang out house on his old property. It was basically like a giant garage with loads of game and fun things to do. They all spent the night in there as they were leaving in the morning. The night ended with all the couples cuddles watching a movie Tracker even had his boyfriend Jack with them. The next morning everyone was up pretty early as they were all super excited. The car ride was about 3 hours and Cassie whined the whole time as she was cramped in her car seat and the teens were all pretty loud. "Hey squirt, we will be there soon." Chase told her. Finally they arrived and they pitched their tents before they went to the park. "Rules before you all run off, We are to meet back here for dinner at 6pm, No one leaves the park and Chase, Marshall check in every once in a while please!" Ryder said. "We will bye dad" Chase said as he and his friend took of towards the park. All the boys decided the roller coasters were first on the list. The girls and Marshall were not as excited but they still went along. 

There was so much to do and everyone was having a great time, it was fairly warm out and everyone decided to do the water rides except Rocky. He sat out and Taylor feeling sorry for him sat and watched with him. "Taylor you don't have to sit with me" Rocky said. "I know but I want to, Can I ask you why you don't like water? You don't have to tell me either" Taylor said. Rocky didn't answer at first he never told anyone about his fear of water but he said "I will tell you but promise me you won't tell anyone else. I can't have everyone knowing my past" Rocky said. "I promise Rocky" Taylor said. "My dad was a very heavy drinker, he was watching me one night when I was 3 and he put me in the bath and left the room. I was playing and I decided to get up and I slipped I fell into the tub and hit my head. I was underwater for a few minutes before my mom pulled me out. She managed to get the water out of my lungs, To this day I still picture myself under the water. I can't ever get over the fact that I almost drowned. I haven't gone swimming or been in a tub since" Rocky said. "I am so sorry Rocky that must have been awful" Taylor said. "Yeah the worst part is my dad left 2 days later and I haven't seen or heard from his since" Rocky said. Taylor just hugged her boyfriend and gave him a kiss, "I promise your secret is safe with me" she finished saying as the rest of them came from the ride all soaking wet. Chase texted his dad: We are all still good, having a great time"

Ryder: Perfect, almost time to meet back at the campsite for dinner

Chase: Sounds good

They went on a few more rides then went for dinner. They all decided to play games at the campsite and watch the stars before going to sleep. The next morning they went back to the park and Chase and Skye road the Ferris wheel together as they made out at the top. The whole week went by super fast and everyone had a great time. The last week of spring break and it was Easter weekend so everyone spent time with their families. Chase and Marshall set up a pretty killer easter egg hunt for Cassie as she found so many chocolates and had a blast. Chase and Marshall spent the last few days of their break catching up on their homework and playing league of legends. School was starting again on the Tuesday and they were preparing for midterms, Chase was not looking forward to it. 

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