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Chase woke up feeling super nauseous it was 5 am and he ran to the bathroom only just making it in time. Chase threw up several times he felt terrible, he rinsed out his mouth and went back to bed. His whole body hurt and he didn't want to move, meanwhile Marshall was just getting up for school and was ready to go. Ryder walked passed Chase's room and noticed him still asleep, he walked in and said "Chase its time to get up" Chase just groaned and didn't even move. Ryder looked at him and said "You alright Chase?" "I feel awful" Chase said managing to roll over in bed to look at his dad. Ryder called Katie and she came in and said "What's wrong?" "Chase said he feels awful" Ryder said. "I'll get a thermometer" Katie said as she went to her bathroom and grabbed the thermometer. Katie stuck the thermometer under his tongue and his temperature was 102. "Oh my Chase you are not going to school, just stay here and I will get you some chicken soup" Katie said. Ryder and Marshall went to school and Skye immediately noticed Chase as missing. "Skye before you even ask, Chase is at home he has the flu and no I don't know when he is coming back" Marshall said as he left her to find Everest. Skye was super worried about Chase she texted him: Marshall told me you are sick are you alright? Can I bring you anything?

Chase didn't reply as he was asleep this made Skye worry more but she decided to just let it go. The girls were chatting and Skye said "Chase's birthday is coming up soon and I want to throw him a party" "Marshall's birthday is coming up too maybe we can do a joint party?" Everest said. "Sounds like fun where should we host it?" Zoe said. "Zuma has the best house, maybe he can again?" Taylor said. "Yeah but last time he had a party at his house Chase was hit by a car" Alyssa said. "Well we just won't go near the street, it will be fun maybe we can even go boating" Skye said. "Rocky won't like that idea" Taylor said as she was the only one who know about why Rocky didn't like water. "That's to bad it is not about Rocky" Everest said. They starting planning the party as the bell rang indicating school was starting. Meanwhile Katie had brought Chase some soup and medicine and made him get up to eat it. Chase groaned as he rolled over all of his muscles hurt. "You have some flu, maybe I should take you to the doctor" Katie said. "No, I am fine I just want to sleep" Chase said. He drank the medicine his mom brought but he didn't have the stomach for the soup. "I am not hungry mom, I feel nauseous" Chase said as he rolled back into his bed. He was shivering Katie grabbed another blanket and tucked him and said "feel better soon" as she left the room. 

Everest and Skye cornered Zuma at lunch before they went into the cafeteria and said "Zuma, can we throw Marshall and Chase a surprise party at your house, their birthday is coming up soon" Skye said. "I don't see why not, I will have to clear it with my parents though" Zuma said. They all entered the cafeteria and stopped talking party as Marshall was already there. "Chase okay?" Zoe asked Marshall. "I don't know he had a fever this morning and I think I heard him puking." Marshall said. "My poor Chasey" Skye said. Everyone was having their own conversations and Skye received a text from Chase: I am okay Skye, just sick. I don't need anything. Wish I could get a cuddle from you though

Skye: I can come over after school and give you a cuddle

Chase: No I don't want you to get sick, but thank you <3

Skye: Okay I am sorry you are sick, I love you

Chase: Love you too babe

Lunch ended and the teens all went to class the girls to home economics and the boys to art. The girls were planning the party for Chase and Marshall and assigning each other tasks, they were really excited. "I just hope Chase is feeling better by his birthday" Skye said. "Yeah being sick sucks" Zoe said. 

Three days has gone by and Chase was finally feeling better as he was ready to go to school, It was Friday and his birthday. He couldn't be more stoked to not be sick on his birthday, he put on his red t-shirt and blue hoodie and went downstairs. "Happy Birthday Chase!" Katie said as she placed his favorite breakfast of blueberry pancakes in front of him. "Thanks mom" Chase said as he started eating. "I can't believe my baby is turning 15, I remember it was yesterday you were just born" Katie said shedding a tear. "Mom please stop" Chase said not wanting to reminisce. Cassie, Marshall and Ryder all came downstairs and said "Happy birthday Chase!!!" "Thank you" Chase said as he took another bite of food. "Glad you are feeling better" Ryder said. "Me too you have no idea" Chase said. "Just in time for the weekend too, hope you are caught up on your homework" Ryder said as he at his pancakes. They all grabbed their things and Ryder drove them to the high school. 

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