Senior Year Part 1

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The time has come the teens were finally heading into their senior year, some were more excited than others. Everest was sad she didn't want to leave her twins at home with her mom but she knew she would regret not finishing high school. Chase was excited that his leg was finally healed and there were no complications with it. Which meant he would be able to still play basketball, his last year to win the championship. They were all nervous as now things were beginning to get serious as they needed to think about careers. Most of them knew what they wanted to be but others didn't. 

The first day of school Marshall literally had to drag Everest to the car, "Babe I promise they are going to be okay. You will see them soon" Marshall said. "They are still just so little Marshall, I can't do this." Everest said trying to run back into the house. "You can baby and you will, please your mom will call if she needs us." Marshall said finally getting her into the car. They finally arrived at school and Everest was looking at her class schedule "Okay so I can go home after 3rd period as my 4th is a spare" she said. Marshall's schedule was the same "I can drive you, mine is the same" he said. This year was going to be hardest yet they had only 3 classes each but they were all hard. They all had : Biology 12 Chemistry 12 and English 12. They were all scheduled at different times to talk to the consolers about their future. Chase as up first as he walked into Mrs. Fields office, "Hi Chase welcome, are you excited about your future?" Chase looked at her and said "Sure" "Alright so you grades have been average, it is now crunch time as most major colleges want only a's and b's an GPA of 3.0" Mrs. Fields said. Chase nodded as he didn't really know what she wanted him to say. "Chase do you know what you want to do after high school?" Mrs. Fields asked. "Yes, I want to play basketball for the raptors and become a police detective" Chase said. "Police that is a good career, there are some great criminology universities that also have basketball teams" Mrs. Fields said. "Awesome, thanks" Chase said as he took the pamphlets from her and left the office. 

Marshall was next and Mrs. Fields asked him "What would you like to do after high school?" "I want to be a firefighter and a paramedic" Marshall said confidently. Mrs. Fields smiled and she said "You will be great at that, here are some colleges that are specialized in both those careers." Marshall thanked her and left. Skye wanted to be a pilot and Mrs. Fields was very impressed as she didn't see many women pilots. Everest didn't know what she wanted to do other than right now be a mom to her babies. She was still going to apply to colleges but as of today she hadn't decided on a specific career choice. Rubble wanted to take part in construction as he loved building and already helped build Marshall and Everest's new home. Rocky wanted to be an engineer as he loved designing and building gadgets. He also really loved doing it out of recycled parts so he wanted to be an eco-friendly engineer. Zuma wanted to do a career involving water somehow so Mrs. Fields gave him some options. She gave him pamphlets on marine biology and water rescue. Ella was going into interior design like her mother and she already knew what school she was going to so she felt this meeting was irrelevant. Alyssa wanted to become a clothing designer and she was very excited to get so many options for schools. Zoe wanted to become a doctor and Mrs. Fields was very impressed and gave her several options. Tuck wanted to become a veterinarian as he loved animals and he couldn't think of a better way than to take care of them. Tracker had decided he wanted to become a Zoologist as he loved exotic animals and everything about them. The meetings took place over the course of the morning and it was finally time for lunch.

"That was crazy Mrs. Fields at first told me I needed better grades to even get into a school. Like I am a failure" Chase said. "She didn't that Chase, she is just trying to help you prepare for how hard school will be" Skye said. "Whatever I felt attacked, I need a 3.0 average to even consider a career in criminology but I already know that's what I want." Chase said. "Actually most criminology programs only require a 70% in order to pass so Chase I think you will be fine" Rocky said. "Thank you Rocky, at least someone believes in me" Chase said giving Skye a look. "Oh my god Chase I believe in you, I am ugh you are so annoying" Skye said. Chase grabbed her arm before she could walk away and sat her in his lap. "I love you Skye Sterling" Chase said, "I love you to Chase Chapman, but you are still annoying now let me go please I need to pee." Skye said. Chase kissed her and let her go, Zoe and Ella followed her to the bathroom. "Do girls always go pee together?" Rubble asked. "Most of the time yes, they gossip and do make up and girl stuff"  Everest said. "Oh okay" Rubble said as he finished eating his lunch. After third period Everest and Marshall rushed home because they missed their babies so much. Paige said "Hello, they were angels, no complications and they are both asleep, How was school?" "Hard I missed them so much it was torture" Everest said. "Oh dear, you are so dramatic" Paige said rolling her eyes at her daughter. Everest kissed her babies and started pumping as she watched them sleep. 

Senior year was being kicked off with a bang as the teachers were not playing games this year. They were so preoccupied with homework that they really had no time to even hang out except on weekends. Marshall and Everest were the busiest as they had twins to take care of and now that they were 2 months old it was getting harder. Callie was extremely needy and was jealous every time Everest would feed Josh even if she was fed first. Josh was laid back and easy going he was just so interested in the world around him. Chase was having a hard time with school already and he was paying Rocky to be his tutor and he was still struggling. "You know Chase, you don't have to pay me" Rocky said. "I know but, I want to I feel like you deserve something for literally pulling my butt through high school" They had tryouts today for the new kids to start on the team and Chase loved watching them. There was an opening for 6 players and the seniors from last year had graduated. Chase was almost a little sad knowing that this was his last year on the team. He was going to be a wildcat graduate and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. 

Skye and Chase were spending Saturday together and this time Skye planned the date and she took Chase to her favorite place. They laid on the ground close to the airport and she didn't say anything to Chase. He asked her "What are we doing?" "Just wait for it" Skye said as a plane took of not to far from them, they could literally feel the strength of the plane as it took off, "That was so fricken cool!" Chase said. "I know I love planes so much, want to sit in one with me?" Skye asked. "Sure" Chase said as he followed her to a small plane, Chase had a present for Skye with him and he was excited to give it to her. As they sat together in the cock pit  of the plane and Skye explained all the controls to him Chase pulled out a box. "Skye I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I have enjoyed getting to know you over the past 4 years, and I can't wait for many more years with you. I know we are to young to get married but I want to give you this ring as a promise. I promise to love you until the end of time and that one day I will ask you to be my wife" Chase said. "OH CHASE, it is beautiful, yes I accept the promise to one day be your wife." Skye said as Chase placed the ring on her finger. 

Chase had every intent on being with Skye forever as did Marshall being with Everest. Marshall was already in it for the long haul with Everest and their proposal was just around the corner. As for everyone else they were not really sure where life was going to take them after high school, will all the couples remain together. 

Find out soon when and how Marshall will propose. Also find out what will happen in part 2 until next time!

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