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Chase, Skye, Rocky and Ella woke up at the same time the next morning. "You feeling better Rocky?" Chase asked him. "Yeah, thanks Chase for bringing Ella she really helped." Rocky said. Ella kissed him and said "I am here for you anytime you need me" Rocky smiled at her and they all went downstairs. Rachel was slightly confused but  she didn't question it "Good morning everyone, can I make you all breakfast?" she asked. "Thank you Mrs. Green but I should get home, my mom wasn't to keen on the idea of me coming but Chase is very persistent" Skye said. Chase laughed "that I am, I will walk her home. Thanks Mrs. Green, Rocky call me if you need me" Chase said as she followed Skye. Ella stayed for breakfast and was delighted to meet Rocky's mom. After breakfast and helping clean up Ella said goodbye and went home herself. "I like her Rocky, she is super cute. I also like the way she takes care of you" Rachel said. "I like her to mom a lot more than I thought I would. She helped me last night and I owe Chase for that. I just don't know if I can ever get over my fear now." Rocky said. "Oh Rocky, I am so sorry. I wish I could help you. I just don't understand why he took you" Rachel said. "He wanted me to clear his FBI record which I don't think would have made a difference. I saw what he did it was a lot of bad things." Rocky said. "Ugh what a disgusting man. Rocky I am so sorry I have to go to work are you okay here?" Rachel asked. "Yup I was thinking of going to hang out with friends anyways" Rocky said. Rachel nodded and left for work.

Meanwhile Chase had walked Skye home and was walking to his house where he ran into Sweetie. "Chase, why are you in my neck of the woods?" Sweetie asked. "What? How is this your neck of the woods?" Chase asked. "Well Chase you see that big house right there? It is mine. Making this my neighborhood" Sweetie said. "Huh, I never knew that anyways I am walking to my house, this road is a shortcut" Chase said. "Oh well stay for a drink or something" Sweetie said. "I am good thanks" Chase said trying to walk around her. "Why the rush? Chase please sit" Sweetie said pushing him down into a chair. "Sweetie, I really don't want to hang out with you" Chase said standing back up. Sweetie tried desperately to get Chase to stay but he dodged her and ran home. "Damn I really wish he liked me" Sweetie said. She was going to try a lot harder in school to get him to notice her. First step was getting famous like her mom as she ran to her house.

Chase walked into his house and he was greeted by his family, "hey how is Rocky doing? Ryder asked. "He seems better, I don't know though. It is hard to get him to open up" Chase said. "I can't imagine what he has been through" Katie said. "You don't want to know trust me" Chase said. "I think a bunch of us are meeting at Mr. Porters Chase are you coming?" Marshall asked. "Yup just let me shower real quick" Chase said as he ran upstairs. Marshall waited patiently for Chase and started to get annoyed. "Did he not say real quick?" Marshall asked Ryder. "HA he did but you know Chase" Ryder said. Thirty minutes later he finally came downstairs and said "Sorry, I was enjoying the hot water." Marshall rolled his eyes. "Have fun boys, text if you are staying out late" Katie said. "Mommy why do they never hang out with me anymore?" Cassie whined. "Well sweetie, they are older and want to spend time with their friends. We can call one of your friends if you like" Katie said. "Okay can we call Alex?" Cassie said. "Sure" Katie said. 

Everest, Zoe, Zuma, Rubble and Alyssa were waiting at the cafe when Chase and Marshall showed up. "Hey friends, where is everyone else?" Chase said as he sat down. "They are coming I think" Rubble said. Chase texted Rocky: Where you at brother!" 

Rocky: Coming coming

Chase: Hurry it up will you

Rocky: Don't rush me


Chase texted Skye: You coming to Mr. Porter's love?

Skye: I am trying, Mom is lecturing me about sleeping with you

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