New year New life

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It was the night of new years eve and everyone decided that the party would be at Marshall and Everest's since they had babies. They were all very excited to see what the new year would bring and Chase was determined for this new year to be a good one. He was going to try really hard to have no accidents or get hurt in anyway. "Chase please be careful tonight, I don't need anymore drama in my life. You are turning my hair gray" Katie said. "I will mom don't worry, I am going to try really hard" Chase said. "I hope so" Ryder said from the living room. "Have fun tonight Chase" Katie said as he walked next door. Chase was the first one there so he grabbed his nephew and played with him on the couch. Everest was preparing appies and snacks for everyone while Marshall fed Callie. Skye, Zoe, Alyssa and Ella arrived next and Chase smiled at his girl and she gave him a kiss. Rocky came next and he brought some alcohol with him and Chase was excited he had a feeling it was going to be a good night. Zuma and Rubble were the last to arrive and Zuma also brought some alcohol. "How did you guys get this?" Skye asked pointing to the alcohol. "My parents bought it for us. They just said to be careful and safe" Zuma said. "Yeah same my mom said if we are going to have fun but to be safe." Rocky said. Skye was very skeptical as she never had alcohol before. 

It was 9 pm and the boys were all playing a drinking game and Chase was not doing so good. He ended up drinking the cup in the middle and it contained a mixed cocktail. It had tequila, a vodka cooler, and some beer. "I think Chase has had enough" Skye said. "Pffft you are nnnnoott my motherrr SSkye" Chase said slurring all his words. Skye rolled her eyes knowing her boyfriend was very drunk. Marshall and gotten the twins down and it was 1130 pm he was hoping they would sleep for a little bit as he wanted to have fun. The teens watched as the ball dropped and the year 2018 had begun. Chase was still drinking and Skye was trying to get him to drink some water. "I don't want watterrr" Chase whined as he jumped up from the couch and ran outside. "Chase where are you going?" Skye yelled trying to get him to come back. Everyone except Everest grabbed their winter clothes and followed Chase they didn't want him to get hurt. Zuma was also drunk but not as bad as Chase who had the most out of everyone. Chase ran towards the water and started taking his clothes off. "Chase stop this is not safe!" Skye screamed at him. "Pfft I am a professional Skye" Chase said as he jumped off the pier into the freezing cold water. "CHASE!" Skye yelled from the top. 

Chase immediately regret his decision the water was freezing and he had a hard time swimming back to the beach. Zuma was ready to jump in but Marshall stopped him, "Don't It is to cold, we don't need 2 of you freezing to death." he said. "But he is drunk and he can't swim look at him" Zuma said. Chase was doggy paddling trying to get out of the water, Marshall saw a life ring and tossed it out to Chase " Chase grab on please" Marshall said. Chase looked around and saw the ring and grabbed it and they started to pull him back in. "WOHOO" Chase said as he was having a blast. Zoe and Alyssa ran back from Marshall's house and they had blankets and coffee for Chase. As soon as he was back on shore Skye punched him and said "Don't ever do that again" Chase was shivering as they covered him with the blanket and gave him the warm liquid. Chase drank the coffee super quickly and managed to get his clothes back on. They all went back to Marshall's house and Chase grabbed more alcohol. "Nope you are done" Skye said as she took it from him. Chase whined as he grabbed a cup from the table it looked like water so Skye didn't take it away. It ended up being a vodka cooler and Chase smiled as he drank the whole thing. 

