Winter begins!

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It started to snow in Adventure Bay earlier this year than it normally did this excited Everest more than anyone else. "Yes I love snow" she said as she danced around her house. Everest was working as much as she could given she was still in school, on weekends she would be at the ski hill teaching children to board. It was Saturday morning and Chase was ready to go boarding, Ryder was also going as Cassie wanted to learn. They put her in lessons with Everest, Marshall as much as he hated it due to his clumsiness also went. "Okay Cassie are you ready?" Everest asked her. "I think so" Cassie said. "Alright just slowly turn your board and let it slide you down the hill, then if you want to stop turn onto your toes or heels" Everest said easing Cassie down the hill. Cassie was doing it she was super excited "I am getting it!" she squealed. "Good job Cassie" Everest said as they made it down the bunny hill without falling. Chase and Marshall were going down the runs as Ryder watched his daughter with pride. "Way to go Cassie!" Ryder said, "Thanks daddy, I want to board like Chase" Cassie said. "Well you are a long ways away from that, but I think we can try going up the chair lift" Everest said. Cassie's eyes grew with excitement as they slide towards the lift. Everest had a tether rope attached to Cassie just as a precaution. 

Everest eased Cassie off the chair lift and she fell down, getting all frustrated "It is alright Cassie, no one ever gets off their first try. You are doing awesome" Everest assured her. Cassie got right back up and they were slowly going down the hill. Cassie was doing great for her first time out she managed to stay up most of the time. She didn't quite master how to stop yet but she was still a beginner. "Great first time Cassie, next time maybe we will be better at stopping" Everest told her. "Thank you Everest, I had fun today." Cassie said. "Your welcome, I am going to go board with my friends now." Everest said as she left. Skye, Zoe and Alyssa had joined her and they went up the mountain to find, Chase, Marshall, Zuma and Rubble. Ryder and Cassie drove home and Cassie told Katie all about her lesson. 

The girls found the boys waiting for them at the top and Zuma said "Who is faster Chase or Everest?" "Totally Everest" Marshall said. "Hey" Chase said. "Lets find out, the race is on" Skye said. "Someone has to be at the bottom to find out the winner" Everest said. "Zuma and I will go, just give us a few minutes" Zoe said as they sped down the hill. Zoe texted Skye and it said "We are ready" "Alright Chase, Everest get ready get set GO!" Skye said. They both sped down the hill, Everest taking a few jumps getting ahead of Chase. The others followed not nearly as fast but they were still in view. Chase went over a jump and did a flip landing just in front of Everest. "Show off" she yelled at him Chase laughed as he was winning. Everest had a shortcut and she was ahead of Chase within seconds. They were now going at the same speed neck and neck, they slid past Zuma and Zoe. "Wow it was a tie!" Zoe said as she showed them the picture she snapped. "Guess we will never know who was faster" Marshall said. "I think they were both equally as fast" Skye said giving Chase a kiss. They went down a few more times while they still could until it started to get dark and the ski lift was closing. The girls all went with Everest as they were staying at her place tonight. Everest's older sister Aspen was picking them up, Ryder picked up the boys and they were staying at Chase and Marshall's. 

Aspen was driving down the hill and she hit some black ice losing control of the car, they spun and the car flipped over. They rolled a few time before stopping and landing in a ditch upside down. Ryder and the boys driving behind them witnessed the whole thing. Ryder was already calling 911, the boys jumped out of the car to see if they could help. "I can't see if they are okay" Marshall said. "You guys okay in there" Chase asked trying to see if anyone would answer, he didn't get  a reply. This worried him immensely, "Skye can you hear me?" Chase yelled, they heard a groan, "Ugh what happened?" Everest said. "Eve are you alright" Marshall asked, "I think so, Skye, Zoe, Alyssa, Aspen? can you hear me?" Everest said.  The ambulance was arriving and they were able to get the car flipped back over with the firefighters help. They started pulling the girls out, Zoe, Alyssa and Everest were alright they only had minor injuries. Skye and Aspen took most of the damage and they were rushed to the hospital. Ryder drove Chase as he was insistent on getting their to be with Skye. Everyone went with them needing to know if they were alright. Everest called her parents and told them what happened and they rushed to the hospital as well.

After what felt like forever to everyone waiting Dr. Shepard finally came out. "Mr. and Mrs. Frost I am so sorry but Aspen didn't make it her injuries were to severe" Dr. Shepard said sadly, Everest and her parents broke down they were super sad. Marshall hugged Everest knowing how she felt losing someone you love was hard. "Mr. and Mrs. Sterling, Skye is alright she has a broken arm, some fractured ribs and she suffered a mild concussion. She should be alright we just want to keep her here overnight." Dr. Shepard said. Chase was so relieved as were Skye's parents and they all went into to see her. Zoe and Alyssa had their minor injuries assessed and their parents came to get them. "I am so sorry for your loss Everest" they said as they left. Everest just cried harder she didn't expect losing her sister tonight. The Frosts took Everest home and everyone tried to be there for Everest. Skye was released from the hospital the next day and was recovering at home. Chase was keeping a close eye on her from a far just to make sure she was alright. 

Everest didn't go to school the next few days and her sisters Funeral was planned for Wednesday. Everyone went to show their support for Everest, it was super sad as all Aspen's friends and family paid their respects. Marshall tried his best to comfort his girl and she just snuggled into him not saying anything. The next few weeks rolled into a blur for Everest as she had a hard time concentrating in school. She knew she needed to pull herself together as exams were coming up. Skye had her cast taken off and her arm healed up nicely as the teens studied for their exams. The day of the exams everyone was so relieved the last one was finally finished and they were going to go and celebrate as Ryder called over the PA "Rocky Green please report to the office" Rocky had no idea why he was being called to the office but he went. 

There stood the last person Rocky ever expected to see "Hey Rocky, long time no see" his dad said. Rocky stood there in shock not knowing what to say "Dad?" was all he could get out. 

What will happen with Rocky and his dad? Find out later as the next chapter comes out

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