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It had been a few weeks into school and Chase was already overwhelmed with homework, he felt everyone else had it easy. Marshall had no extra curricular activities so he had time to do his homework. Rocky was a literal genius and Zuma and Rubble well he didn't know how they were doing. Chase knew he couldn't fall behind on his homework or grades as his parents would pull him from the team. He decided to ask Rocky for help today as he was going to need it. The morning went by fairly quickly for Chase as the lunch announcements were read. "There will be a Halloween dance next Friday, and this year it is Sadie Hawkins. So Ladies find that special someone before they are snatched up" All the guys were relieved and excited to see what girl would choose them to go to the dance. Chase secretly hoped for Skye he had a crush on her since the day he saw her. They were all sitting together at lunch and the girls were talking about the dance and couple costumes. Chase and Rocky rolled their eyes knowing that because the girls picked they would have no choice. Sweetie wanted to ask Chase and she knew she would need to beat Skye to the punch. "He is going to say no to you" Tracker warned her, "You don't know that" Sweetie said. "Actually I do, you can see the way he looks at Skye" Tracker told her, "Yes but does Skye feel the same way?" Sweetie asked her friend. "I don't know, its hard to tell but who cares, I'll go with you" Tracker said. "Tracker it is girls ask guys and I never asked you" Sweetie said. 

Lunch was about to end and it literally came out of her mouth before she could stop it "Zuma please be my prince charming at the dance" Zoe said. "I'd be delighted Zoe" Zuma said smiling at her. Zoe blushed and did a happy cheer, this gave all the other girls a boost of confidence. Everest walked up to her crush and said "Marshall will you please go to the dance with me?" she blushed. "Oh Everest I would be honoured!" Marshall said as he bowed to her. Everest laughed "you are such a dork" as she kissed his cheek. Lunch had ended and no one else was asked, Chase dodged Sweetie 3 times as he knew she would ask him and he didn't know how to say no. Chase saw Sweetie coming around the corner and he ran into his dad's office. "Chase what are you doing?" Ryder asked. "Sorry dad there is a girl I am trying to avoid" Chase said. "Seriously you will be late for class over a girl" Ryder said. "I just want Skye to ask me first but Sweetie just keeps popping up" Chase said. "Chase grow up be a man if you don't want to go with Sweetie say no, but go to class and figure this out later" Ryder scolded him. Chase nodded and went to class before the bell rang and he saw a not on his desk. "Chase will you please go to the dance with me?" It was signed Skye. He looked around the room and looked at Skye directly and blew her a kiss and nodded. Skye smiled knowing he saw her note and blew a kiss back. Sweetie who was sitting behind Chase now in English tapped him on the shoulder and said "Chase I wanted to ask you to the dance" "Sorry Sweetie I am going with Skye" Chase said as he cheered in his head. Sweetie sighed and knew she had to figure something else out before it was to late. 

The dance was as few days away and the couples were as follows, Zuma and Zoe, Marshall and Everest, Chase and Skye, Rubble and Alyssa, Rocky and Taylor, and Sweetie ended up with Tracker. The night of the dance and everyone was super excited, Chase was dressed as a prince and Skye as his princess. Marshall was Mario and Everest as princess peach, Zuma and Zoe went together as lifeguards. Rocky was a scientist and Taylor was his experiment a robot girl. Rubble and Alyssa dressed as construction workers. At the dance everyone was having a great time and a slow song started, Chase was dancing with Skye and he said "Skye, I liked you from the moment we met, I was wondering if you would be my girl?" "I would love to be Chase" Skye said as they kissed. Chase's heart was doing backflips he couldn't believe she said yes! After the dance was over and everyone went home they all decided to watch Halloween movies tomorrow and spend the night together. 

It was the morning of Halloween and it was a Saturday Chase had spent the morning catching up on his homework so he could go out later. Cassie was already dressed in her Tinkerbelle costume as she danced around the house. By mid afternoon Cassie was itching to go trick or treating, "You need to wait squirt no one goes this early" Chase told her. "I can't wait Chase I want to go now" Cassie whined. After they had dinner Chase and Marshall finally got to take Cassie trick or treating. They took her around all of Adventure Bay and everyone was super generous on the candy. Cassie had filled her entire bag and Chase also had his bag filled and he only brought it as extra. Cassie was sorting through all her candy and Chase and Marshall said goodbye as they headed to Skye's. "Have fun and be safe!" Katie said. "We will" Marshall said as they walked out the door. 

