Rocky's Surprise

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Rocky just stood in shock he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Ryder noticed his hesitation and said "Rocky is everything okay? I called your mom she is on her way" "Why you have to bring her into this. Me being here has nothing to do with her its between Rocky and I" his dad Thomas said. Rocky still didn't say anything he was to afraid to move or speak, he was still shocked. "Rocky let's go" Thomas said. "I can't let you take him, I am sorry" Ryder said pulling Rocky away from his father. "Who gives you the right to keep my son from me?" Thomas spat at him angerly. "The law actually seeing has how you left him 12 years ago" Ryder said back just as angerly. Rachel finally came and said "Thomas why are you here?" "To see my son" Thomas said. "He doesn't want to see you, go away you have no right" Rachel said. "I am his father, I have every right, and let Rocky decide" Thomas said. Rocky looked at everyone and ran the opposite direction. This was all so overwhelming for him he had no idea what to think. "Why is he here? what does he want? will he hurt me again?" Rocky's mind was racing and he ran into Chase. "Rocky buddy are you ok?" Chase asked. "NO, I don't know, what am I going to do?" Rocky said as he broke down. "Talk to me man, I can't help if I don't what is wrong" Chase said with concern for his best friend. "My dad, he is fighting with my mom and your dad. He says he wants to see me. But why its been 12 years" Rocky said. "Your dad is here?" Chase said trying to process what he heard. "Yes but why?" Rocky asked. "I don't know let's go find out" Chase said pulling Rocky up and guiding him back to the office. Rachel and Thomas were still arguing, "Stop please just STOP!!!!!" Rocky yelled. Thomas and Rachel both looked at their son and he spoke again "Why are you here?" "I wanted to see you Rocky" Thomas said. "Why now? you left 12 years ago. What changed?" Rocky asked. "I don't know I came to my sense's I guess I missed you" Thomas said. "Have you changed? Or are you still the mean manipulative abusive person you were back then?" Rocky asked. "I wasn't abusive or mean, Rocky I don't know. I am sorry" Thomas said. "You weren't mean you tried to drown me, you hit me and mom and now you come back and still can't tell me why" Rocky spat at him angerly. "I wanted to see you, but I guess now is not the time" Thomas said as he walked out of the school.

Rocky was fuming and he didn't know if he was angry that he showed up here after all this time or if it was because he actually cared. Chase finally knew why he hated water so much but he never said anything. Rachel took Rocky home and she tried her best to calm him down. Chase was concerned for his best friend and hoped everything would work out. Thomas was surprised that after 12 years his key still worked in the lock to his old house. He was going to see Rocky again whether either of them wanted it or not. Thomas hid in Rocky's room ready to take action, he needed his son and he would take him with force if he had to. Rachel and Rocky walked in the door and she said "You alright Rocky?" "Yeah, I just never expected that, I mean what did he want?" Rocky said. "Whatever it is it can't be good, please be careful" Rachel told her son. Rocky nodded and went to his room and dropped his bag on the floor. Rocky sat on his bed thinking to himself, Thomas crept up behind him and put a cloth of his face and mouth. Rocky thrashed trying to get away after a few seconds he went limp. Thomas opened Rocky's window and tied a rope around his waste and he lowered Rocky to the ground slowly. He then climbed out onto the storm drain and closed the window, and he slide down. Thomas picked up Rocky and put him in the trunk of the  car his friend was waiting in. "Did you get him boss? the man asked. "Yes let's go" Thomas said as his friend sped off. 

Rachel went up to get Rocky to tell him  dinner was ready and she couldn't find him, that's weird she thought, "Rocky?" she yelled. She searched everywhere and couldn't find him, she tried calling his cell and it was ringing she found the phone on his dresser. "Oh Rocky, where are you?" She said worried. She took his phone and called Chase. "Hey Rocky, what's up?" Chase answered. "It is Rachel Rocky's mom have you seen him?" Rachel asked with concern. "Not since you left with him at school, is everything okay?" Chase asked now just as concerned. "I don't know it is like he just disappeared. I never saw him leave and I didn't hear anything" Rachel said. "Don't panic, I will text our friends see if they have seen him. Call the police and My dad and I will be there shortly just hang tight" Chase said. "Dad Rocky is missing" Chase said to Ryder. "What do you mean?" Ryder asked. "His mom said she can't find him it is like he just disappeared." Chase said concerned. Ryder and Chase got into the car and Chase sent a group text: Anyone here from Rocky recently?

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