"Well happy new year everyone I have to go home, I will see you all on Monday when school starts" Rubble said. Everyone said there goodbyes and Skye said "Marshall keep and eye on this one" as she left kissing him. Chase was laughing on the ground for no apparent reason whatsoever. "The babies are awake, I will get them you deal with this" Everest said as she ran upstairs. "Chase what am I going to do with you, I can't keep you here" Marshall said. "Marshallllllllllll you have nice eyes" Chase said as he stubbled a little bit. "I don't know how dad will react if you go home like this, but I can't watch you and my twins at the same time" Marshall said he grabbed Chase's boots. "Come one Chase put these on" Marshall said, Chase tried to put on his boots and he fell over causing him to erupt with laughter. "Oh my god you are so immature" Marshall said as he helped him. Marshall managed to get Chase back home and he tried to stay quiet as he didn't want to wake anyone up. Chase however was far from quiet and he woke up Ryder. "Dammit Chase! shut up" Marshall said, Ryder came downstairs and said "What is going on?" Chase looked at his dad and said "Daaaaaddddddddddddd," and he puked all over the floor. "Is he drunk Marshall?" Ryder asked. "Maybe a little" Marshall said, "A little,  looks like a lot, help me get him to bed" Ryder said as they dragged Chase upstairs. Chase collapsed onto his bed as his puppy Ace climbed up next to him and fell asleep. "Go home Marshall, I got this" Ryder said, "Okay sorry" Marshall said. "It is fine, I mean it is what it is" Ryder said as he left Chase's room and went to clean up the floor.

Ryder climbed back into bed a few minutes later and Katie asked "What is going on?" "Chase is drunk" Ryder said. "Well I guess he had some fun then, at least he is home safe" Katie said as she fell back asleep. The next morning Chase woke up with a killer headache and he felt like crap, "Ugh what happened last night?" he thought. Chase immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up again. As Chase came out of the bathroom Ryder was waiting for him, "Good morning, feeling a bit off this morning are we?" he said. "Ugh dad, I am sorry. I never drank before and well I might have gotten a bit carried away" Chase said. "It is what is is Chase, here drink this" Ryder said handing Chase some Advil and a weird green drink. "What is it?" Chase asked. "Just trust me it will help" Ryder said. Chase downed the Advil and the green drink and when he was done he said "Ugh that was disgusting" "But it will help I promise, you should feel better soon" Ryder said as he left Chase in his room. Chase cuddled with Ace and played a video game and he was surprised that he did feel better. He received a text.

Skye: You feeling okay this morning?

Chase: Yeah I am good, sorry baby I should have listened and stopped

Skye: Do you remember what you did?

Chase: I vaguely remember skinny dipping

Skye: yes and you almost drowned doing it!

Chase: SORRY!

Skye: Its okay you are alive and seem okay

Chase: Yeah my dad gave me some kind of hangover cure

Skye: Cool, well see you Monday love you

Chase: Love you to babe!

Chase went downstairs and had breakfast then he headed over to Marshall's to apologize to him. "Sorry bro, I didn't meant to cause a scene yesterday" Chase said as Marshall opened the door. "It is all good here help me grab Callie for me" Marshall said as he handed his daughter over. Callie cooed at her uncle and slapped him in the face. "Well hello to you to little lady" Chase said as he tickled her causing her to giggle. Marshall came down with Josh and he gave him a bottle. "Where is Everest" Chase asked, "I am letting her sleep she never gets to sleep in" Marshall said. Callie was on the floor doing some tummy time and she started to freak out as she wasn't being held anymore. "Chase grab her please, I don't want her to wake up her mom" Marshall said. Chase scooped up Callie and noticed she needed a diaper change, "Um she needs you" Chase said handing her to Marshall. "Ugh can't you change her" Marshall said. "Nope, not my job I will take Josh" Chase said as he took his nephew. Marshall went to change Callie and he made breakfast for himself and Everest as Chase watched the twins. "I am surprised you aren't hungover Chase" Marshall said as he tried feeding some baby food to Callie. "I was but dad gave me some kind of drink, it helped" Chase said. "The kale one?" Marshall asked, "Ew was that what was in it?" Chase said. "Yeah that and some other things" Marshall said. "No wonder it tasted bad" Chase said. He hung out a little longer then decided to go snowboarding as Everest woke up and was able to help Marshall. Rocky and Rubble joined Chase at the ski hill as they all boarded down the hill.

Chase was determined for this last semester of high school to be a good one. The school year will come to and end and what will the teens do next. Will they all get into college, will they all get the career's that they want. 

I will write one more Chapter for this story. Then I am going to put it on a hold as I write my next fanfic. I will come back to this one and do a college and adult version. It will probably be a different story altogether. Hope you enjoyed this one!

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