Last Day of Summer

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Chase and Rocky were recovering well and they still had some of the summer left to enjoy before going back to school. Everyone was sitting on the beach relaxing and Zuma was trying to convince Rocky to try surfing. "Dude you will like it, I mean all you have to do is let the board do the work." Zuma said. "Yeah then I fall and I am in the water, no thanks Zuma" Rocky said. "What is it with you and water dude, I obviously wouldn't let you drown" Zuma said. "I just don't like water, Everyone is scared of something well I am scared of water. Just leave it at that" Rocky said a bit annoyed. Just then the boys noticed a girl walking down the beach she was obviously new she had long blond hair and she was wearing a blue bikini. They were all staring at her then Chase felt a punch to the shoulder and said "Ow what was that?" "You are something else, I don't think you could drool anymore" Skye said angry at him. Chase finally realized what he was doing and he said "Sorry Skye, I just I have no excuse. I am sorry" Skye just rolled her eyes and said "All of you are pathetic, its not like she is even going to ever talk to any of you" Just then they saw a boy just as blonde walk up to her and Everest said "See she has a boyfriend" "I don't know Everest they look like siblings" Marshall said staring more. "We all need to stop staring at them they are going to think we are weird" Zoe said as the two of them turned to look at them. The 2 teens walked over to the group and everyone immediately felt awkward.

"Hi there, I am Tuck and this is my sister Ella, we just moved here" Tuck said introducing themselves. "Hello, nice to meet you I am Chase, this is Skye, Everest, Zoe, Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, Alyssa, and Tracker" Chase said pointing at each person he introduced. "Nice to meet you all mind if we sit with you?" Ella said eyeing Chase. Skye immediately noticed the look she gave him and sat on his lap. "Not at all" Chase said noticing Skye's jealousy he grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. "I am assuming most of you are coupled up?" Tuck said noticing the girls getting closer to their boys. "My sister can be a bit much, she won't step on anyone's toes I promise" Tuck said causing Ella to blush and roll her eyes. Rocky was the only one not sitting next to a girl other than Tracker, but he didn't seem interested. Ella thought he was cute in a nerdy way, she thought "I might have to try with this one" Tracker was eyeing up Tuck but didn't want to say anything. Tracker was newly single as well since his boyfriend Jack found someone else over the summer. Everyone was having a good time as Ella tried to get to know Rocky, "So Rocky, would you want to go for a swim with me?" She asked him. Rocky didn't want to be rude but he also didn't want to say no as she was beautiful. "Umm, I am not really sure" Rocky said looking at his buddies for help. "It will be fun" Ella insisted. "Yeah dude, me and Zoe will go to" Zuma said sensing Rocky's tension. "Okay" Rocky said he knew he was going to regret this as he didn't really know how to swim. 

They walked out onto the dock and everyone jumped into the water except Rocky he stood on the end of the dock. "Come on Rocky, the water is perfect" Ella said. Rocky was hesitating and he felt someone push him from behind and he fell into the water freaking him out. Sweetie laughed from the dock and said "There" Everyone on the beach immediately ran to the dock. Rocky was still underwater Zuma pulled him up and Rocky started coughing "You are alright dude, just breathe" Zuma said. Rocky was trying hard to stay a float and not freak out, he was hanging onto Zuma for dear life. Marshall and Chase pulled him out of the water. " What the hell was that Sweetie?" Chase yelled at her. "What he was in the way. I figured he needed some help." Sweetie said. "He is afraid of the water you bimbo" Skye said. "Well how was I supposed to know that? And who is scared of water? what a baby" Sweetie said as her and Brooke started laughing. Skye pushed her and she fell into the water "Not so much fun is it?" Skye said. Sweetie was pissed now as she tried to attack Skye but Chase stopped her. "Sweetie get lost, we don't want you here" Chase said to her. "Let go Chase, she deserves a little taste of her own medicine" Sweetie said trying to get to Skye. "Sorry no can do. You are just a bully Sweetie who needs to realize you can't win here." Chase said. Sweetie was really pushing to get around Chase, then Tracker said "Sweetie, seriously you are just jealous that they are my friends now. Just leave us alone please" " Fine but only if you be my friend again" Sweetie said. Tracker rolled his eyes and said "Fine just go". Sweetie was satisfied and left, not knowing Tracker just said that to get her to leave.

"Rocky, I am sorry I pushed you to go swimming. I had no idea you were scared" Ella said. "It's alright Ella, no one really understands my fear. I don't like to talk about it" Rocky said still shaking from the water. "Lets all go back to my place, I can make some nachos and we can just chill" Zuma said. Everyone agreed as they followed Zuma, "You guys can come too" Chase said to Tuck and Ella who didn't follow. Tuck and Ella smiled as they followed the rest of the group to Zuma's house. "Wow you live on the beach? that is so cool" Tuck said. "Yeah, my family is big into water. My dad owns his own fishing boat company so he is always on the water" Zuma said. Ella was sitting next to Rocky on the couch and said "I still feel bad, I am sorry" "It really is okay Ella, I should have said something instead I wanted to impress you. It was my fault" Rocky said. "You don't need to impress me Rocky. I think you are cute all on your own" Ella said causing Rocky to blush. Chase nudged Marshall and said "See he doesn't need my help to find a girl. One just fell into his lap" Marshall laughed, "Only because he was the only single one on the beach." Marshall said. "Who cares he is smiling that's all I care about" Chase said. Zuma finished making the pan of nachos and put them into the oven. 

They all sat around eating the nachos and Tuck said "I know this is a weird question but name one thing each of you are afraid of? I will start I am scared of dying" "I am scared of spiders" Rubble said. "I am afraid of birds, especially big ones like eagles" Skye said. "I am obviously scared of water" Rocky said. "I am afraid on needles" Zuma said, "I am afraid of flying and falling" Marshall said. "I am not really afraid of anything, except maybe losing the ones I love" Everest said. "I am also afraid of spiders" Zoe said. "I am afraid of the unknown" Alyssa said earning a few confused looks she explained more. "Just now knowing what is going to happen. Like the future" Alyssa said. "I am afraid of rejection and failing" Ella said. Tracker said "I am afraid of small dark spaces" Chase was the only one left and he felt his answer was dumb he wasn't sure if he wanted to answer. "Chase?" Tuck asked, "You are all going to laugh at me, but I am afraid of the dentist" Chase said. No one did laugh "Hey everyone is afraid of something, nothing to be embarrassed about" Tuck said. They all hung around playing games for the rest of the night and fell asleep on the beach as they watched the stars. Rocky and Ella were the only ones awake, "Thanks for welcoming us into your group, school might actually be fun this year" Ella said. "School here is awesome, Of course my friends all think I am a nerd. I actually like school" Rocky said. "Me too, I might not be good at it but I enjoy school as well. Rocky I think you are cute" Ella said blushing a little. "Thanks Ella I think you are cute too" Rocky said as he leaned in and kissed her. Ella accepted the kiss and kissed back after a few seconds they broke apart and Rocky said "Sorry I don't know why I did that" "Its okay I enjoyed it. I know we just met but I feel like we are going to get along just fine" Ella said cuddling into him and falling asleep. Rocky hugged her close and fell asleep as well. 

The summer was over and School was starting tomorrow. Find out what happens in the next chapter!

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