Spring Break Part 1!

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The rest of February went  by quick the snow was starting to melt and it was turning into spring. Chase and Marshall's birthdays were in a month and everyone was trying to plan something for them. Meanwhile everyone was preparing for midterms before the school was let out for spring break. "My second least favorite time of year" Chase said. "What is your first?" Skye asked. "The end of the year when we write our finals" Chase said. "You're doing good in school this year though, you will be just fine" Skye said, "Thanks babe, I still hate tests though." Chase said. "Me too, but we can get through them then it is Spring Break!" Skye said. "Can't wait to spend everyday with you" Chase said. "Well it won't be everyday, I am going away for 5 days to see my grandparents" Skye said. "What!" Chase said, "Sorry my parents want me to see them apparently my grandpa is sick and I need to say my goodbyes" Skye said. "I am sorry babe" Chase said. "Don't be I hardly knew him. I met him like twice, I mean it is still really sad I obviously don't want him to die but I don't really know him" Skye said. "Well I'd better get home and study a bit more before bed we have midterms tomorrow" Chase said. "Yeah night love you" Skye said as she kissed him. "Love you too" Chase said as he walked away back to his house. 

The next morning everyone wished each other luck as they sat down to write their midterms. Chase felt a lot more confident this year then he ever did but he still hated tests. Their last midterm of the day was chemistry and at this point Chase was pretty wiped out he started to stress. He took some deep breaths and thought to himself "You got this man, just channel your inner Rocky!"  He managed to get through the midterm and joined his friends who were all waiting for him. "Who is missing?" Chase asked. "Everest, Skye and Rubble are still in there" Marshall said. "Let's go play some basketball at the park they can join us when they are done?" Chase suggested. "I'll wait for them" Marshall said as the rest took off Rubble was not far behind as he finished. When they arrived at the park there was already a few boys playing and no one recognized them. Then when they got closer Tracker gasped, "Tracker buddy long time no see" one of the boys said. "Rex, they let you crawl out of your hole I see" Tracker said. "Watch it Tracker, you know my temper. Sweetie sends her best" Rex said. "Sweetie can kiss my ass" Chase said to Rex. "You must be Chase, yes my cousin has told me all about you. Says you are the best at basketball. I doubt you are better than me" Rex said as his friends laughed. Just then the girls showed up with Marshall and Rex immediately took an interest in Skye, "Hey cutie want to blow this place?" Rex said, Chase realized who the question was directed at and said "Back off man she is taken" "Oh well want to play for her?" Rex asked. "I am not going to play for my own girlfriend" Chase said, "Why you scared you will lose?" Rex asked. Skye spoke up and said "No he won't lose, and he doesn't need to prove anything to you. I am not a prize" "You are a damn fine prize if you ask me" Rex said. Chase shoved him and said "Seriously back off" Rex was about to shove back but decided not to he said "Tell you what, you beat me I will leave, I beat you I get a date with your girl" Chase was about to answer when Skye said "You are on and when he does beat you, don't ever talk to us again" Chase was taken aback did Skye just really agree to go out with this guy. 

Before the 1v1 game Chase talked to his friends "Skye you realize what you agreed to?" Chase asked. "Yeah, you better not lose" Skye said. "No pressure or anything" Chase said. "Chase, Rex is aggressive he will do whatever he can to hurt you. Shoot distant he can't stop you" Tracker said. "Alright, thanks Tracker" Chase said as he walked onto the court, "First one to 11 wins" one of Rex's friends said as they flipped for the ball. Chase won and he had first possession, everyone was cheering him on. Chase faked him on the right and shot scoring the first point, it went back and forth and the score was 10-9 for Chase and he had the ball. Rex charged at him knocking him over, Rex was a pretty big guy and Chase was winded. Rex stole the ball and scored, everyone gasped and Chase said "No foal basket counts" as it was Rex's turn the score was 10-10 and Rex tried to do a lay up but Chase was all over it and blocked the shot. It was his possession and as he was bouncing the ball he said "Never talk to my girl again" as he scored the 11th point and Chase won. Everyone cheered and Rex's friends pulled him away as they were at least honoring the agreement. "I really hate this Chase" Rex said. His friend Sam said "I know but you lost fair and square so let it go" "I will destroy him one way or another, for my cousin and for me" Rex said to himself. 

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