Winter Xmas!

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It had snowed all night in Adventure Bay and the town was outside getting ready for the winter festival. Chase was surprised that he was able to sleep in, he rolled over and looked at his alarm it was almost 11am. He climbed out of bed and dressed for the day and went downstairs, no one was around he saw a note. "Morning sleeping beauty! We are getting winter festival set up come to town hall when you are awake. Love mom" Chase had a glass of orange juice and then put his coat and boots on and walked to town hall. It looked like all of Adventure Bay was there, Cassie spotted Chase first and she took off full blast towards him. Katie noticed her missing and saw that she was giggling in the air as her brother tossed her again. Chase saw Skye and he went to her Cassie followed. "Hello beautiful" Chase said, "Hi, nice of you to join us" Skye said. "I guess I was more tired than I thought." Chase replied. "Aw whose this little cutie?" Skye asked referring to Chase's shadow. "This is my sister Cassie, Cassie this is Skye" Chase said. Cassie hid behind her brother trying not to make eye contact. "She will warm up to you, she is almost never like this" Chase said. "I'm not worried, want to find everyone else?" Skye asked. "Sure, Cassie go find mom or dad okay. I am going to hang out with my friends" Chase said to his sister. Ryder was behind him and heard as he scooped up his daughter and Cassie erupted in giggles. 

Chase and Skye were easily able to spot Rubble as he was eating food which didn't surprise them. "Hey Rubble you see anyone else?" Skye asked. "Yeah they are all over there by the games" Rubble said. They walked over to their friends and Chase noticed the games, and there was a basketball one. Marshall noticed him look and said "If anyone can beat Chase at this basketball game I will give them 100 bucks" Marshall said. "What do I get if no one beats me?" Chase asked. "The satisfaction of knowing you won" Marshall said. "Pfft I might lose purposely just so I can make you give someone a 100 bucks." Chase said. "Don't make it fair, Okay whose first?" Marshall said. Zuma volunteered and they both started throwing baskets, it almost wasn't even a competition the 2 minutes was up and Zuma had 26 points and Chase had 32. The goal now was to see if anyone can score more than 32 baskets in 2 minutes. Rocky was next his 2 minutes went by and he scored 28 points. Rubble only managed to score 22 points, Everest scored 16. Zoe and Alyssa didn't come even close either. Skye was the only one left and she scored 26 points surprising Chase. Ryder came and took the challenge he was the only one able to match Chase's score. Chase and Ryder competed head to head and the 2 minutes was up. Chase scored 32 points again but Ryder had 34. "Ah dad, you couldn't let me win?" Chase said. "Nope, sorry Chase" Ryder said laughing, "And Marshall you can keep your 100 bucks, I just wanted to beat my son" Ryder said as he walked away. 

The rest of the week was cram time as the teachers were preparing them for exams. The boys had their winter playoffs coming up on top of the exams and Chase was stressing. Basketball practice was getting more and more frequent as the game day was approaching, Chase was exhausted and Cassie noticed he wasn't paying attention to her much. Katie tried to explain that he had a lot going on. The girls were getting prepared for their cheer competition and Skye said "Sweetie! please stop doing that, it is not part of the routine and you are going to make us lose" "I think the flip adds to it, don't you think girls?" Sweetie said trying to be difficult. Only her 2 friends Brooke and Peyton agreed, "Skye your routine sucks, and well I am simply making it better" Sweetie said. "No you aren't and I am captain so if you don't stop, I am going to kick you off the team" Skye said. "Ha, you can try but I am clearly better" Sweetie said. "If you are better then why aren't you captain?" Everest said. "Well the coach made a mistake" Sweetie said. "Doubt it" Zoe said. "Once I take over this squad Skye I am coming for Chase!" Sweetie said as she walked away. Skye wanted to kick her butt as she left but her friends stopped her. "Don't let her get to you Chase won't ever go for her" Everest said. "I know but still she is so annoying!" Skye said. 

The game was the next day and it was the last day of school before exams, giving everyone the weekend to study. Chase was freaking out over the exams and Rocky said "Chase concentrate on the game today, and I will get you through the exams, we need you on this game so focus!" Chase nodded as he tried to hype himself up. The coach came in and said "Boys, we can totally win this, I have seen how hard you've been working. Lets go out there and win this!" "GO WILDCATS!" the team chanted as they left the dressing room. The basketball game started and it was fairly even at first. Both teams were playing hard and the score was back and forth. After the first half the Wildcats were winning against the Tigers 42-36. The cheerleaders did their halftime dance and thankfully Sweetie did it properly this time and it went smoothly. The second half of the game Chase was getting double teamed a lot giving Rocky and Zuma free range as they scored points. The Tigers called a time out, "They are going to have to stop double teaming Chase or we are going to just keep getting them. Chase try and get to the basket as much as you can" the coach said. The team all agreed and the time out was over as the game started up again. The final buzzer went just as Chase was fouled and he was allowed a free throw, at this point it didn't matter as they were ahead by a lot. Chase made the free throw easily and gave themselves 83 points to the tigers 64 points. Wildcats won the game and they were to advance into the championships in the New year. 

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