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School teachers were preparing everyone for the midterms on Friday it was all about review. Chase was confident he would do well in everything except physics he still had no idea what anything meant. Rocky was trying his best to help him but even then he had to study himself so he wasn't always there for Chase. Ryder and Katie were trying to keep Cassie entertained so her brothers could study. Chase was starting to get frustrated and said "Dad can I just skip the physics midterm I mean I don't understand it anyways" Ryder laughed "Chase if you skip it you will surely fail, if you try you might surprise yourself and do really well. Keep at it you will get it. The midterm is not meant to be hard its just to see what you know" Ryder said. Chase really hated studying but Marshall was ready and he tried to help Chase. Friday came and it was the morning of the midterms and Chase did not sleep well as he was anxious. Physics was the first midterm of the morning and they were spread out in the room, Chase sighed as he wasn't even close enough to a neighbour to copy them. He took a deep breathe and opened his midterm. To his surprise he actually understood the first question. His confidence started to rise and he actually surprised himself. He didn't think he aced the midterm but he at least passed he thought. The rest of the midterms went well and everyone was allowed to leave early from school. 

Chase and Skye went for a walk along the beach, "How do you feel you did Chase" Skye asked. "I don't know I really hate tests, I felt good on most except physics but I tried my best" Chase said. "Me too, what are we doing this weekend?" Skye asked wanting to spend time with Chase. "I don't know I haven't thought of it." Chase said. "Well I have an idea but I want it to be a surprise meet me tomorrow afternoon here on the beach alright?" Skye said. "Okay beautiful" Chase said giving her a kiss. They walked a few more minutes and Chase had to go home and babysit his sister so his mother can go to work. "CHASE!" Cassie screamed as she was super excited to spend the afternoon with him. "Hey squirt want to just play a quiet game?" Chase asked her as he was tired still from his midterms. "No lets play hide and seek" Cassie said. "Okay deal, you hide I will count" Chase said. Cassie squealed and ran to find a hiding spot, Chase waited a little bit then searched the rooms for his sister. He found her fairly quickly but he pretended he couldn't see her. "Where could she be? Cassie where are you?" Chase said as he heard giggles from under her blanket. Chase grabbed her and scooped her into a tight hug and tickled her causing a mass amount of squeals and giggles. "I found you squirt!" Chase said and Cassie said "Okay you hide now" as she closed her eyes. Chase had no idea where to hide he never thought of it. He decided to hide behind the washer as it was there was a little bit of space for him to squeeze in. Cassie was looking for what felt like a long time, Marshall came home and saw Cassie by herself. "Hey Cassie, where is Chase?" he asked. "I don't know I can't find him" Cassie said a little sad. "He is here right? he was supposed to babysit" Marshall said a little panicked. "Yes we playing hide and seek" Cassie said. Marshall felt a sight of relief as he helped Cassie find Chase. Marshall found him and whispered to Cassie as she ran to his hiding spot and jumped onto his back saying "Found you Chase" "Took you long enough squirt, Oh I see Marshall helped you" Chase said seeing his brother. 

The afternoon went quickly and Ryder came home bringing dinner with him and everyone had dinner. Chase went to his room and played some games and Marshall was watching TV. The next morning Chase slept till 11 am and he was getting ready to meet Skye on the beach. Once he left the house he walked towards the beach and he saw his girl standing watching the water, he walked up quietly behind her and said "BOO" she screamed and Chase laughed. "You suck" she said. "Sorry, what are we doing?" Chase asked her. Skye pointed to a small sailboat and said "We are sailing today" Chase was excited he had never been sailing before and he then saw Zuma and Zoe coming up to them. "You guys ready?" Zuma asked excitedly. "Yeah I didn't know you were coming" Chase said. "Who else is going to sail the boat?" Zuma asked. Chase laughed he never thought of it. Zuma was able to sail the boat with ease and they were having a great time just relaxing. Zuma then brought up the midterms and asked if anyone saw their results yet. "Are they up already? I am to scared to look" Chase said. "They are supposed to be this afternoon, I am a bit nervous as well" Zoe said. They sailed for a bit longer then the sky started to turn grey and Zuma had to pull them back in. The rain started to pour down as they reached the beach and Chase grabbed Skye into a kiss as they were getting soaked. They ran to Zuma's house as it was the closest to the beach. Zuma grabbed everyone a towel and they sat on the couch and all pulled up their exam results. Zoe's results : Physics 75%, Socials 89%, Literature 95% and Home Economics 91%. Skye results: Physics 82%, Socials 94%, Literature 90% and Home Economics 93%, Zuma: Physics 80%, Socials 89%, Literature 75% and Art 100%, Chase: Physics 70%, Socials 82%, Literature 89% and Art 98%. Chase did a woot as he was stoked he passed his physics exam. Rocky received a 100% on all his exams and everyone else passed as well. 

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