Once they arrived everyone was already there, they all decided on watching IT first and Skye already knew she was going to hate it. She cuddled up close to Chase and buried her face in his chest. Everest who was now with Marshall did the same. All the couples were now together and they all cuddled close. Rubble actually ended up cuddling with Alyssa more then she did with him, he hated horror movies. After the movie ended Zuma suggested "Who wants to go check out the abandoned house up the road?" A few people agreed and some disagreed, but everyone went in the end. Skye was literally hanging onto Chase not letting him go, "Skye we aren't even at the house yet, and you are literally digging your nails into my skin" Chase said. "Sorry Chase, I just think this is a terrible idea. I mean why watch the horror movie first? We are all idiots" she whined. "Don't worry babe, I will protect you" Chase said. They arrived and entered the house as they all filed in the door slammed behind them causing a few screams from the girls. "There are probably so many spiders in here" Rubble whined. "They split up and explored the house, it wasn't to scary but Zuma and Chase had everything planned to scare the girls. First thing Zuma disappeared he needed to plant a few tricks to scare everyone. "Anyone seen Zuma he was here a second ago?" Zoe said now starting to panic. "No, wait do you hear that?" Chase said. Everyone listened and they started to hear moaning and floor boards creaking. The girls all started to panic and then Chase vanished as well. Skye was now in tears "Where did Chase go?" she said crying. "I don't know but this is getting to be to much let's go" Alyssa said. "We can't just leave Chase and Zuma" Zoe said. "At this point I am out, I am sorry but I can't" Alyssa said running for the door only to find it locked. "Are you kidding me its locked!" she screamed. Then Marshall being clumsy tripped over  something and noticed the pool of blood on the floor. "There is blood here it looks fresh too" he said panicked a little. "Oh no, Chase! where are you?" Skye started to yell. "Skye no offence but shut up you are going to wake up the ghosts!" Everest said. Everyone was huddled so close together trying to find Chase and Zuma as they approached the stairs an apparition floated towards them. The girls screamed and everyone but Rocky was terrified as he was part of the plan in helping them create the suspense. Zuma had dressed in a pennywise costume and came out of a room and said "Welcome to my fun house!" Everyone at this point were literally screaming and crying they were terrified. Zuma took off the mask and said "Chill dudes it's just me" Zoe smacked him and said "So not funny Zuma, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" "Sorry babe, but it is Halloween and well its meant for scares right?" Zuma said.  Chase had come out of the room and he was literally trying to control his laughter. Skye was crying and she glared at her boyfriend. "You are such a jerk!" she said as she tried to leave the door was still locked. "Open this door right now!" she screamed. Chase grabbed her in a hug and kissed her forehead "I am so sorry Skye, it was all fake. I didn't think you would be so scared! I am sorry" Chase said. Rocky had unlocked the door and they all left the house. Skye still hadn't fully forgiven Chase and her and Zoe were secretly plotting to get them back. 

They all headed back to Skye's and Zoe went upstairs to get a few things in order to scare Chase and Zuma. They had all secretly told everyone the plan except for Chase and Zuma as they needed everyone's help to pull it off. "Chase can you help me in the kitchen?" Skye said. "Sure" he said as he followed her. Zoe who was skilled at make up painted a fake cut on Skye's hand and it literally looked real, Skye pretended to cut her hand. She had lots of fake blood as she screamed and grabbed a cloth. "Ouch" she said, Chase turned around and said "Holy crap, Skye this is bad!" "It is not that bad" Skye said pulling the cloth away it was gushing fake blood. "Skye this is serious we need to get you to the hospital" Chase said. "No it's fine I am fine" as she fainted. Chase called everyone into the room and they all tried to calm Chase down. Marshall was trying to wake up Skye, who was faking. Chase was literally panicking and then they heard a crash. Alyssa ran to the stairs and said "OH my god, you guys Zoe fell down the stairs!" Zuma ran to his girlfriend and she wasn't moving. Rubble pretended to dial 911, as it was all a rouse to get Chase and Zuma back. Just then Skye woke up and Chase was saying Rubble is getting an ambulance and Zoe fell down the stairs. Skye started to laugh, "You okay Skye?" Chase said. "I am great Chase, it's not fun being scared is it? She said as she pulled the fake scab off her hand. Chase was impressed, "Alright I admit you had me there, I am sorry I scared you earlier truce?" "truce" Skye agreed. Zoe woke up and said "Zuma?" "I am here babe, are you okay?" I am fine just I got you!" she said laughing. Zuma rolled his eyes, "Not funny" he said. "Neither was what you did. So now we're even no more scares!" Zoe said. "Deal" Zuma agreed. Everyone decided to watch a comedy as they had enough scares for one evening. They all slowly fell asleep as the movie credits rolled in the background.

This chapter is a little dumb sorry! It will get better I promise, Now that all the couples are in play, Sweetie is going to get more parts in the next few chapter as well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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